CFR Proposes Using Army To Enforce Domestic Law
06/04/2012 11:09 AM
06/04/2012 11:09 AM
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CFR Proposes Using Army To Enforce Domestic Law
Elite group calls for blatant violation of Posse Comitatus Act
Steve Watson June 4, 2012
The Council On Foreign Relations, the elite think tank long associated with globalist policy making and subversion of the principles of the US Constitution, has published an article that proposes using the army to plan and carry out domestic law enforcement missions in the US.
An article in the May/June issue of the CFR official journal, Foreign Affairs, calls for the army to address “challenges in the United States itself” with the justification being to protect Americans from terrorist attacks.
The article, written by Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, General Raymond T. Odierno states:
“Where appropriate we will also dedicate active-duty forces, especially those with niche skills and equipment, to provide civilian officials with a robust set of reliable and rapid response options.”
Odierno suggests that major changes within the US now deem it necessary to use the military in such a way. The General points to “declining budgets due to the country’s worsened fiscal situation”;“a shift in emphasis to the Asia-Pacific region”; and a “broadening of focus from counterinsurgency, counterterrorism, and training of partners to shaping the strategic environment, preventing the outbreak of dangerous regional conflicts, and improving the army’s readiness to respond in force to a range of complex contingencies worldwide.”
Odierno suggests that the army be “transitioned” into a more “flexible force” by deploying in situations normally reserved for domestic law enforcement officials. He argues that by doing so, troops will be better equipped to deal with conflict elsewhere.
Odierno also specifically singles out The Army National Guard and the Army Reserve, noting “Today’s army also has an unprecedented level of integration between its active and its reserve components… Our reserve component soldiers are better than they have ever been, and we will dedicate resources to ensure that some of them will be either deployed or ready to deploy around the globe.”
The article presents a red flag to anyone who has followed the consistent push by the federal government to militarize the police and further integrate the armed forces into domestic law enforcement.
Of course, the use of U.S. troops in law enforcement duties is a complete violation of the Posse Comitatus Act and the Insurrection Act, which substantially limit the powers of the federal government to use the military for law enforcement unless under precise and extreme circumstances.
Section 1385 of the Posse Comitatus Act states, “Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.”
However, despite the constitutional protections outlined in these laws, there has been and is on ongoing push to blur the divisions between military and domestic law enforcement officials.
National Guard troops are routinely involved in ‘urban warfare training’ drills. Usually such drills take place within the confines of military bases, however, more recently heavily armed troops are increasingly seen patrolling residential neighborhoods and even the downtown areas of major US cities. CFR Proposes Using Army To Enforce Domestic Law 010512patrol
Such “invasions” are often reported on as nothing to worry about and even as “cool”.
Indeed, back in 2008 the Washington Post reported how 20,000 U.S. troops returning from Iraq would be stationed inside America under Northcom for purposes of “domestic security” from September 2011 onwards.
Northcom officials were forced to subsequently issue a denial after the Army Times initially reported that the troops would be used to deal “with civil unrest and crowd control.”
As Alex Jones exposed back in the late 1990’s, U.S. troops have been training to impose martial law for a considerable amount of time. During numerous urban warfare drills that Jones attended and reported on, troops were trained to raid, arrest and imprison U.S. citizens in detention camps as well as taking over public buildings and running checkpoints. During role playing exercises, actors playing prisoners would scream “I’m an American citizen, I have rights” as they were being dragged away by troops.
The fact that such drills are now set to involve Russian soldiers training on U.S. soil to hunt “terrorists” has also caused consternation.
Federal authorities in the United States have clearly been preparing for domestic civil unrest for a number of years. The Department of Homeland Security recently purchased a staggering 450 million rounds of hollow point bullets as well as bullet-proof checkpoint booths that include ‘stop and go’ lights.
In addition, worrying legislation such as the National Defense Authorization Act, has paved the way for the incarceration of American citizens under military laws, and numerous leaked and semi-secret documents position the army as partners to domestic federal agencies in quelling unrest in America and even engaging in missions involving the ”resettlement” of US citizens.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: CFR Proposes Using Army To Enforce Domestic Law
06/09/2012 03:28 PM
06/09/2012 03:28 PM
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Bring it on, mother#@%^&*$!!!
Liberty is not free.
Re: CFR Proposes Using Army To Enforce Domestic Law
06/10/2012 11:02 AM
06/10/2012 11:02 AM
He will be leading a relatively small group of U.S.Army units with N.A.T.O./U.N./RUS/CHIN armies against his own people!He may have only stated his intent to commit treason and may/will escape prosecution or removal from command/service(but he should be)for now.Having this in writing now,guarantee's his future court Marshall and trial for treason and war crimes once the SHTF!
Thank's for the precrime confession,Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, General Raymond T. Odierno.I love it when they make thing's easy(for a change).He should be the first arrested and publicly charged.The case would be a slam dunk win for the prosecution.
Gen.Raymond T. Odierno = Traitor to the Republic.
Re: CFR Proposes Using Army To Enforce Domestic Law
06/11/2012 01:55 AM
06/11/2012 01:55 AM
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Originally posted by Taylor309: Bring it on, mother#@%^&*$!!! As I thought about this, it occurred to me that bringing it on should be our job, not theirs ... unless you want to get smoked. Let the initiative be yours, not theirs. Be proactive rather than reactive if at all possible. The best defense...
Re: CFR Proposes Using Army To Enforce Domestic Law
06/11/2012 04:58 AM
06/11/2012 04:58 AM
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It's time to start hunting.
"To achieve One World Government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, their loyalty to family traditions and national identification." ~ Brock Chisholm, when director of UN World Health Organization
Re: CFR Proposes Using Army To Enforce Domestic Law
06/11/2012 05:17 AM
06/11/2012 05:17 AM
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Bill Alexander
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As I said on a similar Post. we are in deep trouble, as Flick suggest, we need to ACT not React...These NWO people have laid plans for years. and the Infrastructure is in Place..We are going to be on the defensive, and at a disadvantage.I think is time to organise, into Active Groups,and take the fight to them, cut off the Head of the Snake...Time is wasting!
Semper Fi
Re: CFR Proposes Using Army To Enforce Domestic Law
06/11/2012 06:29 AM
06/11/2012 06:29 AM
Originally posted by Flick: Originally posted by Taylor309: [b] Bring it on, mother#@%^&*$!!! As I thought about this, it occurred to me that bringing it on should be our job, not theirs ... unless you want to get smoked. Let the initiative be yours, not theirs. Be proactive rather than reactive if at all possible. The best defense... [/b]I purposed the same idea to the various boards 3yrs ago and the co-intel went on the attack,while the patriots cried foul.As if I were trying to state a war all by myself.If I could it would have bin in 94' after they burned out a home full of women and children with military personnel/weapons. I then simply asked that we obstruct an attempt the arrest of a WV father for not signing a Swine flu vaccine permission slip.Without it,his daughter could not attend school and the father would be charged by the local L.E. for keeping her out of school.Many calls from my network later and they(school/L.E.) backed down. Then they planned to force vaccinate at checkpoints in TN.We made it clear that would end badly and stood at the ready.They backed down. Now,they threaten us with regular U.S.military ,foreign troops,U.S.A.F.drones and Local L.E. Will they back down,again? When will they move against the American people? It is clear they intend to do us great harm and end our way of life.They have attacked us already and still we wait for more.I believe the last straw is so close you can almost see the smoke from the fires of their destruction...
Re: CFR Proposes Using Army To Enforce Domestic Law
06/11/2012 06:41 AM
06/11/2012 06:41 AM
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Originally posted by Walfred: When will they move against the American people? Why wait for it? *******Edited to add: Karl Von Clausewitz quotes: "The majority of people are timid by nature, and that is why they constantly exaggerate danger. All influences on the military leader, therefore, combine to give him a false impression of his opponent's strength, and from this arises a new source of indecision." (Remember, this works both ways.) "...nothing is accomplished in warfare without daring." "The first and most important rule to to use our entire forces with the utmost energy. The second rule is to concentrate our power as much as possible against that section where the chief blows are to be delivered and to incur disadvantages elsewhere, so that our chances of success may increase at the decisive point. The third rule is never to waste time. Unless important advantages are to be gained from hesitation, it is necessary to set to work at once. By this speed a hundred enemy measures are nipped in the bud, and public opinion is won most rapidly. Finally, the fourth rule is to follow up our successes with the utmost energy. Only pursuit of the beaten enemy gives the fruits of victory." "The conqueror is always a lover of peace; he would prefer to take over our country unopposed."
Re: CFR Proposes Using Army To Enforce Domestic Law
06/11/2012 11:46 AM
06/11/2012 11:46 AM
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The Greywolf
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Originally posted by Flick: Originally posted by Taylor309: [b] Bring it on, mother#@%^&*$!!! As I thought about this, it occurred to me that bringing it on should be our job, not theirs ... unless you want to get smoked. Let the initiative be yours, not theirs. Be proactive rather than reactive if at all possible. The best defense... [/b]Hear hear Flick
I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.
Jimmy Greywolf
Re: CFR Proposes Using Army To Enforce Domestic Law
06/11/2012 11:55 AM
06/11/2012 11:55 AM
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The Greywolf
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Dear Joint Chiefs,
Sirs I survived the 70's,
I survived Military service.
I survived Many work and personal accidents that should have killed me.
I so far and you have to say "so far" survived Cancer.
I survived what no parent should have to... The death of my son.
So Sirs,
maybe it is Gods intent that I be here to stand against tyranny of this government.
So with all the strength it took to survive all these things.
I promise I will use that strength to fight you.
I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.
Jimmy Greywolf
Re: CFR Proposes Using Army To Enforce Domestic Law
06/11/2012 03:24 PM
06/11/2012 03:24 PM
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Virtus Honoris
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Molone Labe, Mors Tyrannus.
Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin
I Corps 2nd Division
Re: CFR Proposes Using Army To Enforce Domestic Law
06/11/2012 05:13 PM
06/11/2012 05:13 PM
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Originally posted by Walfred: When will they move against the American people?
It is clear they intend to do us great harm and end our way of life.They have attacked us already and still we wait for more.I believe the last straw is so close you can almost see the smoke from the fires of their destruction... I've been able to smell the smoke for a long time now. The drones are a big deal. Can they afford to run $250,000 missions to drop hellfires in order to kill one of us at a time? Perhaps the bankers will provide for it. Nevertheless, I stand ready, as I have been since I first smelled the smoke from their fires.
The War for America Fight Everywhere III
Re: CFR Proposes Using Army To Enforce Domestic Law
06/12/2012 08:16 PM
06/12/2012 08:16 PM
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Guys check out the wikipedia articles about LAPD chief Darryl Gates and some mass gangbanger roundups that were done in the 1980s.
LAPD operation hammer in 1987, and then apparently some major roundup of gangbangers in 1984 just prior to the Olympics. Thing is, the targets were the sorts of people we would likely have targeted too under similar circumstances.
I am all about freedom too, but when some quasi-tribal group stakes out turf where they can carry out streetcorner executions on those who refuse to buy or sell their dope, well, guess it's time to gather up some forces and roll in hard.
I think these deployments would have to be looked at on a case by case basis since I have the strong impression that some of it involves border watching and illegal alien sweeps in some of the border towns where a lot of conservative types have been asking for that kind of thing.
We are going to inevitably reach the point of the Mexican thing spilling over on a not so concealable scale in parts of the USA, so using the military may just become a part of the reality on some of this. I think we may just have to come up with some operational protocols for dealing with it on a case by case basis, again, since I have absolutely no intent to act as a fifth column on behalf of any particular dope cartel.
My support for Mexican immigration will not go much beyond helping financially support the occasional taco truck or authentic Mexican burrito dive when I am on a budget and want a decently filling meal. I would bitch about it getting shut down and not personally be ratting off every gardener I see, but I am not going to be sniping cops or build IEDs for them by a long shot.
Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.
Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: CFR Proposes Using Army To Enforce Domestic Law
06/13/2012 06:13 AM
06/13/2012 06:13 AM
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Bill Alexander
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I think the operative Word here is"Gangbangers" I don"t think this applies to the Patroit Community, therefore our guard must be up, and to verify all Opsec. before Passing Judgment.
Semper Fi
Re: CFR Proposes Using Army To Enforce Domestic Law
06/13/2012 06:53 AM
06/13/2012 06:53 AM
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J. Croft
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somewhere-where am I?
Um, who has been encouraged to immigrate by any means over the past decades? Who has been given all kinds of legal slack? Who has been the beneficiary of arms provided by Operation Gunrunner?
Who has been systematically attacked over the past decades? Who has been attacked individually, sent to prison for nothing? Who has had their arms stolen by batfaggot fiat to provide arms for Operation Gunrunner?
I'd scope out any armed forces in your AO until you're CERTAIN that they're rounding up Mexican gangbangers and their smuggled in full-auto AKs and they're NOT going after Americans.
Be your own leader
Re: CFR Proposes Using Army To Enforce Domestic Law
06/13/2012 08:35 AM
06/13/2012 08:35 AM
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Time to use the People/Militia against the CFR(and associates) to enforce Constitutional Law.
"To achieve One World Government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, their loyalty to family traditions and national identification." ~ Brock Chisholm, when director of UN World Health Organization
Re: CFR Proposes Using Army To Enforce Domestic Law
06/14/2012 02:54 PM
06/14/2012 02:54 PM
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Somewhere over there
The time is at hand, we all know that. The question is WHAT will be the final chime to set it off? For years we have hollered about things just like this and for the same years we have been shunned and called bat shit crazy for the same. The time is fast approaching that we will need to be ready, and in full force. PROACTIVE not REACTIVE as Flick said, is the truth IMHO.
Simply because once they strike and we react, we will be at a SEVERE disadvantage. 7 P's - Prior Preparation and Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. Are we ready as a whole? Are YOU (even me for that matter) ready as an INDIVIDUAL?
The plans have been laid by THEM for years. What are YOUR plans? Check everything and make everything ready, when you think youre finished, check it again.
Copperhead out
RED WHITE BLUE.3 colors that dont run.NEITHER DO I.
FEAR is NOT in my vocabulary.
Fight free or Die a slave.
Re: CFR Proposes Using Army To Enforce Domestic Law
06/14/2012 08:25 PM
06/14/2012 08:25 PM
The Elastic Defense(Defence in depth): Developed to a "T" by the great Field Marshall,Erich von Mansteinin.Which he used to destroy 52 russian divisions in the Third Battle of Kharkov.Von Mansteinin planned a flawless fighting withdraw to a place where he knew he could beat the russians.He withdrew until the enemy was stretched thin and the supply lines were over extended.Then snap back on them like a rubber ban(elastic).He was close to his supplies and built up for the assault.This tactic allows for the power to break through and the strength to keep momentum. Elastic Defense,should be studied and used in the opening hours and days as well as,where/when the enemy is breaking through with great strength. So,basically you withdraw in a classic fighting retreat to thin the enemy line.Draw him away from his supplies.And,in the end lead him to a place of your choosing where you plan to annihilate him.
Re: CFR Proposes Using Army To Enforce Domestic Law
06/15/2012 04:41 AM
06/15/2012 04:41 AM
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Originally posted by Walfred: The Elastic Defense(Defence in depth): Developed to a "T" by the great Field Marshall,Erich von Mansteinin.Which he used to destroy 52 russian divisions in the Third Battle of Kharkov.Von Mansteinin planned a flawless fighting withdraw to a place where he knew he could beat the russians.He withdrew until the enemy was stretched thin and the supply lines were over extended.Then snap back on them like a rubber ban(elastic).He was close to his supplies and built up for the assault.This tactic allows for the power to break through and the strength to keep momentum.
Elastic Defense,should be studied and used in the opening hours and days as well as,where/when the enemy is breaking through with great strength.
So,basically you withdraw in a classic fighting retreat to thin the enemy line.Draw him away from his supplies.And,in the end lead him to a place of your choosing where you plan to annihilate him. All war is deception. -Sun Tzu Good post. Thanks.
The War for America Fight Everywhere III
Re: CFR Proposes Using Army To Enforce Domestic Law
06/15/2012 06:34 AM
06/15/2012 06:34 AM
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J. Croft
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somewhere-where am I?
The thing to do is to strike-very hard, very fast at targets of opportunity, then off to your next target. Hit them where they're weakest/biggest payoff in captured material and propaganda, then keep hitting them, continuously knocking them off-balance. Record everything so you can burn the DVDs pass them around (the internet might be down) and teach how you did it. More people will join the party and the enemy will be very quickly swamped like a cow in a field full of fire ants.
Multiply your numbers through success.
Be your own leader
Re: CFR Proposes Using Army To Enforce Domestic Law
06/16/2012 06:55 PM
06/16/2012 06:55 PM
The Elastic defense is used when you are out numbered,out supplied or just out smarted.Of course,when these condition(s) do not exist advance,advance,advance and harass or destroy the enemy.Preferably the latter!...