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Will To Kill #154556
06/21/2012 01:21 PM
06/21/2012 01:21 PM
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somewhere-where am I?
J. Croft Offline OP
J. Croft  Offline OP
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somewhere-where am I?

J. Croft

It was written recently by a Three Percenter that Christianity is dying because nobody is willing to kill for it. That Islam is rapidly expanding in large part because enough of its adherents are willing to kill for it.

That is the biggest reason why the U.S. Government has been so successful in expanding their role and reach in Our America,

That is the biggest reason why the Freedom Movement, the Patriot Movement has largely failed, too few of us have been willing to kill on principle. Oh we’ve had those willing, such as Gordon Kahl who stood toe to toe against federal agents in a shootout wanting to murder him and his son for speaking out against the fraud the U.S. perpetrates against the American People. Christopher Monfront, who took on the crooked cops of Seattle who beat up girls in jail cells and murder people left and right on the street; bombed and shot them in classic rifle ambushes. …Where was the support?

Where was those that ought to have spoken up and said “these Americans had the right idea”, where were those who saw in their own areas oath traitors pummeling teenage girls in jail cells, trumping charges to gain a bust?

Ain’t those calling themselves “patriots” in front of a keyboard doing the shooting, its common convicted criminals and neer-do-wells willing to pick up the AK and shoot it out. Certain parts of major urban areas the cops will not go in without major backup. Why? Because they know if they start up with their petty police state bullshit they’re going to get shot at-not too accurately but they got the will to kill.

Our enemy employs a lot of lazy, shiftless cowards to whom a honest day’s work is like crosses and sunlight; but they have at the ready an army of killers-mind you a lot of them want the easy kill but there’s a core group that manically train to be able to kill anyone they’re ordered to at any time.

Not the pretend-a-patriots.

No-a real Patriot grabs his rifle to blast those oath traitors in response to their crimes against the American People and they’re on their own; the rest of the herd of pretend-a-patriots suddenly remember they still sheep and go “baaah!” And We the People keep losing ground.

No doubt the enemy has been able to operate behind the scenes controlling the media, the schools, the major generators of American mass culture, the levers of political power, banking, industry-all of whom had it as their common interest to disarm and tame the American People. Americans: who braved slavery both black and white and struggled to be free and settle a hostile continent with little more than the clothes on their backs, rifle in hand; who rose to defend the plot of land they worked so hard to clear in order to grow the crops that will sustain them in the winter from thieves whether they be common criminals or criminals in the employ of the government; who arose to claim their Freedom for their own reasons during the American Revolution, who outshot and outfought the greatest military power on Earth; who were self-sufficient, learned in the law, and distrusted the banks and government.

…It took a long time to gain the trust of such a wary, dangerous people. Took a coup d’etat in 1789 in Philadelphia to exploit a generated economic and political crisis to write and pass the Constitution-even then they had to add the Bill of Rights to sell this to enough Americans, yet they still had to embargo Rhode Island to get this passed. They’ve had setbacks such as Andrew Jackson not renewing the Bank of the United States, the Anti-Freemason Party. Certainly, attempting to control the vast body of self-sufficient, educated, armed Americans had to be done very gradually, very carefully.

It was eventually, done. Public schools were first spread via the Townships, then those schools were uniformly structured along the Prussian model, designed to produce drones. Gradualism was coupled with major shocks to move their social engineering of the wild, dangerous American People via economic disruptions of the money supply and markets and of course the Civil War that while freeing the slaves from the plantations made everyone a slave to the government de jure through the 14th Amendment. The black slaves were disarmed in the South but also the slaves who weren’t aware they were chattel in the cities were disarmed as a response to ‘crime’. Industrialization brought the beginning of the end of the self-sufficient American as the wages were set to encourage the farmer and family businessman to abandon their business-where they get the full benefit of their labor-for more cash but they get a tiny sliver of the benefit the factory’s owner gets.

With the advent of the radio and motion pictures it became possible to unify American culturally-both mediums were controlled by the enemy from the beginning. The World Wars further regimented the American psyche by unifying the People with their enemy the Masonic U.S. government against enemies they raised up in the first place. Television, with Americans watching it almost their entire free time from school and the wage slave jobs created the American hive mind. A hive mind programmed by our enemy to mentally disarm and tame the American People, in a coordinated effort with the public schools and the lawyers to make us weak, dependent, unthinking, and most importantly not willing to kill for what’s ours. To make us sheep, but I baaah to no one.

So that’s the psychological gulf you need to cross if you want to defend yours, to take what’s been stolen from you back-your nation, your heritage as a Free People:

*You need to free yourself from the fraud that is the U.S., recognize that Masonic entity hijacked Our America 200 years ago, has been using the American People as the fig leaf covering their ugliness. The rest of the world has attributed us with their deeds.

*You need to recognize that truth and stop obeying the enemy’s laws, listening to the enemy’s propaganda, free yourselves from the mores and values they like to instill into us-such as the learned helplessness preventing you from going out and killing every traitor in sight.

*You need to make yourself ready, mentally and physically, to take on our enemy.

Now, you are a single person. The enemy likes to run in packs. Now a single oath traitor harassing some sheep in their Suburban to extort some traffic fines, they know that sheep wouldn’t fight back to save their own lives. Anyone who might put up even a fistfight, and they call in a dozen of their fellow donut munchers to thug up on them, taze them, beat them half to death and yell at them to STOP RESISTING!

You need your own people to back you up. Back in the day they were called the Militia.

Your militia, you will train as a fire team using rifle marksmanship and basic combat drills to hit your enemy out to at least 500 meters with full power rifle cartridges. You will have your militia where you can keep track of each other as needed on a moment-by-moment basis. You will be constantly looking for potential recruits to expand your unit’s numbers and to form neighboring units to provide mutual assistance. I go into this in a recent article “How To Start A Militia-And Get Away With It.” I also cover much more the training your militia will need in the “Second American Revolution Victory Guide 2.0”.

The thing you will have to work on most to overcome is the mental block keeping you from killing your enemy. It’s there, and you have to psychologically scrape away the lifetime of programming the enemy’s institutions have instilled into you to be able to stop their enforcers and agents from taking what little we have left.

Be your own leader
Re: Will To Kill #154557
06/22/2012 12:17 PM
06/22/2012 12:17 PM
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This thread is like a fart in church. No one wants to go near it.

This has a lot of plain spoken truth to it. I like that way of being. Nothing to hide. Just the way it is.

Commie fucks wont hear me bleat.

Leo out

Fight the fight, Endure to win!
Re: Will To Kill #154558
06/22/2012 02:03 PM
06/22/2012 02:03 PM


The radical Islamic fighters are killing to expand Islam around the world.We need to defend what we have and if that means bloodshed.....So be it!

Re: Will To Kill #154559
06/22/2012 03:01 PM
06/22/2012 03:01 PM
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WI Northwoods
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I'm ready.

Been ready for over 30 years.
That was years after I recognized what they were doing and at the time when I realized there was only one way left us.

Been a long 3-4 decades.

I don't see any signs anyone's going to do anything though.

Rommunist will save us....

Stupid Sheeple.

The War for America
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Re: Will To Kill #154560
06/22/2012 04:27 PM
06/22/2012 04:27 PM
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Been a long 3-4 decades.
Yes it has and I'm gettin old.

Stupid Sheeple.
The whole world is deceived...sheople, patriots and the globalists.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Will To Kill #154561
06/23/2012 12:33 AM
06/23/2012 12:33 AM
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Leo Offline
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You guys might be getting long in the tooth, but there is still work to be done and you are still needed.

Your knowledge and council along with other abilities will be your value, not to mention slinging hot copper jacked lead from time to time.

Leo out

Fight the fight, Endure to win!
Re: Will To Kill #154562
06/23/2012 06:17 AM
06/23/2012 06:17 AM
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I hope you guys are training the next generation.

On equipment: You get what you inspect, not what you expect.
On training: Our drills are bloodless battles so that our battles are bloody drills.
On tactics: Cheating just means you're serious about winning.
Re: Will To Kill #154563
06/24/2012 03:45 AM
06/24/2012 03:45 AM
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Originally posted by Leonidas:
You guys might be getting long in the tooth, but there is still work to be done and you are still needed.

Your knowledge and council along with other abilities will be your value, not to mention slinging hot copper jacked lead from time to time.

Leo out
I Thank You for your words. Hopefully others are reading and listening.

As to training others, I have personally trained thousands, both in and OUT of the military. I can truthfully say those IN the military were taught the Constitution AND what their Oath to it means. While I am too infirmed and old for the field anymore, I can and will help in supplying the troops that are. I can/will defend those supplies as well.

While 'strategy' wins battles, 'Logistics' wins WARS!

Re: Will To Kill #154564
06/24/2012 11:44 AM
06/24/2012 11:44 AM
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Eagle Offline
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I've read and thought, thought and read. Being a VET (leg, INF) and knowing what I know a person of whom I have respect that has just recently posted something that addresses the concerns I have read here about 'initialization', 'The willingness to Kill' and most importantly THE RULES OF WAR!

Jon please forgive me for not asking permission to use your writings.
These words our his, unedited and I couldn't agree more.

Morality, the Law of Land Warfare, and a Mea Culpa

I plead guilty. I am guilty of an egregious sin of omission, for which I owe every reader of this blog (especially those SF veterans I know are reading it and critiquing their young protege), a profound apology. I am guilty of the sin of hubris. You see, one of the critical lessons pounded into young Special Forces candidates' heads during the Q-Course (at least when I went through JFKSWCS, and I assume still) is that, besides all the cool tactical training and gunfighter schooling, you have a moral obligation to make sure the host nation (HN) forces you are training/advising know, understand, and practice, the Law of Land Warfare. I placed too much faith in the inherent morality of the American patriot movement.

There is an old cliche that there are no rules in a war. That is, to put it as mildly as I am capable, utter nonsense. Every war, from Cain and Abel's sibling rivalry, until today, has been moderated by rules. Too often, throughout history, of course, there have been acts committed that, anyone but Satan himself would agree were crimes against humanity. Even our own nation's military has committed these. The legal crutch of precedence however, does not justify these acts, for they are unjustifiable. It certainly does not justify future actions of immorality by any so-called Liberty Resistance Movement, whose sole claim to legitimacy can be said to be the moral high ground.

There are seven basic legal principles that are supposed to bind any and all actions by contemporary U.S. military forces. They are:

Observances of fundamental human rights will recognize the dignity and worth of the individual and the fundamental freedom of all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion. Human rights violations will not be tolerated. As with violations of the law of war, U.S. soldiers will report human rights violations when they become aware of them.
Civilians shall be treated humanely and may not be used to shield military operations.
EPWs (Enemy Prisoners of War) and civilian detainees will be treated humanely and IAW (In Accordance With) the provisions of the Geneva Conventions.
U.S. soldiers are entitled to similar humane treatment should they fall into the enemy's hands.
Orders to commit war crimes are illegal and must be disobeyed.
Soldiers who violate the law of war will be held responsible for their actions. Superiors who order violations of the law of war are criminally and personally responsible for such orders, as are subordinates who carry out the orders.
Weapons, munitions, and techniques calculated to cause unnecessary pain and suffering are forbidden.

Sherman's March to the Sea:

A war crime, writ large, by any sane man's definitions. Sherman's men burned civilian homes, slaughtered livestock, and left an entire region of their non-combatant countrymen destitute and exposed to the elements and ravages of winter. Any "southron" knows the stories by heart, because they're still engraved, deeply, by the points of bayonets, on the soul of the South.

The firebombings of Dresden, atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, et al:

A war crime, albeit considered justified at the time, due to the limits of technology, and the fact that the actual targets were war-time industrial facilities. Nevertheless, any planner with sense should have anticipated the loss of civilian life that would occur. Any leader should have considered that and cancelled the operations. Would it have led to a harder fight, and more GIs lost in combat? Yes. Would it have lengthened the war, and required a larger expenditure of Allied human capital? Yes. Would it have been the more moral course of action? Yes. I would even argue that it would have been less costly in the long view of history, because the collective guilt we as a culture have felt since, led to 60+ years of propping up the defenses and economies of both Germany and Japan.

Do I expect regime security forces to adhere to the above rules in a case of armed civil war within the U.S? (Do I have "dumb motherfucker" tattooed on my forehead?)

The point is not that, "Well, they did it at Waco and Ruby Ridge, so we should be able to do it too!"

The point is not that "the ends justify the means," because they don't.

The point is that, there are several key issues that must be recognized, in regard to this specific topic, in an UW environment. All the pontificating by Walter Mitty's and armchair generals and keyboard commandos on the internet to the contrary, these are immutable realities in unconventional warfare.

You will not win if you abuse the sensibilities of the civilian populace. Yes, the regime will have the mass media on their side. They may even manage to "shut down" the internet (people who fear that eventuality give, I believe, the government entirely too much credit). They cannot stop people from talking however, no matter how Orwellian their systems become. People notice what actually happens, and they talk about it. If the good guys are playing by good guy rules, and the regime is stomping on puppies and smacking infants heads against door frames, people will talk about it, and it will lend support to the resistance in the long term. If, on the other hand, the "good guys" are murdering mothers and children, because "they support their stormtrooper dad/husband," people will notice that too, and it will rob the resistance of their moral high ground in the eyes of the public.
Killing family members does NOT "demoralize" the fighters. It pisses them off, and makes them want retribution. Look at our experiences in Afghanistan and Iraq, for just the most recent examples. We inadvertently drop a JDAM on a village, and suddenly enemy recruitment numbers go through the roof. We piss on some holy books and every Mohammned, Salah, and Osama in the Islamist world is trekking across the mountains to strap Semtex to his chest and strike a blow against the infidel. It's not just a Muslim thing, folks. I'm a pretty laid back, chill kind of guy in day-to-day life. I walk away from fights every chance I get. Fuck with my wife or kid though, and it'll take a god-damn Abrams running me over to stop me from gouging your eyes out and skull-fucking you to death. What makes you think the local stormtrooper is any different? The fact that he doesn't recognize what he's doing is immoral and illegal, or doesn't care, doesn't mean he doesn't love his wife and kids.
It's immoral to target non-combatants. There is no belief system I know of, anywhere in the world (even orthodox Islam) whose religious doctrinal texts says it's okay to murder people. Targeting non-combatants is murder. Killing in self-defense? Perfectly moral, perhaps even a moral imperative (I believe so). Killing in pre-emptive self-defense? Still moral. If I know a guy is hunting me, why shouldn't I be allowed to hunt and kill him first? Killing some woman because she married a young man who grew up to become your town commissar? Murder. Hell, maybe she despises what he's become just as much as you do, and is looking for a way to do her part. You don't know.

I'm not going to make this into some long-drawn out lecture article. The men I know who have experienced war and violence outside of the movie screen, don't feel the need to shed blood needlessly. Our hands have enough blood on them. I don't have nightmares about the men I've killed, and I'll not hesitate to kill again if necessary. I'll even run to the sound of the guns to protect my family, friends, and community. I will not go looking for the fight though, and I will never condone, nor even entertain the notion, of killing innocents. In my experience, that is best relegated to the would-be tough guys who haven't experienced the reality of watching someone bleed out in the dirt, wondering why they drew the short straw that day. We all have a personal moral code we have to adhere to. Mine doesn't condone murder. Mine demands protection of the innocent, even when I despise someone they love. I'd rather "throw my life away" for a moral stand, protecting some douchebag's wife or kids, than live to be 110. At least my children will know I lived and died my beliefs, and stood up for morality.

Nous Defions!
John Mosby


Light Fighters do it the Dirt
Re: Will To Kill #154565
06/24/2012 02:17 PM
06/24/2012 02:17 PM
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The more i hear the more will i have, and the more i have to fight it.

"To achieve One World Government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, their loyalty to family traditions and national identification."
~ Brock Chisholm, when director of UN World Health Organization
Re: Will To Kill #154566
06/24/2012 03:35 PM
06/24/2012 03:35 PM
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I think it is morals that have kept us from going on a rampage for decades.

The problem that we face is that our enemy has no morals and will kill anything or anyone in their path. That is what we face.

"To achieve One World Government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, their loyalty to family traditions and national identification."
~ Brock Chisholm, when director of UN World Health Organization
Re: Will To Kill #154567
06/24/2012 03:51 PM
06/24/2012 03:51 PM
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WI Northwoods
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We have to maintain the moral high ground, I agree.

However, not to the point of weakness.
We cannot let our enemy have the run of the countryside.

There are a lot more enemy than a few hundred thousand.

If not for that, we'd not be in the situation we are in. That should be obvious to everyone.

Fighting for survival and the survival of our nation will be pointless if we allow all, or most, of the enemy to stay in America.

If that is the case, let's not even delude ourselves. We don't have the stomach or the balls to do jack shit. No point even talking about it. Might as well just accept our chains.

It pays also to remember that just as we will need spys, informants and supply lines, so will they. Pretty clear that they will have the advantage there.

The War for America
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Re: Will To Kill #154568
06/24/2012 05:33 PM
06/24/2012 05:33 PM
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I like the theory, but am not quite there on this with people who consider themselves the good guys because they are so egotistical and elitist.

Don't forget there is an entire breed that sees freedom and authority as being "earned", so if you did not spend ten years of your life waking up at 5:00 am to go swimming in the ocean and a five mile run before breakfast, you are a punk who just ought to be a working stiff or welfare bum. If you did not make the right friends, tough luck for you, the big boys toys are for the big boys, you go play with airsoft, and better make sure it is painted red of the real men will show up and make an example of you in the middle of the street.

I think though, that thing of establishing our own insular communities and providing defense and security is the right route to take. People are willing to protect and avenge a community more than individuals they have doubts over.

Even with the will to defend each other, we are often separated by so much distance that it is often impractical, or a major life altering thing to quit jobs or leave business to go back someone up on something. That is a bit different from road tripping to the next town over in order to hold watch on a buddy who is under seige or getting fucked with. Lots of people will do that sort of thing regardless of any militia contacts.

One thing though, I get rock solid confirmation on someone putting the hit on me, or trying to complete the contract, it's personal, no matter what. I might never get the opportunity to repay the favor, but that shit makes them enemies for eternity.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: Will To Kill #154569
06/25/2012 01:39 AM
06/25/2012 01:39 AM
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I didn't think we had to say it, but rather thought it was a no brainer. The innocent have always been off the table unless you are .gov

Traitors and foreign troops and their interest are not.

If you fit into that category. For me, the rules are their are no rules! You showed up and that makes you a player on the field and the ball is in play.

No, I'm not as lofty thinking as some here. I am not going to play well with these bastards!

Leo out

Fight the fight, Endure to win!
Re: Will To Kill #154570
06/25/2012 01:45 AM
06/25/2012 01:45 AM
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Another thought. If this is over the friggen top. They shouldn't have frigged with the American people and our freedoms and liberties.

They are the ones who picked a fight and a fight they will damn well friggen get!

I will defend my children's hopeful future at the expense of Tyrants and their minions.

Say what you mean and mean what you say. Thats it, thats all and thats the end of it!

Out here

Fight the fight, Endure to win!
Re: Will To Kill #154571
06/25/2012 03:39 AM
06/25/2012 03:39 AM
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somewhere-where am I?
J. Croft Offline OP
J. Croft  Offline OP
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somewhere-where am I?
To those who say they're getting too old: your eyes and trigger fingers still work, right?

In an insurgency you want to gain and keep the goodwill and support of the people. That means treating them as family and any threat to them as the enemy. The enemy are the enemy and they must be exterminated if we are to be Free. End of discussion.


How to start a militia-and get away with it:;f=32;t=000732

I spend some of the length of this article going over how its a good ideal to keep people within muster range-a lot of fails on our side are precisely because people are just physically too far away to respond in a timely manner.

Be your own leader
Re: Will To Kill #154572
06/25/2012 08:57 AM
06/25/2012 08:57 AM
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I still have 1 good eye (optics needed) and working fingers (most of the time). I am a certified Range Safety Officier and help teach Pistol courses thru our Company Gun Club. I try to do as much as I can to help.

" Don't Tread On Me "
Re: Will To Kill #154573
06/25/2012 12:47 PM
06/25/2012 12:47 PM
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Originally posted by SBL:
I hope you guys are training the next generation.
There won't be a next generation if the Government has its way. We better get off our asses., old or not.

Originally posted by Walfred: The radical Islamic fighters are killing to expand Islam around the world.We need to defend what we have and if that means bloodshed.....So be it!
That's the least of our worries. We won't be around by the time Islam comes for this Country.
Just a distraction, We better be restoring what we had, instead of worrying about what might come down the road 20years.

Originally posted by Leonidas: Another thought. If this is over the friggen top. They shouldn't have frigged with the American people and our freedoms and liberties. They are the ones who picked a fight and a fight they will damn well friggen get!

I will defend my children's hopeful future at the expense of Tyrants and their minions.

Say what you mean and mean what you say. Thats it, thats all and thats the end of it!

Out here
Nice post, good words , now lets get on with it.

I see all the words spoken here, Hell I have spoken them too. I have criticized and praised my Militia and others too.

So a quote from Sheriff Buford T Justice.
Now that the mutual Horse shit is done. Where you at you Sum Bitch

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf
Re: Will To Kill #154574
06/25/2012 01:40 PM
06/25/2012 01:40 PM
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Trapped in Rhode Island
Lord Vader Offline
Lord Vader  Offline
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I've read and thought, thought and read. Being a VET (leg, INF) and knowing what I know a person of whom I have respect that has just recently posted something that addresses the concerns I have read here about 'initialization', 'The willingness to Kill' and most importantly THE RULES OF WAR!
Eagle so your a vet and you know what you know and you respect this man.

Well as I see it you don't know very much at all.

In war there is no award for Miss Congeniality or an award for good sportsmanship, and there absolutely is NO Second Place Winner.

If you lose you not only may die but your loved ones may also suffer for being on the losing side of the war.

If you have any children they may end up being taken to a reeducation camp and turned into Good Government JBTs and when the time comes for people to receive the Mark of the Beast, your precious children may be among the first in line to accept the mark that will cost them their Souls. The Patriots cowardice will not only cause us to lose the war but will also cost the Patriots the Souls of their children. You may think differently but as for me that is way too great a price to pay just maintain the Moral High Ground.

I read the entire sickening blog post that you reposted here of this person who goes by the screen name of Mosby, and as I see it he is full of Bull Crap, and if too many Patriots and wannabe Freedom Fighters think as he does then the probability of our winning the coming Civil War or Revolution will not be very good.

If we end up losing the war it will in large part be due to people who think as this Mosby person does and apparently you also do.

Lets analyze what he believes.

There is an old cliche that there are no rules in a war. That is, to put it as mildly as I am capable, utter nonsense. Every war, from Cain and Abel's sibling rivalry, until today, has been moderated by rules. Too often, throughout history, of course, there have been acts committed that, anyone but Satan himself would agree were crimes against humanity. Even our own nation's military has committed these. The legal crutch of precedence however, does not justify these acts, for they are unjustifiable. It certainly does not justify future actions of immorality by any so-called Liberty Resistance Movement, whose sole claim to legitimacy can be said to be the moral high ground.
Utter nonsense
It is not the no rules in war that is utter nonsense it is his opinion that there are rules in war that is total nonsense and bull shit.

The only Rule of War is to Win the War, how the war is won is immaterial.

from Cain and Abel's sibling rivalry
What was he smoking or what pill was he taking when he thought up that pile of crap.

Cain killing Able was not a war or had anything to do with any war it was simply Murder and was in fact the first Murder.

So anyone with an IQ above that of an Amoeba or at least any Christian or anyone who knows the story of Cain and Able, has to wonder how ignorant and stupid this jerk who goes by John Mosby is.

Mosby also apparently has never read the Bible.

There are seven basic legal principles that are supposed to bind any and all actions by contemporary U.S. military forces.
When has the Militia or Freedom Fighters been considered contemporary U.S. military forces.

Mr. Mosby seriously has a few mental health problems.

Observances of fundamental human rights will recognize the dignity and worth of the individual and the fundamental freedom of all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion. Human rights violations will not be tolerated. As with violations of the law of war, U.S. Soldiers will report human rights violations when they become aware of them.
Civilians shall be treated humanely and may not be used to shield military operations.
I think a patten is beginning to form. Mosby seem to be unable to differentiate between the Military and the Militia. and he is ignorant of the fact that the Militia is composed of Civilians and any Rules that the US Military needs to obey does not need to be followed by the Civilian Militia or Freedom Fighters.

EPWs (Enemy Prisoners of War) and civilian detainees will be treated humanely and IAW (In Accordance With) the provisions of the Geneva Conventions.
U.S. Soldiers are entitled to similar humane treatment should they fall into the enemy's hands.
Orders to commit war crimes are illegal and must be disobeyed.
Soldiers who violate the law of war will be held responsible for their actions. Superiors who order violations of the law of war are criminally and personally responsible for such orders, as are subordinates who carry out the orders.
Weapons, munitions, and techniques calculated to cause unnecessary pain and suffering are forbidden.
Again he seems not to be able to differentiate between the US Military and the Civilian Militia.

And also since the Militia (Freedom Fighters) is not a signatory to the Geneva Convention it is not binding on the Militia. Also Freedom Fighters are not protected under the provisions of the Geneva Convention it is only the Regular Military forces that are protected.

Sherman's March to the Sea:

A war crime, writ large, by any sane man's definitions. Sherman's men burned civilian homes, slaughtered livestock, and left an entire region of their non-combatant countrymen destitute and exposed to the elements and ravages of winter. Any "southron" knows the stories by heart, because they're still engraved, deeply, by the points of bayonets, on the soul of the South.
That was done to deprive the enemy of Food, Clothing and the resourses that was needed by the South to Purchase Weapons and other needed supplies from Foreign Nations. Even though it was not a nice thing to do it was justifiable. What was not justifiable was what the North did to the South after Lees Surrender.

The firebombings of Dresden, atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, et al:

A war crime, albeit considered justified at the time, due to the limits of technology, and the fact that the actual targets were war-time industrial facilities. Nevertheless, any planner with sense should have anticipated the loss of civilian life that would occur. Any leader should have considered that and cancelled the operations. Would it have led to a harder fight, and more GIs lost in combat? Yes. Would it have lengthened the war, and required a larger expenditure of Allied human capital? Yes. Would it have been the more moral course of action? Yes. I would even argue that it would have been less costly in the long view of history, because the collective guilt we as a culture have felt since, led to 60+ years of propping up the defenses and economies of both Germany and Japan.
Mosby once again has showed himself to be an ignorant stupid person, and worse yet a hater of the United States.

No real American Patriot would ever call what we did to Hiroshima and Nagasaki War Crimes , now as to Dresden, that was unnecessary and I believe it should not have been done.

He is also ignorant of the facts that Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not industrial facilities. The causalties were mostly Civilian and we knew that they would be Civilian before they were bombed.

Nevertheless, any planner with sense should have anticipated the loss of civilian life that would occur. Any leader should have considered that and cancelled the operations. Would it have led to a harder fight, and more GIs lost in combat? Yes. Would it have lengthened the war, and required a larger expenditure of Allied human capital? Yes. Would it have been the more moral course of action? Yes. I would even argue that it would have been less costly in the long view of history, because the collective guilt we as a culture have felt since, led to 60+ years of propping up the defenses and economies of both Germany and Japan.
This man is a total Retard and worse a Traitor.

What he has just stated is enough for me to believe that there is a good chance that he is on the side of the enemy and wants us to lose the War.

Any American especially a Soldier who is willing to needlessly sacrifice the lives of American Soldiers just to avoid killing some of the Enemy is a Traitor and should striped of his Citizenship or executed.

And he has proven once more that he is an ignorant A-hole since he does not know that if it were not for our bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki it would not have just been a large number of American Soldiers who would have needlessly died it would also have been a very large number of Japanese Civilians maybe even more then One Million 1,000,000 who would have died defending Japan.

Or maybe he knows the truth but he didn't post it because he has an agenda and it is not a Pro Freedom Agenda.

So the Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki not only saved American Soldiers but saved maybe more then a Million Japanese Civilians.

And I don't have any guilt about the Atomic Bombing of Japan neither do any of my friends and how many members of this board feel any guilt about it or know anyone who does.

If, on the other hand, the "good guys" are murdering mothers and children, because "they support their stormtrooper dad/husband," people will notice that too, and it will rob the resistance of their moral high ground in the eyes of the public.
Moral High Ground is way overrated. Also a lot of people understand retribution and the do unto others attitude.

Killing family members does NOT "demoralize" the fighters. It pisses them off, and makes them want retribution.
Well yes and no. It pisses off the ones who have had their family killed but also and this is very very very important, it makes at least some of the other Stormtroopers who still have their families alive and well, concerned for their lives. Also one very very important consideration as to the Families of the Stormtroopers is the influence their families especially their wifes would have on them.

This happened during the First American Revolution where some Patriot Militia returned home to protect their families.

This was shown in the Movie the “Patriot”.

Think about this.

You are a JBT and Freedom Fighters are targeting Families of JBT who kill Patriot Families and your wife tells, you that you don't have any right to endanger Her Children, it always seems to be Her Children during an argument, and she wants you to stop killing Patriots and if you leave today to kill any more of them she will take the Children and go home to her Mother where she hopes her children will be safe and she will have you served with divorce papers.

She gives you a choice between your job and her and the children what would you do, tell her your badge is more important then her and your children or would you agree to quit being a JBT for her sake??

Look at our experiences in Afghanistan and Iraq, for just the most recent examples. We inadvertently drop a JDAM on a village, and suddenly enemy recruitment numbers go through the roof. We piss on some holy books and every Mohammned, Salah, and Osama in the Islamist world is trekking across the mountains to strap Semtex to his chest and strike a blow against the infidel.
Attempting to compare what some Muslim Nut Case does to what some Americans would do is Retarded.

It's not just a Muslim thing, folks. I'm a pretty laid back, chill kind of guy in day-to-day life. I walk away from fights every chance I get. Fuck with my wife or kid though, and it'll take a god-damn Abrams running me over to stop me from gouging your eyes out and skull-fucking you to death.
So now we know what he would do if someone messed with his wife or kid what I want to know, and if he was a member of this board I would ask him is what would he do to protect and keep his family from being messed with?

If he was a SWAT Cop would he be willing to give up being a SWAT cop to keep his wife and child safe??

That is the question that needs to be asked not the stupid question of what would a man do if his family was killed. Would he get payback or would he go in a conner and cry. Any real man would get payback big time. And we all should understand that.

What makes you think the local stormtrooper is any different? The fact that he doesn't recognize what he's doing is immoral and illegal, or doesn't care, doesn't mean he doesn't love his wife and kids.
And wouldn't he if he really loved his wife and kids do anything to keep them safe even if it meant that he had to stop being a stormtrooper.

It's immoral to target non-combatants. There is no belief system I know of, anywhere in the world (even orthodox Islam) whose religious doctrinal texts says it's okay to murder people. Targeting non-combatants is murder.
If I remember correctly didn't God tell the Hebrews to kill everyone even women, children and livestock?

1 Samuel 15:1
¶Samuel also said unto Saul, The LORD sent me to anoint thee to be king over his people, over Israel: now therefore hearken thou unto the voice of the words of the LORD.

1 Samuel 15:2
Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt.

1 Samuel 15:3
Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

So does this mean that Mosby considers God to be a Murderer? Or is it just that Mosby is too ignorant and stupid to know that God has not always been the turn the other cheek type of God.

Or again maybe he knows the truth but he didn't post it because of his anti-freedom agenda.

I'm not going to make this into some long-drawn out lecture article. The men I know who have experienced war and violence outside of the movie screen, don't feel the need to shed blood needlessly. Our hands have enough blood on them. I don't have nightmares about the men I've killed, and I'll not hesitate to kill again if necessary. I'll even run to the sound of the guns to protect my family, friends, and community. I will not go looking for the fight though, and I will never condone, nor even entertain the notion, of killing innocents. In my experience, that is best relegated to the would-be tough guys who haven't experienced the reality of watching someone bleed out in the dirt, wondering why they drew the short straw that day. We all have a personal moral code we have to adhere to. Mine doesn't condone murder. Mine demands protection of the innocent, even when I despise someone they love. I'd rather "throw my life away" for a moral stand, protecting some douchebag's wife or kids, than live to be 110. At least my children will know I lived and died my beliefs, and stood up for morality.
Yes and maybe his children will curse him for being too much of a coward to do what was needed because of his F-ing Morality, to save them from slavery. Or maybe they will be reeducated and will became JBTs themselves and eventually they will accept the Mark of the Beast and his cowardice will have cost his Children their Souls.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Re: Will To Kill #154575
06/25/2012 02:05 PM
06/25/2012 02:05 PM
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I ain't getting any younger, that's for sure.

At 53, I still have some fight left in me.
I did an hour of Kenpo on the bag today and ran 2 miles.

How many good years have I got left?
I don't know but it won't last forever.

It's us old guard guys and the young vets back from the Sand Box that are going to do it if it is going to happen.

In another 10 years?
Shit, I don't know that we'll have the capability to even think about taking on their high tech shit. That's being generous.

Someone said that their minions are all locked up in the cities. That's true and we should bear it in mind. At some point they will have to invade the countryside for resources. They don't have them in the cities and what they do have won't last long without resupply.

They will pacify us one sector and one region at a time if we let them. The fight must go on EVERYWHERE. This is the only way to keep them from concentrating their resources against us and defeating us piecemeal.

Conventional tactics go out the window with such a strategy.

We don't want to turn people against us but part of such a strategy is reducing the enemy's ability to do just that. There are a lot of sheeple who would gladly aid them in destroying us. It doesn't take a fucking rocket scientist to figure out who those Tory fuckers are.

Defeating such individuals won't turn anyone who'd be on our side against us. In fact, it is vital to the cause of freedom.

The colonial army and militia did hold the moral high ground.

But they did not go easy on such as we discuss here. Quite the contrary. And after the war, they had little choice but to GTFO. End of fucking story.

The War for America
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Re: Will To Kill #154576
06/25/2012 02:39 PM
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You are entitled to your opinion, I can respect that. Although, IMHO I think you may have gone off a little half cocked there my friend.

Light Fighters do it the Dirt
Re: Will To Kill #154577
06/25/2012 04:18 PM
06/25/2012 04:18 PM
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Originally posted by Eagle:

You are entitled to your opinion, I can respect that. Although, IMHO I think you may have gone off a little half cocked there my friend.
Well Friend I think I did at least a fair job of dissecting what he had to say the first time.

Let me try again.

  • He posted that Cain and Able was a War which it absolutely was not and anyone who has read the Old Testament should know that.
  • He is comparing legal principles that are supposed to bind any and all actions by contemporary U.S. military forces and expects them to be binding on Civilian Freedom Fighters and Militia. Which is a pile of Bull Crap.
  • He states that and Civilian Detainees should be treated humanly in accordance with the Geneva Convention and again mentions US Soldiers.
  • The Militia and Freedom Fighters are both Civilians and it is a well known fact that the Geneva Convention does not apply to Freedom Fighters, Militia or any other Guerrillas.
  • For a man who is supposed to be a Special Forces Soldier he is ignorant of United States Military History as it regards WWII and Japan and even Germany.
  • As to Dresden, Dresden had not only garrisons but a whole military borough, the Albertstadt. This military complex, was not specifically targeted in the bombing of Dresden though was within the expected area of destruction.
  • The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not war Crimes yet he referred to them as such. They all were Military Targets since they had Military facilities located there yet the reason for their bombing didn't have much to do with their Military value as targets. I did make an error before, I should have mentioned that there were Military Facilities located there even though they in themselves were not Facilities.
  • He postedAny leader should have considered that and cancelled the operations. Would it have led to a harder fight, and more GIs lost in combat? Yes. Would it have lengthened the war, and required a larger expenditure of Allied human capital? Yes. Anyone and I mean anyone him you or anyone else who is willing to sacrifice the lives of American Soldiers just to lessen casualties among the enemy Civilian population is what I called him before and I was being nice. Personally I would have no problems with having him staked out and having some hot young women ride horses over him until he was dead dead dead.
  • And as I posted before the Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki also saved the lives of maybe a million Japanese Civilians yet he neglected to take that into consideration.
  • What I posted about wives convincing their SWAT Cop husbands to give up being SWAT Cops is just the way it will be in a lot of cases.
  • Mosby's contention thatIt's immoral to target non-combatants. There is no belief system I know of, anywhere in the world (even orthodox Islam) whose religious doctrinal texts says it's okay to murder people. Targeting non-combatants is murder. is a big pile of crap and I posted the Scripture to back it up.
  • What I posted that his children may curse him and the mark of the beast is just the way I see it.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Re: Will To Kill #154578
06/25/2012 04:58 PM
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Okay, here is some more from the same guy on the same blog:

In AMOUT operations, whether by paramilitary guerrilla force elements, or the subversive underground, suppressive fire is going to have to be EXTREMELY precise. Want to make winning an UW conflict harder? Recruit FOR the enemy by killing innocent non-combatants, so their family members turn against you. Utter-fucking-brilliance, that one...Instead, you have to resort to more precise methods. SBF elements ONLY bring suppressive fires if they can POSITIVELY identify that the INDIVIDUAL they are shooting is carrying a weapon with which he intends to engage the friendly force unit, and then he utilizes more precise firing methods than dumping a quick burst at where he thinks the bad guy is hiding. I missed the Mog by a few months, but one of the lessons that was learned through the community by that fight was, just because they're not carrying a weapon doesn't mean they are a non-combatant. Women and pre-teen kids acting as spotters were still active enemy actors. I know MSG Howe has discussed this common discrepancy in U.S. ROE many times over the years. I'm not saying don't shoot anyone whose conspiring against you, I'm saying, "Make sure you know who you are shooting, and why, in a built-up area environment, rather than focusing on bringing that stormcloud of steel onto the enemy's positions. Get the distinction? In such a case, your SBF element's fires may be extremely sporadic, or even non-existent, at times. It's all METT-TC.

I think we're on the same page here.

He's talking about indiscriminate killing.
Enemy is enemy.
We all know the score there.

Funny, someone else on another site turned me on to this blog this evening. Ironic...

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Re: Will To Kill #154579
06/25/2012 05:30 PM
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I'll try this again. We don't agree, fine. From the pretense of Jon writing to 'fulfill an obligation' required of him by his piers to the difference of our individual understanding of the purpose in the difference of the old and new Testaments.

I understand you have your way of seeing and I have mine. I take no offense and intend none.

I will not bad mouth a patriot.
I will kill, that's easy.
I will not kill indiscriminately.

Light Fighters do it the Dirt
Re: Will To Kill #154580
06/26/2012 06:38 AM
06/26/2012 06:38 AM
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A couple of thoughts:

Bill Lind probably has the "will" issue expressed a bit better in his 4GW literature. Radical Islam has an advantage because of their strong belief in the correctness of what they believe. The same is true for Christians, or any group with religious conviction. There are things that are more important than preserving temporal life at any cost. Most modern western societies have lost this belief, because in reality these people don't believe in much of anything, thus no principle is worth it to the risk of their lives. Any group that has a strong belief in the righteousness of their cause will have an advantage over those who do not have a strong belief in the value of what they do.

"The moral is to the physical as 3 is to 1." Napoleon

The GC recognizes militias as combatants under the laws of war. You can take yourself out of that realm if you wish, but how do you expect to convince others (including your fellow militias) that you stand for civilization and the rule of law, when you don't play by any rules at all?

"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson
Re: Will To Kill #154581
06/26/2012 07:12 AM
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You guys are debating the "Rules of War" and the argument is are there rules of war?

Of course, but does it really matter, is what it comes down too.

Lets look at the current wars our government is involved in.

Do they follow the known concept of the Rules Of War?

No they don't they torture and kill indiscriminately.

They kill US citizens with out due process.

They use drones, in order to kill without consequences.

They routinely violate our Constitution.

They use False flags, here and abroad to confuse the people.

They imprison folk without trial, They will do it to you...

They feel they are your betters, How dare you oppose them, and not know, whats best for your ignorant asses.

They violate the law, and claim they have the right to in times of war.

So if you think they are as you say "going to fight fair, or follow the teachings of the Bible."

Then your just to opponent they are looking for...

The real choice is, whether you will stoop to their level.

That's the real decisions you have to make.

God bless you... Cause you may have to make that decision under fire.

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf
Re: Will To Kill #154582
06/26/2012 07:26 AM
06/26/2012 07:26 AM
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People fight harder when they know that they have no other option.

When you have an opponent that really believes in what he does, it makes little difference. When you have an opponent that values his life more than his cause for which he fights, it does matter. What kind of opponent do you have?

"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson
Re: Will To Kill #154583
06/26/2012 02:39 PM
06/26/2012 02:39 PM
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Just a reminder to all the Christians on this forum. I here ya and I see where your coming from. I too am a Christian.

I also understand your reservations. Just remember this though. David didn't kill by the thousands, but buy the 10s of thousands. He was a slayer,not a puss.

The God I serve is not a wimp. These tyrants and Muslims have stepped over the line. They made the mistake and misunderstood meekness for weakness. Their mistake!

Once again from the top. For me, the rules are. There are not rules! Your a bad guy, you go to the express line.

Eagle is a good and well intentioned man. I know him and he knows me. We differ in this opinion but I think you could count on him in pinch.

Back on topic. These turds got it coming and I intend to see to it that they get what they got coming.

Out here

Fight the fight, Endure to win!
Re: Will To Kill #154584
06/26/2012 03:16 PM
06/26/2012 03:16 PM
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Lord Vader Offline
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Originally posted by Greywolf:
You guys are debating the "Rules of War" and the argument is are there rules of war?

Of course, but does it really matter, is what it comes down too.

Lets look at the current wars our government is involved in.

Do they follow the known concept of the Rules Of War?

No they don't they torture and kill indiscriminately.

They kill US citizens with out due process.

They use drones, in order to kill without consequences.

They routinely violate our Constitution.

They use False flags, here and abroad to confuse the people.

They imprison folk without trial, They will do it to you...

They feel they are your betters, How dare you oppose them, and not know, whats best for your ignorant asses.

They violate the law, and claim they have the right to in times of war.

So if you think they are as you say "going to fight fair, or follow the teachings of the Bible."

Then your just to opponent they are looking for...

The real choice is, whether you will stoop to their level.

That's the real decisions you have to make.

God bless you... Cause you may have to make that decision under fire.
Brother what I believe about the Rules of War for the coming Revolution is there are no Rules except to win the damn War.

Anyone who believes that Freedom Fighters need to follow any rules especially the Geneva Convention on treatment of Prisoners of War is suffering from severe Mental Health issues.

The real choice is, whether you will stoop to their level.
I already know what my choice will be and it will be to not only stoop to their level but to to set a new low if I believe it is needed for the results I am looking for or for pure Payback.

I don't have any family but if I did, and some bastard killed my wife I would kill his wife and if it was a SWAT Team or the military that killed my family I would kill all of them including their wives or as many as I could kill before I was killed.

I also believe that those drone operators need to be considered no better then murderers and they need to be made to understand that even though they are relatively safe at the Bases they operate out of their families are not so well protected and after the war any surviving operators will be hunted down and killed by the slowest and nastiest methods we can arrange.

Personally I would like to have them spread eagled on the ground and watch as some hot young women ride horses over them and listen to them scream until they die. And this should be a public execution and televised live on Pay Per View, Revolutions and rebuilding our nation cost a lot of money and this is one very good way to get some of it without taxes.

I am a rotten bastard and proud of it.

Now to tell the truth as long as I was in my right mind I would not deliberately kill any of the the bastard's young children but as to what I would do to the bastards themselves well it would not be for anyone with a weak stomach.

As I see it, the enemy is not just the scum who are shooting at us or the ones who are giving the orders. The enemy is anyone and everyone who in any way gives aid or comfort to the enemy by any means. And this includes the Media who lie to the people and spread Government propaganda, and even includes the brain dead voters who vote for the enemies of freedom, knowing that these scum they are voting for are anti-gun, anti-freedom bastards.

While I believe, most Civilians, meaning those who do not actively support the war against the people, should not be deliberately targeted I do believe that Freedom Fighters should not jeopardize the winning of the war just to avoid a few enemy civilian casualties. If enemies civilians are in the wrong place at the wrong time well that is just their bad luck.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Re: Will To Kill #154585
06/26/2012 04:23 PM
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I hope that however it goes down, that we are loyal to one another. Before, during and after the fact.

I don't think I have to spell that out.

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Re: Will To Kill #154586
06/26/2012 06:04 PM
06/26/2012 06:04 PM
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Lord Vader Offline
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Originally posted by drjarhead:
I hope that however it goes down, that we are loyal to one another. Before, during and after the fact.

I don't think I have to spell that out.
Brother any real freedom fighter will be loyal to other real freedom fighter.

The way I see it is after we win the war the only people we will be able to trust will be each other. Anyone who sat out the war will be suspect.

I also see this war being far more violent, then the First American Revolution, before, during and especially after we win the war. I see the time following the war as a lot more like the French Revolution then the American Revolution. We will have our own Robespierre but instead of the Guillotine we will have the Gallows or maybe just a Tall Tree a Tall Horse and a Short Rope. Personally I prefer the Tall Horse although if I was the one who got to decide how it was done I would have it being done as I posted before letting young women ride horses over the scum.

The biggest problem with Freedom Fighters is their goodness, we are too nice for our own good and for our new nations future.

The Scum who have gotten us all into this crap need to be purged from our restored Republic otherwise immediately after we win the Socialist Scum will start their old crap all over again, the commies will never give up as long as they breathe so we have to exterminate them or at the very least remove them from our Country.

Good guys finish last and I do not intend to finish last.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Re: Will To Kill #154587
06/27/2012 02:32 AM
06/27/2012 02:32 AM
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[Donning flak vest...]

I'm going to call a spade a spade here I see it. I hope all here will forgive my "sermonizing". For those who don't believe in the very personal God of the Bible, this will likely be meaningless.

Eagle, Mosby, J. Croft, Leonidas, djarhead, Sniper_762x51, others here, and I are all pretty angry about freedom being corralled into an ever smaller space. Sniper_762x51, while we're all angry (Eph. 4:26 - "Be ye angry, and sin not"), I am troubled by your willingness to go beyond killing and commit murder as a form of vengeance. I am also concerned by your disparaging and divisive remarks about fellow patriots for nothing more egregious than seeing things differently than you. (Mt. 5:22 - "But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court; and whoever says to his brother, ‘You good-for-nothing,’ shall be guilty before the supreme court; and whoever says, ‘You fool,’ shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell.")

The sixth commandment is not, "Thou shalt not kill," but "Thou shall not commit murder."

And then there are these two:
Ro. 12:19 - Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.
Mt. 5:42-47 - “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? If you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?"

On Islam's willingness to commit murder, I don't see that as an advantage. It can only be seen as an advantage by those who do not believe in and trust the God of the Bible. If one thinks of Islam's willingness to commit murder as an advantage, one might be tempted to follow suit, seeking the same "advantage" or to neutralize the opponent's advantage. Is this not following a false god? Islam is not gaining converts or territory because of their willingness to commit murder; it's because Muslims are being persecuted. By our government. Their terror tactics, however, have caused large numbers of people to turn against them; witness the rapidly growing anti-immigration politics throughout Europe aimed specifically at Muslims. It's a PR nightmare for milquetoast Muslims.

I disagree that it's acceptable to target family members of an enemy.
1Jn. 3:15 - know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.

And the ends never justify the means.
Mark 8:36 - For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?

Signs of the Times
I used to think that Yeshua's reference to "Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth" in Revelation 17 referred to Europe. But I now think it refers to the United States, particularly in light of Rev. 18. Whether or not that's correct, this country is well overdue for judgment.

By turning our backs on God and His ways, we as a nation have embraced that which is not of God. We have done so with gusto. We have rejoiced in our enlightened "freedom" from the shackles of antiquated morality. Our society revels with superiority in claiming that we are descended from lowly apes and, lower yet, pond scum. America's government and corporate elites have paid much fiat money, much of that ours, to support and propagate these lies, lies to which we readily enslave ourselves. We have replaced God with gov, and gov answers to a higher (lower) authority.

In our preparations and our planning, perhaps we should consider the need to recognize the signs of our time. Perhaps we should prepare and plan for us and our families in light of this. America needs to fall, but it needs to fall by the hand of God, not by your or my hand, just as King Saul needed to fall by God's hand, not David's. We need to be careful that our efforts do not work at cross purposes to God's will.

In the end, God wins, and there is no American flag hanging in God's throne room. God refers to our hearts as a throne for Him, but is there an American flag hanging there instead?


Re: Will To Kill #154588
06/27/2012 02:40 AM
06/27/2012 02:40 AM
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Originally posted by Sniper_762X51:
Originally posted by drjarhead:
[b] I hope that however it goes down, that we are loyal to one another. Before, during and after the fact.

I don't think I have to spell that out.
Brother any real freedom fighter will be loyal to other real freedom fighter.

The way I see it is after we win the war the only people we will be able to trust will be each other. Anyone who sat out the war will be suspect.

I also see this war being far more violent, then the First American Revolution, before, during and especially after we win the war. I see the time following the war as a lot more like the French Revolution then the American Revolution. We will have our own Robespierre but instead of the Guillotine we will have the Gallows or maybe just a Tall Tree a Tall Horse and a Short Rope. Personally I prefer the Tall Horse although if I was the one who got to decide how it was done I would have it being done as I posted before letting young women ride horses over the scum.

The biggest problem with Freedom Fighters is their goodness, we are too nice for our own good and for our new nations future.

The Scum who have gotten us all into this crap need to be purged from our restored Republic otherwise immediately after we win the Socialist Scum will start their old crap all over again, the commies will never give up as long as they breathe so we have to exterminate them or at the very least remove them from our Country.

Good guys finish last and I do not intend to finish last. [/b]
Yeah, we are too nice for our own good.
That's the part Breacher talks about with us having no street credibility. Perhaps if the balloon ever goes up that will work to our advantage. Maybe...

I agree that it would be very ugly also. Worse even than the War Between the States and that was pretty damn brutal. They didn't have M1A Abrams, Apaches or Predator Drones back then, either.

We are going to be way outgunned and have to adapt tactics accordingly.

We all consider it assumed something will go off. I'm not sure about that. Seems like we'd have gotten there by now if that were the case.
I'll keep the faith and stay ready but one day they're going to be crashing in all of our doors and it will be too late.

If we do put up a fight for our freedom, I agree, the fasco-socialists can't stay. That would be a mistake our grandchildren would pay for in spent blood and money all over again. If that is the case, then WTF is the point?

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Re: Will To Kill #154589
06/27/2012 02:52 AM
06/27/2012 02:52 AM
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Here's a perspective from one who's been there done that...

Morality, the Law of Land Warfare, and a Mea Culpa

I plead guilty. I am guilty of an egregious sin of omission, for which I owe every reader of this blog (especially those SF veterans I know are reading it and critiquing their young protege), a profound apology. I am guilty of the sin of hubris. You see, one of the critical lessons pounded into young Special Forces candidates' heads during the Q-Course (at least when I went through JFKSWCS, and I assume still) is that, besides all the cool tactical training and gunfighter schooling, you have a moral obligation to make sure the host nation (HN) forces you are training/advising know, understand, and practice, the Law of Land Warfare. I placed too much faith in the inherent morality of the American patriot movement.

There is an old cliche that there are no rules in a war. That is, to put it as mildly as I am capable, utter nonsense. Every war, from Cain and Abel's sibling rivalry, until today, has been moderated by rules. Too often, throughout history, of course, there have been acts committed that, anyone but Satan himself would agree were crimes against humanity. Even our own nation's military has committed these. The legal crutch of precedence however, does not justify these acts, for they are unjustifiable. It certainly does not justify future actions of immorality by any so-called Liberty Resistance Movement, whose sole claim to legitimacy can be said to be the moral high ground.

There are seven basic legal principles that are supposed to bind any and all actions by contemporary U.S. military forces. They are:

Observances of fundamental human rights will recognize the dignity and worth of the individual and the fundamental freedom of all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion. Human rights violations will not be tolerated. As with violations of the law of war, U.S. soldiers will report human rights violations when they become aware of them.
Civilians shall be treated humanely and may not be used to shield military operations.
EPWs (Enemy Prisoners of War) and civilian detainees will be treated humanely and IAW (In Accordance With) the provisions of the Geneva Conventions.
U.S. soldiers are entitled to similar humane treatment should they fall into the enemy's hands.
Orders to commit war crimes are illegal and must be disobeyed.
Soldiers who violate the law of war will be held responsible for their actions. Superiors who order violations of the law of war are criminally and personally responsible for such orders, as are subordinates who carry out the orders.
Weapons, munitions, and techniques calculated to cause unnecessary pain and suffering are forbidden.

Sherman's March to the Sea:

A war crime, writ large, by any sane man's definitions. Sherman's men burned civilian homes, slaughtered livestock, and left an entire region of their non-combatant countrymen destitute and exposed to the elements and ravages of winter. Any "southron" knows the stories by heart, because they're still engraved, deeply, by the points of bayonets, on the soul of the South.

The firebombings of Dresden, atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, et al:

A war crime, albeit considered justified at the time, due to the limits of technology, and the fact that the actual targets were war-time industrial facilities. Nevertheless, any planner with sense should have anticipated the loss of civilian life that would occur. Any leader should have considered that and cancelled the operations. Would it have led to a harder fight, and more GIs lost in combat? Yes. Would it have lengthened the war, and required a larger expenditure of Allied human capital? Yes. Would it have been the more moral course of action? Yes. I would even argue that it would have been less costly in the long view of history, because the collective guilt we as a culture have felt since, led to 60+ years of propping up the defenses and economies of both Germany and Japan.

Do I expect regime security forces to adhere to the above rules in a case of armed civil war within the U.S? (Do I have "dumb motherfucker" tattooed on my forehead?)

The point is not that, "Well, they did it at Waco and Ruby Ridge, so we should be able to do it too!"

The point is not that "the ends justify the means," because they don't.

The point is that, there are several key issues that must be recognized, in regard to this specific topic, in an UW environment. All the pontificating by Walter Mitty's and armchair generals and keyboard commandos on the internet to the contrary, these are immutable realities in unconventional warfare.

You will not win if you abuse the sensibilities of the civilian populace. Yes, the regime will have the mass media on their side. They may even manage to "shut down" the internet (people who fear that eventuality give, I believe, the government entirely too much credit). They cannot stop people from talking however, no matter how Orwellian their systems become. People notice what actually happens, and they talk about it. If the good guys are playing by good guy rules, and the regime is stomping on puppies and smacking infants heads against door frames, people will talk about it, and it will lend support to the resistance in the long term. If, on the other hand, the "good guys" are murdering mothers and children, because "they support their stormtrooper dad/husband," people will notice that too, and it will rob the resistance of their moral high ground in the eyes of the public.
Killing family members does NOT "demoralize" the fighters. It pisses them off, and makes them want retribution. Look at our experiences in Afghanistan and Iraq, for just the most recent examples. We inadvertently drop a JDAM on a village, and suddenly enemy recruitment numbers go through the roof. We piss on some holy books and every Mohammned, Salah, and Osama in the Islamist world is trekking across the mountains to strap Semtex to his chest and strike a blow against the infidel. It's not just a Muslim thing, folks. I'm a pretty laid back, chill kind of guy in day-to-day life. I walk away from fights every chance I get. Fuck with my wife or kid though, and it'll take a god-damn Abrams running me over to stop me from gouging your eyes out and skull-fucking you to death. What makes you think the local stormtrooper is any different? The fact that he doesn't recognize what he's doing is immoral and illegal, or doesn't care, doesn't mean he doesn't love his wife and kids.
It's immoral to target non-combatants. There is no belief system I know of, anywhere in the world (even orthodox Islam) whose religious doctrinal texts says it's okay to murder people. Targeting non-combatants is murder. Killing in self-defense? Perfectly moral, perhaps even a moral imperative (I believe so). Killing in pre-emptive self-defense? Still moral. If I know a guy is hunting me, why shouldn't I be allowed to hunt and kill him first? Killing some woman because she married a young man who grew up to become your town commissar? Murder. Hell, maybe she despises what he's become just as much as you do, and is looking for a way to do her part. You don't know.

I'm not going to make this into some long-drawn out lecture article. The men I know who have experienced war and violence outside of the movie screen, don't feel the need to shed blood needlessly. Our hands have enough blood on them. I don't have nightmares about the men I've killed, and I'll not hesitate to kill again if necessary. I'll even run to the sound of the guns to protect my family, friends, and community. I will not go looking for the fight though, and I will never condone, nor even entertain the notion, of killing innocents. In my experience, that is best relegated to the would-be tough guys who haven't experienced the reality of watching someone bleed out in the dirt, wondering why they drew the short straw that day. We all have a personal moral code we have to adhere to. Mine doesn't condone murder. Mine demands protection of the innocent, even when I despise someone they love. I'd rather "throw my life away" for a moral stand, protecting some douchebag's wife or kids, than live to be 110. At least my children will know I lived and died my beliefs, and stood up for morality.

Nous Defions!
John Mosby

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Will To Kill #154590
06/27/2012 02:57 AM
06/27/2012 02:57 AM
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That's what we've been talking about, CSC. wink

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Re: Will To Kill #154591
06/27/2012 06:27 AM
06/27/2012 06:27 AM
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somewhere-where am I?
J. Croft Offline OP
J. Croft  Offline OP
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somewhere-where am I?
Okay, first, how much more motivation do we need?

The enemy are moving their pawns into their final positions

Meanwhile, we've allowed ourselves to be duped into false hope and out of effective peaceable action by the movement's controlled leadership:

Now you can cry and spaz about me attacking Ron Paul but, look at his lack of actions-30 years of pretty speeches, the only legislation he got passed were pork for his congressional district.

Both election cycles he doesn't make a peep about the IN OUR FACE ELECTION FRAUD. He does however pocket millions for his "campaign for liberty"-which financed his backstabbing son Rand's congressional bid.

Meanwhile I raise up the need for Ron Paul to grow some 'coattails': local and state candidates based on the Athens GI model of 1946-AJ bans me on the spot, over the air. Flick can stack every bible he's got, I'll swear to that.

The point: we got a ruthless, powerful, highly intelligent enemy to contend with who saw us coming since they started their plays against us-THEIR ENEMY-decades ago.

They've had our number. In fact they wrote that number when they brainwashed us, conditioned us into being dull sheep. You can wake up from that stupor but that conditioning is still there as we got behind one myth after another, one dead end after another.

It's 2012. The enemy is destroying our very environment to ensure we die from radiation and disease, and starvation. Those that resist they'll be coming at us full bore-not the grind of Iraq and Afghanistan where they ground the latest generation of veterans into becoming psychopaths in their employ or tagged to be kept an eye on as being a potential threat.

Believe that they wouldn't be doing any of the above, especially the environmental assaults if they didn't have solutions tucked away in some deep underground bunker.

Believe that at the top the enemy knows what they're doing in moving to collapse the economy they built.

Believe they will like to stand back and watch as their psychopaths take us down en masse at o dark whatever because we don't at least have a safe house-let alone allies and living at places we're not listed as being at.

Grow your alliances.

Establish safe houses.

Distribute and cache your arms.

Don't bother making a list-treat any place with the enemy as a free fire zone. The lucky ones will be killed, as we will NOT be showing any mercy. None. Field interrrogations and revolutionary tribunals will be too theraputic to a nation filled with angered Patriots.

Watch "The Chekist"; those will be the lucky ones as well. A lot of manual labor will be needed and these softie bureaucrats and oath traitors share one thing-they got a job in the government to avoid a honest day's work. We'll be fixing that deficiency... for the rest of their lives.

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Re: Will To Kill #154592
06/27/2012 08:35 AM
06/27/2012 08:35 AM
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Originally posted by J. Croft:
Okay, first, how much more motivation do we need?
I'm not sure motivation is what is needed. I think we're plenty motivated, but nobody is sure when or how to move. You may have all the answers on that, but people, being what we are, tend to disagree on the whys and wherefors, especially when it involves the well being of ourselves and our families. If I'm going to stick my neck out, I want to make sure it doesn't get chopped off for no reason. How about you?

Originally posted by J. Croft:
Meanwhile, we've allowed ourselves to be duped into false hope and out of effective peaceable action by the movement's controlled leadership:
Who's "we", and what movement? I may very well be duped, but I don't think I am. I seek every opportunity to get myself more enlightened, even when the key to that additional bit of enlightenment likes to hurl insults or disagrees with me on other things I feel strongly about.

Originally posted by J. Croft:
Now you can cry and spaz about me attacking Ron Paul but, look at his lack of actions-30 years...
I've often thought I'd like to see Ron Paul get angry enough to spit nails in public and stop playing Mr. Nice Guy. To some extent, I believe he does let the system limit his effectiveness. On the other hand, he's a pretty bright guy and I have to believe that he, with his greater number of years behind him than I have, has thought this through. I have to accept that his way of doing things is what seems best to him. He has managed to start a revolution of sorts that shows every sign of growing despite his GOP loss.

Originally posted by J. Croft:
Flick can stack every bible he's got, I'll swear to that.
I'm not sure what this means, but I'll assume it means you didn't care much for my last post in this thread. The reason I quoted abundant scripture in my previous post is because this thread is becoming a matter of conflicting opinions. I have opinions, but I thought I'd try to back mine up with something more authoritative than my anus.

Originally posted by J. Croft:
The point: we got a ruthless, powerful, highly intelligent enemy to contend with...
Judging by the posts I read on here, I think the good folks here are well aware of the OPFOR's ruthlessness and determination.

Originally posted by J. Croft:
Those that resist they'll be coming at us full bore...
Yes, they will. I have ideas, but I don't know how to implement them. I do, however, believe that there isn't time to do community organizing to generate support for a local slate of candidates who will all get elected and run that locale in accordance with libertarian principles. I believe that system is rigged. I believe that system tends to corrupt most of those with the best intentions. Is this still what you advocate? I ask because I've noticed that you have recently appeared to change your tune (nothing wrong with that) by advocating something along the lines of direct action.

Originally posted by J. Croft:
Don't bother making a list-treat any place with the enemy as a free fire zone. The lucky ones will be killed, as we will NOT be showing any mercy. None.
I must not be reading you right on this. Are you really saying that we, the militia, should kill indiscriminately as long as we suspect that there's an enemy combatant in the midst of other people? If I'm reading you correctly, I work in what you might call one of these free-fire zones. Being mistaken for OPFOR would kinda ruin my day, not to mention that of my wife and two young daughters.

Originally posted by J. Croft:
A lot of manual labor will be needed and these softie bureaucrats and oath traitors share one thing-they got a job in the government to avoid a honest day's work. We'll be fixing that deficiency... for the rest of their lives.
This seems to delve into the realm of the highly unlikely. You would enslave people because they worked for the government?

This post struck me as venting, which is fine, but I got to the end of it and I still couldn't tell what exactly it is you're suggesting other than continuing to prep.

Re: Will To Kill #154593
06/29/2012 02:41 AM
06/29/2012 02:41 AM
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somewhere-where am I?
J. Croft Offline OP
J. Croft  Offline OP
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somewhere-where am I?
Point by point...

1. I'm not sure motivation is what is needed. I think we're plenty motivated, but nobody is sure when or how to move. You may have all the answers on that, but people, being what we are, tend to disagree on the whys and wherefors, especially when it involves the well being of ourselves and our families. If I'm going to stick my neck out, I want to make sure it doesn't get chopped off for no reason. How about you?

Y'know... the only answer I have to that is, they at least need a bloody nose-to make them rear back a bit. Then perhaps local political initiatives might have a chance. Or TAZ's or what have you. Now, who is willing to throw that punch? Because otherwise it's waiting until they cut off communications and waiting for the raid or that 500lb bomb.

2. Who's "we", and what movement? I may very well be duped, but I don't think I am. I seek every opportunity to get myself more enlightened, even when the key to that additional bit of enlightenment likes to hurl insults or disagrees with me on other things I feel strongly about.

"What movement?" Give you credit that's a good one.

From my observation and participation in various forums and groups I can state with authority that the enemy has made the Patriot Movement controlled opposition at key points and with key personnel; either with assistants, moles, or that particular group was a honey trap from the start. Basically everyone whose advocated symbolic campaigns, anything that just makes noise, diverts resources and efforts and just wastes time instead of securing actual political territory via elections and helping people out.

The enemy knows that the only thing that matters are results-we as a group...

3. What bills has he passed? What kind of political machine at the local and state level has he built-besides the one for his family and friends and for that bucktooth backstabber Rand? I know it's a hard thing to do but you have to objectively look at Ron Paul's effectiveness-or lack thereof-and wonder, what if J. Croft's right and this bozo's really a ringer?

4. Wasn't looking to trash your personal beliefs.

5 and 6. I'm saying we need to plan for action, some kind of action but first thing, we have to secure places to go and live that our registered names aren't on. After that first blow's made the first order of business will be to survive and regroup. Going to be harder than people realize now that America's been gridded out and we got a couple or three armies in country ready to hit 24/7.

7. I must not be reading you right on this. Are you really saying that we, the militia, should kill indiscriminately as long as we suspect that there's an enemy combatant in the midst of other people? If I'm reading you correctly, I work in what you might call one of these free-fire zones. Being mistaken for OPFOR would kinda ruin my day, not to mention that of my wife and two young daughters.

What's an enemy combatant? Anyone working for the enemy that does so after open warfare commences... well, for this post's sake we'll stick with that definition. Those thugs in black tactical gear need orders, targets to terrorize and murder and the bureaucrats give them their targeting information when one of us slaves don't have they head right, get uppity ideals about being Free. You deprive the beast of their administration and enforcement cadres you strip them of much of their power-what will they have left but drones and 400lb diabetic nerds in the Nevada desert?

8. From the last statement, perhaps that bureaucrat doesn't merit a bullet-he's still guilty of helping the beast systematically crush us. And, they chose to work for the beast precisely because they want to avoid a hard honest day's work. It is up to us to help amend their wrongful life choice.

War tends to destroy things and kill folks. Going to be a lot of rubble and bodies and we'll need strong backs and stomachs to clean up... well, they will need to develop that or they can fill up and re-dig that trench line they misaligned... well, maybe a few times as bureaucrats aren't used to hard work.

Furthermore, some folks just need to be shot or beaten to death-we should televise that.

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Re: Will To Kill #154594
06/29/2012 04:51 AM
06/29/2012 04:51 AM
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I suppose that it is easy for the power to twist the why and the how of some of the actions they describe in this article.

At the end of it is this... some people are not going to take it anymore. Whatever it is

Holden Karre

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