Patriot Unity
11/26/2012 10:57 AM
11/26/2012 10:57 AM
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J. Croft
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somewhere-where am I?
PATRIOT UNITY J. Croft Patriot Unity. Nice slogan but it’s a cruel joke. The Movement has been stopped, repeatedly, almost all efforts to counter the risen tide of tyranny laughably pushed aside… aside from the growing number of awake, aware Americans who are armed but going into December 2012 the arms and ammunition supply’s being cut as you read this. The U.N. Small Arms Treaty is being enacted. A revamped 1994 gun control bill will be made permanent as well as be strengthened to ban any weapon the Attorney General Eric Holder wants. Same oath traitor who was operational head of Fast and Furious-the arming of primarily the Sinaloa Cartel of weapons either obviously straw purchased in gun shops or straight delivered from ATF evidence rooms, from American gun owners who were almost universally set up, or arrested on the flimsiest banana republic pretexts. I mean claiming a defective semi-automatic rifle was a actual operational machine gun instead, and getting a jury of apparent retards to convict David Olofson on their bullshit. Or pressuring a backwoods recluse for years until he sawed the barrels of a pair of single-shot shotguns a half inch below the 18 inch legal limit as defined in the 1934 National Firearms Act… an act anyone who can operate a hacksaw and a rat tail file could do themselves but instead he gets besieged by Feds after they frag one of their own with a classic shot in the back and murder his son and wife and infant daughter. You might have heard of him, his name’s Randy Weaver. Tyranny isn’t coming, it’s been here! Since Obama was ‘re-selected’: This screen snapshot was taken mere WEEKS before the election, it appeared briefly and a Patriot recorded it… yeah Obama won, we know that but they showed this-Presidents are selected. This selected President has the resources of the greatest police state ever constructed, its purpose is to crush, subjugate and destroy you. New York, Katrina, 9/11, Oklahoma City, the War on Drugs, it’s been building since JFK was assassinated. It’s been building since FDR stole the gold, declared bankruptcy and instituted national gun control and made the bankster created depression worse. It’s been building since the income tax and the federal reserve act were passed by three pedophile senators on Christmas Eve in 1912. It’s been building since… since the Civil War… since 1789. The obvious enemy has been advancing steadily, surely, and certainly not stopped. Slowed-thanks to Patriots in the many movements that have forestalled our utter defeat however the Patriot Movement has regrettably been foreseen as a response and if you can see a threat you can stop it, you can divert it, you can sabotage it. Certainly, if you vilify and ridicule patriotism to the point of parody, frugality to the point of poverty, being a small businessman to the point of being the same as tax dodging rich, self-sufficiency to the point of ridicule, God to the point of hatred, self-defense to the point of committing murder, and the unorganized Militia to the point of being seen as domestic terrorists; turn the average, state schooled, 8 hours of TV watching, unhealthy, job or welfare dependant, willfully ignorant by cultural instillation U.S. Citizen will of course NOT LISTEN TO YOU. Certainly not listen to the likes of myself and hopefully yourself so long as that particular member of your target audience has their cash flow, roof over their head, TV, music, internet, games, car, drug of choice and can bullshit themselves into thinking ‘it doesn’t matter to them’. Such is the extant and power of the enemy’s long term war against us. Silent weapons for quiet wars, and the best enemy is the enemy that doesn’t even know they’re being warred against. I could go back in time ten, fifteen, twenty years ago-the same forces would be at work undermining the Movement from without; the same social and cultural rot within each and every one of us having been brought up in the modern United States would undermine our hearts and decision making. The key is to recognize the Truth-we have been utterly and completely subverted and sabotaged on a scale and depth unparalleled in recorded history. It’s something nearly impossible to even imagine, conceive of, even after eight long years of personally trying to get the Patriot Movement to actually MOVE. Move and actually be effective. We have been made weak. We have been made cowardly. We have been made ignorant. We have been made slothful. We have been made dependent. We have been made naïve. We have been made superficial, silly. We have been made disloyal. We have been made selfish. REST HERE:
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Re: Patriot Unity
11/26/2012 12:04 PM
11/26/2012 12:04 PM
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J. Croft
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somewhere-where am I?
If you think you can, you can. Know that sounds trite but mindset is about half, wisdom's most of the rest and the remainder is actually doing something.
Be your own leader
Re: Patriot Unity
11/26/2012 03:56 PM
11/26/2012 03:56 PM
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Like the old saying goes. The best kept slave is the one who is convinced he/she is free.
Re: Patriot Unity
11/26/2012 10:34 PM
11/26/2012 10:34 PM
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This is why I have started advocating the whole "circle the wagons" thing this year more than ever.
What we have learned in the last year is that a bunch of the groups have been keeping files on each other, as soon as anyone gets in the least bit newsworthy, it's not just some self proclaimed "experts" that badmouth them, but quite often leaders of other groups. That's not even getting into this shit with Edog who seemed to grab hold of a few shreds of truth about some people, got to a point of being trusted in some intel matters and then used that as a springboard to try and call action against others within the movement. I am not deleting several of his posts because I want people to see the character of integrity that I got forced to deal with when I was working for free to try and work a solution to a legal situation several hundred miles away. I get blamed by the very people who disregarded what I told them to do, and on top of that got several bridges burned with some back door connections that I could have used more effectively in other cases, but now, some fucker is basically trying to put the hit on me and then the prick who was selectively saving ever PM, Email and hacking other people's stuff while selectively deleting an entire internet radio show because it did not go his way is trying to call shots against me. That said, as much as I dislike the fucker now, I am not speed dialing the feds about him. It is also why as much as I personally like some other people in the movement, I know that when it got to infighting among them, they were speed dialing LE against each other, and we just can't have that.
I am saying it now and will keep saying it until it sinks in, people need to get things figured now not later on who is who and who is to be trusted when things go down. You can make your own decisions on who is a traitor, hothead, or infighting troublemaker, on who is just plain lazy or less capable, who might be wise and helpful but over the hill.
The unity thing always will be elusive to some degree until the right kinds of leaders emerge, and even then, we have no real guarantees of who they are. Whenever we come up with what we think might be the model of the perfect leader is, someone like that turns up and turns out to be a total shithead. We can only hope the enemy has an equal or greater amount of dysfunctionality in their structure, and from what leaks out of things on their side, it is not perfect over there either.
I am approaching this all from the same standpoint that any honest law firm would approach it when the firm takes a side on a particular issue or group of issues. There just has to be a point when you have to break contact with other operations which are demonstrating a willingness to damage the whole for the sake of the few, or damage the few for the sake of self promotion within the whole, and to the detriment of what we are standing up to represent.
We are not on the unconditional love program here. It has not been that way toward our people, that's for sure. I mean, common sense people. I want to develop more cooperation and unity between the groups but even here in Oregon, with some of the very first people I made contact with and trained with, the very first shoot I went to, I had to find out months later, some fucker had been sneaking in with a hidden camera, photographed us, and filed police reports the very next day. I was the higher profile guy at the time, and who do the blame when the heat comes down? The retired cop filing reports on people and submitting photos to the feds, or the guy who had the high profile website? Why, the guy who had the survivalist website of course...the retired cops telling everyone the inside scoop of the way it really is...
This thing of ours will keep developing, and as it survives, I offer no guarantees of whether or not it will get stronger, but right now, it's all we have. We get laughed out of the courts, ignored in the elections, spit on as losers if any of our people lose a gunfight or outright surrender, called the dastardly crazy bad guys if any of our people win a gunfight, which even then half the time will get credited to an accident or extreme negligence on the part of the opposition operatives. What I am noticing though is the bullshit is dropping off, the deadwood is getting trimmed off, the traitors exposing themselves since their confidence levels are pretty high, and while I think we are fewer than before, a second generation of trained fighters is coming into play. A lot of ambiguity in this game has been settled out. Things that used to be hidden are now pretty obvious, and you don't even have to argue a lot of matters with people because the facts explain themselves.
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Re: Patriot Unity
11/27/2012 06:00 AM
11/27/2012 06:00 AM
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You get that stuff wrapped up in people's definitions of things and that gets into the realm of looking for trouble.
I also don't agree with the current vogue about how the nation is entirely controlled by outsiders. NOBODY controls the entire nation, NOBODY. It is a situation of different factions having their piece of the action, and we have to just do a better job of defining, asserting, and protecting ours. Another big part of this is figuring out who is telling the manipulative lies and what they are getting out of it.
I think I might be in the minority here in recognizing that the people doing the victory dance in the streets, the people who want to build a victory monument at the site of the attacks, the people who continue to use 9/11 as an international blackmail negotiating point, the people who made Saudi sourced stock trades based on an anticipated event in the airline industry - may have had a hell of a lot to do with what happened on 9/11. Did they have some insider help? Yeah, looks like it, but I can't buy the party line that every single person in every single alphabet agency was in on it. What I can buy, is a hell of a lot of them are jumping on the opportunity to take advantage of it.
Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.
Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: Patriot Unity
11/28/2012 02:08 AM
11/28/2012 02:08 AM
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I guess I consider myself a patriot but those of us who fail to fight while our nation and our freedom are stolen from us probably shouldn't.
We've gone beyond the tipping point. Still nothing.
Each day our prospects for victory diminish further. Almost nonexistent now.
Not saying we shouldn't fight but I recognize the reality of the situation.
Soon the only option will be to leave everything behind and flee the country.
We are now strangers in our own land and we have no one to blame but ourselves.
The War for America Fight Everywhere III
Re: Patriot Unity
11/28/2012 04:10 AM
11/28/2012 04:10 AM
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We've gone beyond the tipping point. Bingo
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Patriot Unity
11/28/2012 06:12 AM
11/28/2012 06:12 AM
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Lord Vader
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drjarhead Each day our prospects for victory diminish further. Almost nonexistent now.
You are wrong about one thing. Our prospects are NOT Almost nonexistent now. We still have a very good chance to win, if we don't give up and if enough people are willing to fight when they are finally pushed to the edge of the Bottomless Pit. Regardless of how bad things are right now no ones going to fight until they are pushed to the edge and we are not there yet, very very close but not right at the edge.
VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Re: Patriot Unity
11/28/2012 07:08 AM
11/28/2012 07:08 AM
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Nah, not defeated here. This thing has yet to begin. Good council Sniper. We all need to hang tough and not get discouraged. This can be a tough thing to do sometimes.
When you are down, may I pick you up and vice versa. We need to be working on our resiliency and over come the obstacles of life. Just so you know. I can understand why some feel the way they do. There are some of you who have been at this since the 80s or 90s.
Old men for council, young men for war.
Leo out
Fight the fight, Endure to win!
Re: Patriot Unity
11/28/2012 07:24 AM
11/28/2012 07:24 AM
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Originally posted by J. Croft: If you think you can, you can. Know that sounds trite but mindset is about half, wisdom's most of the rest and the remainder is actually doing something. I don't care if I can fix it, because one person won't or can't but one person can do something. The problem is survival, and the truth we are living "the matrix." The poor which outnumber everyone support the system. So we aren't at war with people we are at war with the system. That all said I watched one man my ninjutsu instructor Ron Collins, fight the Beckley City Police, the State Police corrupt judges, lawyers and magistrates for 7 years. One of my fellow students and him were falsly accused of a home invasion and assault & battery. He turned the evidence on the police and posted videos of recorded conversations with him to get my fellow student off and he was never charged. He also taped the West Virginia State Police threatening him with false charges of child pornography, and caught the WVSP covering evidence that proved a police snitch planted their evidence. He has yet to be indicted and oddly enough the Prosecutor has failed to file a motion of discovery (because accepting evidence of police actions taken in bad faith destories their careers and he had filed complaints all the way to the Governor; because the governor's office being a accessory to the fact discredits any legal standing of the state). From what I understand thre is simple plan in place, when the local government has been proven unethical, corrupt and criminal (he can link them to everything from running guns and drugs to child pandering) and this isn't linked to some government Fast & Furious like project they remove that blanket of authority that they hide behind. Any LEOs defending other LEOs or following orders from people whose criminal activity and abuse of office undermine their cloak of authority they become accessories to the facts and criminally responsible. So you want to know how I think I can fix it, I can fix it by directing everyone else to do what they guy did. He's an evil genius but he's a patriotic evil genius. I've seen it in the way he talks to them and how they deal with him, he has the police, the lawyers & judges scared. If one man can scare the enemy without using violence then maybe the rest of us of can do it to. Maybe we should look less at combat field operations and look more at information warfare and investigations into our own local officals. I think if we as patriots can lay a ground work to distablize the corrupted members of the government in our areas. If they lose face and are directly linked to protecting criminal activities of those government emploies they become criminals for doing nothing or actively trying to conceal evidence. If they use informants to attack us or bring false charges on us and we can prove them to be false from the get go, we are justified in self-defense and the "good faith" clause of just following orders doesn't protect them under the law. Even in court we have a legal defense that cannot be beaten without violating the laws they are claiming to exercise. So those who want to fight can do with an established ground for being political prisoners and wrongfully accused. However it excalates after that is for the history books. If Ron becomes a "Patriot Outlaw" I don't see him giving himself up or stopping without being put down. Hell I don't see him stopping but if one man can successfully do what I've seen him do then why can't others do it? I think we to change the way we fight and thats bout it.
Re: Patriot Unity
11/30/2012 01:48 AM
11/30/2012 01:48 AM
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Originally posted by Sniper_762X51: [b]drjarhead Each day our prospects for victory diminish further. Almost nonexistent now.
You are wrong about one thing.
Our prospects are NOT Almost nonexistent now.
We still have a very good chance to win, if we don't give up and if enough people are willing to fight when they are finally pushed to the edge of the Bottomless Pit.
Regardless of how bad things are right now no ones going to fight until they are pushed to the edge and we are not there yet, very very close but not right at the edge. [/b]I'm not wrong much. Maybe this time. Maybe, but I doubt it. I'll still fight if we put one up. Yeah, you bet your ass. However, the sad truth that almost none of you want to face is that it isn't your country anymore. We lost it while we sat on our hands waiting for some perfect opportunity. Look at the demographics of the last election and at what our immigration policies have been since the 60s. We're fucked. The situation isn't going to right itself. It could have only been done through warfare and bloodshed. Now, it's worse because we're even outnumbered. They know they've taken your nation from you but none of you seem to have caught on. Part of the reason they have been so effective. Victory isn't even really an option anymore. All that is left is payback and that is a window that will close soon as well. You guys just don't get it. Not most of you anyhow. Wishful thinking, I guess. Can't blame anyone for that. I'm ready, as always.
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Re: Patriot Unity
11/30/2012 02:28 AM
11/30/2012 02:28 AM
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drj makes a valid point. If you're not old enough to remember the 60's or 70's, you don't realize how far this country has fallen. It's not even the same country anymore.
Did you see the map Breacher posted in another thread? The one with the red and blue states? Even the "blue" states were mostly red, except for the large metro areas. Those heavily populated urban zones are packed with the parasites who support the plantation and their masters.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Patriot Unity
11/30/2012 09:11 AM
11/30/2012 09:11 AM
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Lord Vader
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Look at the demographicsss of the last election and at what our immigration policies have been since the 60s.
We're fucked.
Actually we are not fucked and the distribution of the Enemy will or at least should make it easier for Patriots to defeat them. The Blue Counties are totally infested by liberal vermin and the largest concentration of these vermin are located in the largest Cities of these Blue Counties. I think it is very obliging of the Liberals to concentrate their numbers like that. If I remember correctly during the First Gulf War, the Iraqis were also very obliging and concentrated a large percentage of their forces in trenches, I guess they forgot that it was not World War One, and they made very good targets for the Bombers when they dropped their loads over the concentrated Iraqis. Can anyone say By By Iraqis. The way I see things, it is the same thing with the Liberals since they have been so nice and concentrated their numbers into the Cities and made it a lot easier for Patriots to Control, Contain, or even to Eliminate Them if we were to chose to do so. I have stated before that one of the best ways to win this coming war is to Isolate the Cities that are the Liberal Strongholds, by Controlling or Cutting off the supply of Food, Energy and even Water. If we were to be successful at this or even to be able to Control one of these essential things, the People of the Cities would have to either Surrender to us or face the extremely unpleasant alternatives, including: Starving, Freezing or Baking to death, and I have a feeling that they will Surrender. The situation isn't going to right itself. It could have only been done through warfare and bloodshed. Now, it's worse because we're even outnumbered.
They know they've taken your nation from you but none of you seem to have caught on. Part of the reason they have been so effective.
Victory isn't even really an option anymore.
All that is left is payback and that is a window that will close soon as well.
You are wrong about this, we are not outnumbered, at least where it really counts. As far as the general population is concerned we are outnumbered, but just because Wolves are outnumbered by Sheep does not mean the Sheep will win. People have to understand that Wolves have Teeth that they can use to Tear Sheep apart and Sheep don't even have the will to defend themselves, so even though they greatly outnumber the Wolves it is the Sheep who end up as food for the Wolves. Such it is with Conservatives vs Liberals. Even though the Liberals added to the Retarded Conservatives who Voted for Obama out number Patriots, we still have the power to win this coming war, since we like the Wolves have the teeth that we can use to defeat and even to exterminate the Liberals if we were to chose to do so. There are over Eighty Million that is 80,000,000 Gun Owners in the United States who own over 250,000,000 Firearms and most of these Gun Owners are Patriots and other Conservatives. What too many members of this board and other Patriots fail to understand is that in a War it is not the number of Toothless Sheep that is important, it is the Number of Wolves with very sharp teeth that is important. 1,000 Sheep vs 100 Wolves, Ten to One against the Wolves, the Sheep Lose and the Wolves win and eat very well. We greatly out number the Liberals as to number of Firearms and amount of Ammo owned, and in a War between Liberals and Patriots, it will be the Gun owning Patriots who will be doing the Victory Dance. The only two potential issues are how many Freedom Fighters will there be and will these Freedom Fighters be intelligent enough to know how to win the War. You can't win the game if no one on your team shows up to play. I believe that there will be between Five Million to over Twenty Million who will Fight and that will be enough to WIN. And here is one more thing about our being outnumbered. 63,714,092 people voted for Obama. 59,782,295 people voted for Romney. The is a total of 123,496,387 people who voted out of a total Adult Population of 235,572,845. There are 112,076,458 who didn't vote and until we know how these people would have voted we will not know if we are actually outnumbered. It is not as easy as just looking at the election results or looking at the Map, since out of 235,572,845 Potential voters only 63,714,092 voted for Obama and that is a lot less then the Majority. We don't yet have enough data to come to any definite conclusion on this issue. What we don't know about these people who didn't vote is how many are like I am and didn't vote because they have given up on the system and how many didn't vote because they don't care enough about our Nation to take the time to vote and who they would have voted for.
VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Re: Patriot Unity
11/30/2012 09:18 AM
11/30/2012 09:18 AM
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Lord Eoin
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I voted for Other than the regular parties (which are both part of the Same D.C. problem)
" Don't Tread On Me "
Re: Patriot Unity
11/30/2012 09:19 AM
11/30/2012 09:19 AM
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Lord Vader
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Asher Those large metro areas have numbers but they can't survive without the large areas of conservatives around them.
That is the Truth. I don't agree with you on a lot of things but you and I think alike on this. It is not the Rural areas that depend on the Cities it is the Cities that Depend on the Rural areas and without what the Cities receive from the Rural areas the Cities can not Survive. And that is one of our advantages over them.
VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Re: Patriot Unity
11/30/2012 11:51 AM
11/30/2012 11:51 AM
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Originally posted by Asher: The results are always the same the "shooter" is killed and cops sweep it under the rug. For any type of revolution to happen its going to need be the Patriots who win the engagement. Most of the PATCON inspired sonflicts of the 90s such as Ruby Ridge and Waco was the Patriots on the defensive end. Guerrillas don't defend they attack and whoever pops off the first shots whether its just one man or a full squad, they need to win to inspire others to step up and stand up as well.
The American revolution wasn't believed in until a bunch of militiamen beat the British Army in a single engagement. Then it was decided by others who were on the fence they could stand up and they could win. For the most part no one will believe any resistance can beat the US Military.
I couldn't possibly agree more with what you are saying here. It is exactly correct. Originally posted by Asher: The problem is compounded that the military is full of patriots and some will side with us. But we have enemies outside the US who will be waiting to jump in and bring down America. They don't make a distinction between the American idea and the present government. Not easy for any foreign military to get here. Of course, it seems to me that we have brought in millions of foreign invaders through our inherently idiotic immigration policies.
The War for America Fight Everywhere III
Re: Patriot Unity
11/30/2012 01:16 PM
11/30/2012 01:16 PM
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One things for sure. The sheep and the wolves are united in doing nothing but standing idly by.
Another thing. A lot of folks only see one way to fix shooting the bastards. Problem is no one wants to go first.
The Patriots of 200 hundred years ago didn't work that way. When their fed government became tyrannical the colonists told them to shove it, they protested, boycotted and refused to obey or pay. They withdrew their consent and voluntary compliance. When the tyrants tried to enforce their edicts, the patriots actually had each others back and began taking out retribution on the lawyers, judges, tax collectors and leo's. The war was ongoing long before the first shot was fired at Lexington.
The sheep and wolves are also united in living in denial. The war is already on and most refuse to admit it.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Patriot Unity
11/30/2012 01:35 PM
11/30/2012 01:35 PM
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Its a bit like living in the Matrix CSC, the people in the system don't realize they are part of the system of control. Its always going to be like that...
Its just not some one picking up a gun and fighting. The media will destory these people defame them and disgrace them to the point of labelling terrorists, child molesters and anything else to make people hate them. They did with Sensei Collins, he filed motions, complaints and so on... but he recorded the WVSP threatening him with that same stuff. He put those recording on youtube (I'll post the links if anyone is interested) and the way its going they are using snitches to attack him. At a certain point its going to get nasty for him and when it does he's got a case of violations of civil rights taken in bad faith to support criminal activity. Like he explained it to me, any the "good faith" clause means a LEO who violates your rights can claim an honest mistake and nothing can be done. But, prove the actions are taken in bad faith and the police lose that cloak of authority.
The wars already here but they control the media, so you have to take a few hits and catch them taking actions in bad faith/malicious intent to make them responsible. So he's done that, to what end I don't know... He's got a plan & I've seen them scared to talk to him. I think if he did cross that line its going to start a war out here.
All in all, I agree no one wants to go first course leader lead the way. The FBI gets people who tell you to act, a real "mastermind" will act.
Re: Patriot Unity
11/30/2012 02:00 PM
11/30/2012 02:00 PM
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Its a bit like living in the Matrix CSC, the people in the system don't realize they are part of the system of control. Its always going to be like that... That was my point. Sheep and wolves alike...all of us are living in the matrix. Every single one of us have to divorce ourselves from the system. Otherwise were all just a bunch of slaves who refuse to admit the truth. "Come out from amongst them and be ye separate."
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Patriot Unity
12/01/2012 12:42 PM
12/01/2012 12:42 PM
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100% out of the system...
Not only are we past the tipping point...We have only an option of refusing to comply or participate in the system... If forced we refuse with force..
Unless people do that they are trapped, whether they believe it or not..
They have to supply their own food, their own living, their own electricity and water..
Clothes and any other items must come from yourself or another patriot..
If someone needs the government for one item or reason...they will find a way to control those who do....
And of course all of us know this,
but I think most people don't..
Not only do we the people,and militia's need to do the above...
I personally believe we need to treat the Feds,Leo's and any other government officials or sheepie's who believe in this system as outsiders...
Like the Amish treat the English (as they call the rest of us)...
We don't deal with then,talk to them, buy from them, or sell to them..
We refuse to pay taxes to them...Or get services from them..
Those in States that have property taxes are in trouble, you have to pay that..
So move to a state without it..Or remove it in your state...
And let's not forget we must police our own, Screw the Feds..If a patriot is turning on us we must deal with it..
All this seems like a hard things to do doesn't it, and I really don't know how many of the citizens or even the patriots have the balls to live like that..
but otherwise IMHO your screwed...
I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.
Jimmy Greywolf
Re: Patriot Unity
12/14/2012 08:49 AM
12/14/2012 08:49 AM
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Originally posted by Sniper_762X51: [b]drjarhead
Look at the demographicsss of the last election and at what our immigration policies have been since the 60s.
We're fucked.
Actually we are not fucked and the distribution of the Enemy will or at least should make it easier for Patriots to defeat them.
The Blue Counties are totally infested by liberal vermin and the largest concentration of these vermin are located in the largest Cities of these Blue Counties. I think it is very obliging of the Liberals to concentrate their numbers like that.
.....................[/b]You are correct, sir.
"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson
Re: Patriot Unity
12/14/2012 10:52 AM
12/14/2012 10:52 AM
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Originally posted by ConSigCor: Its a bit like living in the Matrix CSC, the people in the system don't realize they are part of the system of control. Its always going to be like that... That was my point. Sheep and wolves alike...all of us are living in the matrix. Every single one of us have to divorce ourselves from the system. Otherwise were all just a bunch of slaves who refuse to admit the truth.
"Come out from amongst them and be ye separate." I don't disagree with you in anyway but we also have to work within the matrix to some extent to break the machine as well as fight it from outside the system.
Re: Patriot Unity
12/15/2012 04:09 AM
12/15/2012 04:09 AM
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Holden Karre
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I have not logged on for a couple of months . And I come back and find a strange character shift in the posts I have been reading.
sheep-wolves...? wtf
matrix... could be
I have been studying some things.
Read the history of Change... revoultion, counter rev., counter-counter-rev.
Look deep and read hard. All the major players were all provocateurs and the poor idealists were an expendable extra in the design.
The system preexists us, but the patriot movement is not to foment revolution.
Firstly- it attracts social malcontents and keeps them where the system can watch.
Secondly- it provides the system with the enemy required by any hierarchical state for social cohesion.
The purpose being... to generate the show trial of the decade. To make every last unarmed American mistrustful of every last armed American. To manufacture consent for the systems destruction of freedom.
I stoled most of it. But what the fuck, most of the shit I read here I've already seen somewhere else.
To The Artic Cat from E-town. Too far away from me brother and I don't know anyone in E-town to vet you with.
Holden Karre
Re: Patriot Unity
12/15/2012 05:48 AM
12/15/2012 05:48 AM
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J. Croft
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somewhere-where am I?
Holden, a purely political solution is impossible. Perhaps the Patriot Movement was a huge honeytrap to trap all the dissidents in a unmoving and nonproductive 'movement'. About everyone's saying 'fuck it' and wants to hide or otherwise be left alone. Nobody will be left alone.
Not to say we need to band together but writing off America... that seems to be the subliminal psychological manipulation going on as the enemy has gutted America and is now tearing down the drywall, so to speak.
Be your own leader
Re: Patriot Unity
12/15/2012 09:46 AM
12/15/2012 09:46 AM
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| nyway, with this picture in mind of man just beginning an escape from ignorance, reflect on a world of imperfect individuals, all with the eye cast down on the imperfection of others, that is, with each devoting his time and thought to bringing others into his own imperfect state. Improvement of either self or others is out of the question. This process is utterly absurd. A bit of doggerel comes to mind:
And so I hold it is not treason To advance a simple reason For the sorry lack of progress we decry. It is this: Instead of working On himself, each man is shirking And trying to reform some other guy.
Let us now assume a major premise of individual growth, emergence, hatching. Self-improvement becomes the lodestar. No eyes are cast downward on those thought to know less, but all eyes turn upward toward those thought to know more. Each person is seeking those fragments of truth that he does not presently possess. Each individual is always reaching higher than self; he looks "over his head," as the saying goes, for facts, ideas, knowledge, wisdom. Instead of trying to make others into reflections of himself, he tries to gain an understanding helpful to others should they choose to seek that which he possesses.
He gives no thought to insinuating his ideas into the consciousness of any person but, rather, seeks to garner ideas others may desire to draw on. He divests himself of any desire to "tell others off," in order that he may devote himself to a program of asking. Instead of associating with people to "set them straight," he gravitates toward those who can give him light. He no longer engages in the utterly futile project of fighting the ignorance in others but tries as best he can to escape from the ignorance he finds in himself.
PISTIS en XPICT faith in Christ
Re: Patriot Unity
12/15/2012 01:51 PM
12/15/2012 01:51 PM
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Holden Karre
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J. Croft, yes I agree that a political solution is not available.
I have been reading a lot about what happens in countries where a break down occurs and the consequences. The conditions are horrible and long lasting. When I compare America with the rest of the world... I find that even though shit is definitely headed in the wrong direction here... we literally have it made. I believe that we are still strong and I believe that there is not one single window that can be closed.
Holden Karre
Re: Patriot Unity
12/15/2012 02:14 PM
12/15/2012 02:14 PM
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| Half of Americans think that government is their benefactor. The other half think it is a sworn enemy. Depending on the day and the issue, they can and do switch sides. These hydraulics are at work in the never-ending arguments about taxes, medical care, marijuana, education, war — you name it. This is how government pits one group against another in mutual pillaging, like primitive tribes of people who have yet to discover how to make stuff, trade, and get along. The struggle is tearing up civilization in an epic battle that neither side will win. The only real victor in this battle is the government itself. “It is not that governments begin in virtue only to end in sin,” said one astute observer. “Government begins by protecting some against others and ends up protecting itself against everyone.” These are the words of Robert LeFevre Read more: The Holy Hangman Still Kills
PISTIS en XPICT faith in Christ
Re: Patriot Unity
12/15/2012 02:31 PM
12/15/2012 02:31 PM
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Speak of the truth that none wish to hear. Most believe lies,because they refuse to grasp the reality of truth. That surounds them on a daily basis.
Re: Patriot Unity
12/16/2012 03:05 PM
12/16/2012 03:05 PM
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The Greywolf
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I hear fear in Patriot voices that I talk to...
First time really..
I see fear in patriot writing..
Justified I guess..
For the first time since Waco people must resist..
After Waco people could have revolted, They didn't...
I seen back then, just a few days where some were really afraid of the future..
Most just talked..The real Patriots realized how few were their numbers,and pushed it down the road for another time...
I was one...
And that was a mistake...
I apologize for that...
was a time when we had more influence then now.. No not back then..Just a few months ago really...We have lost a lot of influence in the last year or two...
Going back to Waco days...up to OKC
I was angry back then, but we were unorganized and easily out maneuvered..
Today is different though...
Your choice is fight and win, or submit and die..
No other choices..
Those who think I can hide....
Those who think they can lay low....
Those who were one of us, and think they can reintegrate, and blend in with the ones who will submit...
They already know who we all are..
Those of us who have been around awhile..They got us down...
If you Google Earth one of my places, the one they have been by, and flew over...I wrote about in in a SITREP before... It is way out in no where ville but the picture from the Sat are nice and clear and you can do a Google Earth drive by too...
Tried it with my nearest luck..blurry pics and no drive by..Those who think Google Earth is not used for that..
Are wrong...
Those brothers who have been vocal, and the ones who have been targeted and jailed....
Will be first...
But all you newbies, don't fret your on the target list...I don't care how well you think you've covered your tracks...
They know...
You see we did make the mistake, That we all were afraid we would..
We waited too long..
There is no easy solution, or choice..No pushing it down the road..
No leave it for the next militia guys..There will be no future militia..
This is it..
Hell, if you read Alex can see the tweets about gun control after Newtown....he posted...showing the "zombies"..."sheep"... or what ever you want to call them, Are calling for the government to kill all gun owners... NRA people..Militia...Obama has the green light from his supporters...
Your scared?...
If your not.... Your not really believing your eyes and ears....
It is now friends..
NWO....JBT..... one world government, or what ever you want to call it...
Is here..
What is our choice..
To hide in a hole till they come...
To fight one by one till the body count is so high maybe they will stop.
Surrender.... and go off to life in confinement under NDAA..
Try to blend in and hide among,as they are called "sheep"....
And board the trains with the rest of the cowards...who the government won't even have the respect for, to use a bullet...
Fight individually, and hope that other citizens seeing the tyrants slaughtering us one by one revolt...
Or start to trust each other and join forces and hope we aren't being set up....
Best for last...Hope the military and LEO's will honor their oath and stand with us...
Not really many pretty choices are there...When you wait too long the choices get less pleasant...
don't they...
Look I ain't trying to say I am wiser or better in any way...
I waited too...
I have made my peace with my choice...I couldn't look my children and family in the face if I just rolled over..
I'm just putting it out there..
You can die alone, or beside like minded people..But dying is the most logical outcome...
It is the choice of on your feet or on your knees...
get angry enough and we just might win..
but either way your going to have to do something this time..
it is your last choice..
the only one you'll get .. after that the government will make all of them from then on...
I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.
Jimmy Greywolf
Re: Patriot Unity
12/16/2012 03:16 PM
12/16/2012 03:16 PM
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Dennis K
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Thank you Greywolf, I agree with you it is scary, but we must fight our way out of the corner we have been backed into! There is nowhere to run!
Back in Kentucky and glad to be back in my mountains!
Re: Patriot Unity
12/16/2012 05:24 PM
12/16/2012 05:24 PM
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Long ago, many of the old timers came to terms with the fact that we're all walking dead men.
Exit the matrix.
One night this winter, take a hard look at your life. Think of every way that you've become dependent on some part of the system. Then figure a way around or without it. Become self to go totally off grid if necessary.
Greywolf is right that the surveillance matrix is massive. But, that's no excuse to make it easy for them. Go gray and low profile. Identify and eliminate every way the system monitors and tracks you. Twenty years ago, most patriots didn't have cell phones or pc's. We got along just fine without them. So can you. There are other ways to communicate. Get those systems up and running now.
Take a map, find your location, then draw 2 circles...first with a 1 mile radius then a circle with a 2 mile radius. Then, get to know your neighbors. Find those of like mind. Identify critical people...the medical specialists, farmer/gardeners, tactical/defense specialists etc. Form alliances. Create neighborhood contingency plans. Build a underground network. Develop a self sufficient, resilient community. Set up TAZ & PAZ now.
So much to do, so little time...
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Patriot Unity
12/17/2012 02:48 AM
12/17/2012 02:48 AM
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The Greywolf
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I have known for a long time, that if it got this far gone..I was a dead man..But I have prepped and prepared my places the best I can...I have my close neighbors who have the skills I don't...I have no cell or other devices I can be tracked on...Just this old computer that I keep in one of the places I plan to abandon...But so I think they can't find me...No,,,I am sure they can...But I am with you on all you said brother Doc... Your brother in arms Jimmy Greywolf
I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.
Jimmy Greywolf