Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran
02/20/2012 12:12 PM
02/20/2012 12:12 PM
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Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades IranBrandon Smith, Contributing Writer Activist Post Let’s be honest, quite a few Americans love a good war, especially those Americans who have never had to bear witness to one first hand. War is the ultimate tribally vicarious experience. Anyone, even pudgy armchair generals with deep-seated feelings of personal inadequacy, can revel in the victories and actions of armies a half a world away as if they themselves stood on the front lines risking possible annihilation at the hands of dastardly cartoon-land “evil doers”. They may have never done a single worthwhile thing in their lives, but at least they can bask in the perceived glory of their country’s military might. This attitude of swollen ego through proxy is not limited to the “Right” side of the political spectrum as some might expect. In fact, if the terrifyingly demented presidency of Barack Obama has proven anything so far, it is that elements of the “Left” are just as bloodthirsty as any NeoCon, and just as ready to blindly support the political supremacy of their “side” regardless of any broken promises, abandoned principles, or openly flaunted hypocrisies. No matter how reasonable or irrefutable the arguments against a particular conflict are, there will always be a certain percentage of the populace which ignores all logic and barrels forward to cheerlead violent actions which ultimately only benefit a select and elite few. They do this, though they rarely openly admit it, because of unbalanced and irrational biases which drive their decision making processes. In the case of the wars in the Middle East, the common public argument boils down to one of “self defense”. “They are coming to get us!” At least, that is what we are constantly told. And I’m sure that some Americans out there truly believe this. However, in their heart of hearts, others instead relish the idea of imposing their world views and philosophical systems upon others, even if it means using cluster bombs and predator drones. Take the time to read the rest of this article and watch the videos here...
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran
02/20/2012 01:37 PM
02/20/2012 01:37 PM
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Iran would be Iraq X3 or possibly X4. The Army and Marines could never sustain the required ground effort.
"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson
Re: Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran
02/20/2012 05:13 PM
02/20/2012 05:13 PM
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I see gas going up now. Yeah, our shit is too beat down after Iraq to go invading someone, and I seriously doubt this would be "just an air campaign".
With gas going up like it is, the game needs to be to reduce your driving and keep everything topped off.
Iranians are reaching worldwide right now with their own hit teams retaliating for some of the hits that the Israelis have pulled off against Iranians. They all have undercover operatives who look like each other and speak the other languages. I am hearing of bombings and shootings at several diplomatic spots now. Hey, those people have not liked each other for a long time, but with us, its still mainly hard feelings about that embassy thing back in 1979, and then the fact that the Iranians have been playing cold war with us since then.
I will not let my little corner of the patriot movement act as a fifth column on behalf of the current government of Iran, but I am against the war at this point. We just are not ready for it, the economy can't afford it, and the military is just too beat down and worn out to do this thing.
Those cruise missiles are extremely costly, I understand each Tomahawk cruise missile uses several hundred oz of silver in the electronics too. Then the government is not authorizing drilling for alternative sources of oil, Mexico is not particularly stable at the moment (our actual primary source of oil right now).
I am not asking for this to take place, but if it does, we need to be ready to react appropriately, and that means establishing the safe haven autonomous zones for when this country falls apart, and then being in a very realistic position to start a new nation somewhere, with its own allegiances and alliances.
An independent Alaska that supports the rest of the US through oil supplies provided through very selective observance of regulations on drilling might have to be the situation on that, but of course you don't want slob drilling which fucks up everything there.
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Re: Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran
02/21/2012 06:06 AM
02/21/2012 06:06 AM
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J. Croft
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War with Iran is too much of a good thing for the CFR and bankster types to not go ahead. The price of oil will skyrocket. America's military will be trashed trying to put down Iran. Defense contractors will be selling a new generation of weaponry to replace what didn't work against Iran or simply fell apart. Millions of Americans who watch faux news or listen to their Sunday Morning Pimps will be cheering-at least until the moment Iran surprises America with just how capable they really are and their coverage of the war suffers "technical difficulties".
For our military it will be the death knell of its global power projection ability-if not in the attack phase then most certainly during any attempt to evacuate ground forces from Kuwait and Afghanistan. They have supersonic missiles that can sink a aircraft carrier, even without a nuclear payload.
This may end Israel. Iran does have nuclear weapons-courtesy of the former Soviet Union. There's speculation on how many and what type they got but even a nuclear artillery round slapped onto a Scud would devastate a city.
The dollar will collapse with America's losing the war. America will not be able to import and without being able import the consumer economy will collapse, no matter how many jobs are generated.
China... what will they do? Sit back? Invade Taiwan? Embargo?
There won't be a collapse of the federal government. Most state and local governments, probably but the feds will just march in and take direct control-and having stockpiled food, fuel, ammo, and introducing a 'new dollar' they could get a lot of support from state and local government officials and police, looking for a paycheck and an excuse to keep lording it over Johnny Paycheck.
Johnny Paycheck's still watches Faux news, listens to his Sunday Morning Pimp proclaiming Armageddon and waiting for the Rapture... any minute now... in fear of actual Freedom these types will hug the beast ever more tightly.
Result? The major metropolitan areas and connective road and rail lines and their immediate territories are likely to remain under government control. The ghettos are likely to go up in flames but if Obama's communists have done their jobs right they could be fertile recruiting grounds for a new host of bureaucrats... could be.
Rest of America? Maybe there will be Free States, some territories proclaiming themselves Republics and what not. More than one area will be without government, act scared, then wonder what they needed those assholes for in the first place-right about when the feds come rolling back in. Hard.
The federal government will be wanting to secure the East Coast and the territories immediately along the road and rail lines to other major metropolitan areas, mines, farmland, military bases. They'll be systematic, concentrating what offensive power they have remaining after losing to Iran or Iran/China/North Korea on one group or Free State at a time. If resistance is heavy or if a major state like Texas secedes, I would expect NATO to be called in. They may be called in anyway depending on how badly America loses.
IF the rumors of Chinese troops in Mexico prove true, they could sweep north into California, provide a beachhead for an invasion... I won't rule that out and China's willing to take a few nuclear hits in exchange for land they desperately need. Either that or do to the West Coast what the Europeans and America did to them in the 19th century; carve out a few cities and economically dominate.
Militias? I'd expect the state of emergency to be used to wipe all the public miiltias out. I'd also expect a lot of veterans to either be dragooned back into service or otherwise dealt with. One thing I'd NEVER expect them to do is to tip over this rotten apple cart. And, without aggressive expansion of the free zones, and cooperation towards an eventual Constitutional Convention after defeating the US government, they will fall. All of them.
TEA Party-asked to support the war by watching Faux News and wait for the Rapture.
OWS Crowd-some will resist, some will sign up for whatever Brown Shirt outfit Obama comes up with to restore order.
I expect the cities in general to be locked down, and I would take the start of open hostilities between America and Iran to be the start of Martial Law. I'd also expect some false flag bullshit perpetrated by the US or Israel in America to goad Americans into blindly supporting one more war...
...The thing to do now is to get the soldiers on both sides to do a WWI style Christmas Truce before some covert operative type tried starting a needless war. No reason why a nuclear Iran can't be tolerated-in fact their mullahs rely on tensions with America to retain their power out of fear. Remove the threat of the US and Israel and they have no legitimate reason to retain power. Their Revolutionary Guards have become an Islamic SS with their own army, government apparatus, resources. They'll be a much tougher nut to crack anyway and during the war will be the surviving government body waging war.
Really, this whole thing needs derailing before a half-billion people or so lose their lives.
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Re: Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran
02/21/2012 07:00 AM
02/21/2012 07:00 AM
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I think you're not giving our military or our Country much benefit of the doubt. The US military is the most advanced, trained and battle hardened of any nation on earth. We have the most sophisticated technology, honed through years of conflict on an actual battlefield. Our political leader may be a limp-dicked liberal, but the Generals on the ground know what worked and what didn't in the decades long middle east conflicts. A conflict with Iran will no doubt be a quick air war with lots of bunker busters. We only need to take out nuclear facilities. Iran poses no other real threat to us (save the occasional terror attack). An attack on our shores by any nation will galvanize the entire population to defeat that threat. There would be little in fighting like we see now - Liberal and Conservative will join forces to repel the threat(remember what happen after 9-11). Citizens soldiers will join forces, quite possibly standing side by side with our regulars.
It takes a lot to get America really pissed - but when they do, get the hell out of the way.
Obama will hopfully be a one termer - with his loss, we will also lose the feebleness of his leadership and once again be reveared as the greatest nation on earth by our allies and feared by our enemies. But today, we have the opposite, and that my friend is the #1 reason for the problems we have today.
Re: Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran
02/21/2012 07:12 AM
02/21/2012 07:12 AM
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I see it as critically important that although we will publicly state we are against the war, we will not sabotage any war effort, encourage or facilitate desertion, act in any manner supportive of the current Iranian regime or carry out any single combat or intelligence gathering action on the part of the current Iranian regime.
What I want to make distinctly clear on this is the position on this website concerning the upcoming war, and that we have absolutely no alliance with the government of Iran. Sebastian Junger gave an "expert opinion interview" with Connie Chung in 2001 shortly after 9/11 stating that he had numerous intelligence sources verifying a long term alliance between the American Militia movement and Al-Queda, and that it centered around some part of South America called "four corners" where right-wing American militias trained in jungle and improvised urban warfare with elements of Al-Queda, FARC and other anti-US government groups, and coordinated attacks within the United States by Al Queda with Militia movement help were "pending", and his "sources" noticed a lot of "resource sharing". The entire thing was a carefully constructed lie, with the most crucial "facts" only being verifiable by those willing to travel to some remote regions of South America to verify or discredit the story. Thus, without being able to conclusively discredit the story, we got stuck with scrutiny for years, even initially blamed for the "DC Sniper shooting spree" when in fact, it was done by self styled Islamic extremists with no connection to us or even the "white racists" over at Stormfront whatsoever. The lie eventually petered out some time in late 2007 to early 2009 when it became obvious that nobody from our side of the fence was going to try and assassinate Bush on behalf of Al Queda or any of the other stupid theories that "experts" were coming up with.
I have been trying to find the infamous Chung/ Junger interview on youtube and not finding it, and since Junger later became a more respected author and "journalist", we need to consider his lies and where they came from to be even more dangerous even though they later were proven to be lies, this guy never went away. He quietly went on to other things to build his credibility, unlike the more pathological liars like Mark Pitcavage, James Vincent Nix and other notable anti-patriot movement "experts". I don't blame Chung for this, I blame Sebastian Junger for directly slandering our movement and misleading the public by his intent. This is, with the new thing with Iran, he will definitely be in the news again. The question is whether or not he will be continuing his career as a foreign journalist or speaking against us with more lies.
I have no doubt that various factions in the radical Muslim world have attempted to romance some corners of the patriot movement, but as far as I know, nobody here has traveled extensively in the Middle East, got secret bank accounts out of Bahrain or been connected with exchanging weapons, training, military intelligence and safe havens for weapons stockpiling with known international drug cartels and communist terrorist groups. The FBI, CIA, BATF and other alphabets cannot truthfully make the same claim.
There is, however, some danger of cross-pollination of ideology when it comes to debates about situations like you have in Israel, and in making other international contacts with people who might be under Iranian government control or sponsorship, in which case I would suggest having some back door contacts with certain .gov agencies just to see what is going on with some of these people who will no doubt crop up as this situation heats up. Obviously consider that you will be getting lied to from time to time, so don't be taking your directives from those people unless the situation is so incredibly obvious that you need to take action anyway. This I mention in relation to some of the Muslim training camps that have been operating in the US and other quite likely "sleeper cell" groups which may be paid to take action by the government of Iran or their allies.
One venue of that to watch closely is RT America. The Russians have been allied with Iran for a long time, but then also have their own problems against the Radical Islamists in Chechnya, so their society is divided on the issue too. Russia has its own unofficial militias forming around Moscow and other parts of their formerly shrinking country which must be taken seriously by all actors involved, if for nothing else their proximity to old stockpiles of Soviet nuclear weapons and an apparent willingness to talk about using them if they can get their hands on any.
I will wholeheartedly agree that the establishment, security, maintenance and eventual sovereignty of the free zones should remain our highest priority.
We are all volunteer in nature at this point, none of us are paid professionals in this, we don't operate with the near infinite resources of a taxpayer supported economic base, so limitations need to be realistic. What they should not include though, is accepting any form of foreign "sponsorship" at this stage when there is no diplomatic recognition or support. Anonymous support from aspiring friends, that's another matter, but for me, that will not include anyone who comes from a government or society which does not respect core American values.
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Re: Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran
02/21/2012 10:10 AM
02/21/2012 10:10 AM
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J. Croft
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Point by Point...
ThePatriot-are you sure you're not simply replaying World War Two, but with a Iranian boogeyman? I have to respectfully ask because Iran is most certainly NOT Iraq-we haven't bombed, starved, and occupied Iran for the better of a generation. If they can take over a CIA stealth drone and land it on their territory, launch satellites, build fighter aircraft, main battle tanks, missiles, what else can they do?
We could collapse Iran's Islamic government by simply backing off and then support people who want Freedom with a proactive guerrilla/subversion strategy but that's the LAST thing the CFR crowd would do, they'd commit mass suicide first. Not a bad ideal there...
Breacher-the Militia Movement has no friends because they have no legitimacy to speak of, no "street cred", no political clout; something we've both agreed on. We couldn't attract any serious attention from a ME player if we collectively tried.
...Now, someone going on the offensive(HYPOTHETICAL, I KNOW IT WON'T HAPPEN)and they manage to stay free, that might be another matter and if that someone had such little regard that they'd shamelessly try to get Iranian support during wartime would rightfully be branded a traitor, even if he/she were fighting the beast. No support for a hostile foreign power at war with America can be tolerated.
This coming war with Iran is going to rain piss all over OWS, Ron Paul, and anyone who sees the US involvement in the ME as imperialism 2.0. Especially after the bodies are shipped home, oh you'd better not say the war was a bad ideal that'd be the equivalent of wiping your ass with the flag.
At least until someone manages to use nuclear weapons on American cities, then the war effort in general will collapse.
Now if, IF the collection of free zones, Free States, autonomous zones can coalesce into a common front and make gains however that happens there's a slim chance of restoring the Republic... provided someone thinks that's a bad enough ideal to lob nukes at us.
If there's the infighting, squabbling or subversion and gaming and that succeeds then we'd lose. I mean, imagine Mark Koernke's Michigan and Vanderboegh's Alabama being forced by the battlefield reality to cooperate-wanna lay odds the leadership of those two entities won't fuck that up? Or the libertarians of a Free State Wyoming deciding not to help funnel weapons to the previously mentioned states due to some ideological cunt hair disagreement? I see a disaster.
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Re: Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran
02/21/2012 02:03 PM
02/21/2012 02:03 PM
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Matt Taibbi, a journalist at Rolling Stone, is not exactly what most folks would call conservative, but he has an interesting observation . He's hearing the same war talk from journalists that he heard leading up to the Iraq war, only this time it's coming from the left. As a journalist, there’s a buzz you can detect once the normal restraints in your business have been loosened, a smell of fresh chum in the waters, urging us down the road to war. Many years removed from the Iraq disaster, that smell is back, this time with Iran.
You can just feel it: many of the same newspapers and TV stations we saw leading the charge in the Bush years have gone back to the attic and are dusting off their war pom-poms....
The news “hook” in most all of these stories is that intelligence reports reveal Iran is “willing” to attack us or go to war – but then there’s usually an asterisk next to the headline, and when you follow the asterisk, it reads something like, “In the event that we attack Iran first.” (...)
...our newspapers and TV stations may blather on a thousand times a day about attacking Iran and bombing its people, but if even one Iranian talks about fighting back, he is being “aggressive” and “threatening”; we can impose sanctions on anyone, but if the sanctioned country embargoes oil shipments to Europe in response, it’s being “belligerent,” and so on.
I’m not defending Ahmadinejad, I think he’s nuts and a monstrous dick and I definitely don’t think he should be allowed to have nuclear weapons, but to me this issue has little to do with Iran at all. What’s more troubling to me is that we’ve internalized this “gentleman’s code” to the point where its basic premises are no longer even debated.
Once upon a time, way back in the stone ages, when Noam Chomsky was first writing about these propaganda techniques in Manufacturing Consent, our leaders felt the need to conceal – or at least sugar-coat – these Orwellian principles. It was assumed that the American people genuinely needed to feel like they were on the right side of things, and so the foreign powers we clashed with were always depicted as being the instigators and aggressors, while our role in provoking those responses was always disguised or at least played down.
But now the public openly embraces circular thinking like, “Any country that squawks when we threaten to bomb it is a threat that needs to be wiped out.” Maybe I’m mistaken, but I have to believe that there was a time when ideas like that sounded weird to the American ear. Now they seem to make sense to almost everyone here at home, and that to me is just as a scary as Ahmadinejad. Should we leave it to Israel to take care of Iran? Not according to this [b]New York Times[/b] article from the weekend. meanwhile, in a protest you didn't hear about, Adam Kokesh and 500 members of Veterans for Ron Paul marched on Washington yesterday. Onward and upward, airforce
Re: Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran
02/21/2012 02:50 PM
02/21/2012 02:50 PM
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I wasn't thinking WW2, but much more recent - Iraq. Iraq had a strong military, battle hardened and well equipped (not as well as Iran, but comparable given the time period). The similiarities of the two are astonishing... Radical Islamic leaders who dispise America, shun any effort of diplomacy and gives the middle finger to any UN resolution, saction or restriction. Remember, we went after Sadaam for his "existance of WMD's". Iran has publically stated they want Israel wiped off the map. Iran has nuclear capabilities and they are growing every day. Iran is violating countless UN resolutions and resisting economic sanctions - just as Iraq did. There is no doubt in my mind Iran will be attacked unless they back off. Just today, Iran again turned away weapon inspectors.. sound familiar? The only question is who will take the lead on this attack - the US or Israel.
I predict the "war" with Iran will be over in less than a week. They will have all nuclear capabilities destroyed - I don't believe it will be more widespread than that. The US doesn't have the stomach for it and Isreal doesn't have the manpower for a ground war far from their borders (they will be more worried of counter attacks from all sides as it is). The only question is - will other real powers rise up against the onslaught. (China, Russia, Korea). Those are the only true fears I have. - well, that and being blown up on my way to work in NYC as I pass ground zero every day. Until then, I'll keep my ammo dry and batteries charged...
Great thread we have here.. enjoying the convo! Thanks..
Re: Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran
02/21/2012 06:28 PM
02/21/2012 06:28 PM
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"ThePatriot" lives in an alternative universe. Sorry good sir, but Iran and Iraq are two entirely different species of nations.
2012 Iran is to 2003 Iraq as 1940 Japan is to 1895 China.
Iran is much more of a headache for the U.S./Israel militarily than we give them credit for. If we or Israel took it too far with Iran, I could see them sending hit teams into Israel and the U.S. assassinating public figures, bombing places of commerce, and disrupting the people's morale, on top of conventional hazards (revolutionary guard, closing of straits of hormuz, secret treaties with China and Russia, allies with Syria, Hezbollah, etc) to really make life difficult for American military strategists.
My idea? Leave it alone.
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Re: Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran
02/21/2012 06:57 PM
02/21/2012 06:57 PM
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Yeah, Saddam was not particularly religious and was considered a secular dictator. I think not even welcome to visit Mecca after some attacks on the Saudis.
My understanding is the Iran has Uranium deposits that they hope to develop into fuel rods, but something about the nature of the way their particular strains of Uranium appear in the earth makes it unfriendly to refinement, so their own nuclear material is only marginally cost effective for nuclear power production, and the centrifuges they make for refining the Uranium to be used in more advanced reactors and nuclear weapons grade materials somehow don't react well with the stuff, throw them out of balance and they self destruct. That is the main reason the Iranians are constantly in the market for those big centrifuges.
The issue being that if the Iranians operate functioning nuclear facilities for a decade or two in full compliance with all international nuclear regulations, they would in theory be able to sell their less pure Uranium product at below current market prices for nuclear fuel, and then simply purchase the more enriched product in varying amounts for "research and power production purposes" gradually getting into the nuclear weapons realm once everyone sort of trusts them, but on their way to it, would be an economic threat to other countries (US included) which currently produce and sell nuclear fuel.
If we are talking limited air war, then we are talking about what people would be presenting as punitive airstrikes on economic targets which might not even be very populated, and would quite likely not be sufficient to cause regime change there.
I know how the plan on this must go, it involves drawing the Iranian military out of the population centers, up to their border areas to face the possibility of a US invasion, then possibly annihilating their military leadership and a big chunk of their conventional forces while the Persian variant of the "Arab Spring" takes over the cities in the power vacuum left behind. That's a gamble, a very very hard gamble.
My problem with that gamble is that the survival of our forces depends entirely on middle eastern allies staying on our side while operating behind Iranian lines.
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Re: Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran
02/22/2012 05:38 AM
02/22/2012 05:38 AM
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Iran has a much larger population than Iraq and a higher percentage of population than Iraq that would be motivated by religion to resist any invasion and stage an insurgency of an occupation.
Iraq invaded Iran in the 1980s and got its butt kicked, which led to the Iran - Contra scandal in the US, as the US then funneled military equipment to Iraq to prevent a victory by Iran. the war then stalemated, but the Iranians never lost their motivation to attack, and Iraq was on the defensive until the war ended.
"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson
Re: Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran
02/22/2012 07:21 AM
02/22/2012 07:21 AM
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Originally posted by Pericles: Iran has a much larger population than Iraq and a higher percentage of population than Iraq that would be motivated by religion to resist any invasion and stage an insurgency of an occupation.
Iraq invaded Iran in the 1980s and got its butt kicked, which led to the Iran - Contra scandal in the US, as the US then funneled military equipment to Iraq to prevent a victory by Iran. the war then stalemated, but the Iranians never lost their motivation to attack, and Iraq was on the defensive until the war ended. We happily sold equipment to both sides in that one. The idea back then was their money was good, they were only using the stuff on each other (most of the time) and a lot of it no longer had a lot of value in the US. I personally guarded the warehouses and bunkers where some of that stuff came from and know what I am talking about on this. I even have met one of my Iranian counterparts on this who eventually immigrated to the US. He had been an enlisted man in the Iranian Air Force who had unloaded some of the shipments. Iraqis were getting a bunch of junk and some newer stuff, most of which was promptly blown up by the Iranians. The Iranians were mostly getting spare tires for F-4 Phantoms which were being phased out of US military service and we had fucking acres of those tires that were otherwise going to get used as landfill or burned if Ollie North had not made the deal with Iranian and Saudi arms dealers to dump the stuff at absurdly profitable margins, then got paid for stuff for the contras and Afghan freedom fighters. The reason Ollie was considered so much a hero on that is he actually funneled the money out to the black projects like the Contras when everyone else involved was commonly just stealing what they could while the Contra front line troops were given the very worst of the scraps. Even back then, the original people in charge on the Contra supply lines were ripping off so much that the entire thing was falling apart. They were eve dumping loads of supplies meant for the contras in order to make room in their aircraft for cocaine shipments. That's the real reason some of the smugglers were killing each other but nobody going to jail for it. They were all allowed to haul dope, but the deal was they had to take the lower paying CIA jobs in order to be allowed to haul dope, but they would snitch each other off to the CIA over issues like the military supplies just getting tossed over the jungle somewhere, or even worse, crap supplies dumped over the jungle, then better weapons hauled further south to be traded to the Colombians for dope. Realize, that was how the Afghanistan and Contra situations got tied together, the Afghan one officially supported, with the Contra funding being denied by Congress while Reagan personally supported them in every way he could. The other merchandise sent to Iran was older generation HAWK missiles which were compatible with the older generation launchers that the Iranian government had "inherited" from the Shah's arsenals. I was told personally by the technicians in charge at 2 LAAM Battalion (is was their warehouse bunkers where the missiles came from) that the missiles were being shipped complete and functional, but due to their age and lack of compatibility with new launch and guidance software, incapable of tracking and shooting down modern US fighters. they even had questions of the missiles being able to down Iraqi fighters, but figured they could look good chasing after them and maybe hit something, but the guidance systems were not much good for shooting down something much faster or smaller than an airliner. That stuck in my head for a while, especially when a mysterious rocket shot down an airliner off the coast of NY later on in the 1990s. Realize by that period the Iranians could consider the older generation Hawk missile launchers to be disposable. They had spent a lot of money on those missiles and were probably still ticked off about them not being good enough to down the Iraqi fighters. The Iranians really like the concept of missiles, and an outgrowth of their efforts to improve on the lackluster missiles everyone else was willing to sell them is what caused the birth of their current ballistic missile industry.
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Re: Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran
02/22/2012 08:03 AM
02/22/2012 08:03 AM
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The Answer - You say Iran would be more of a headache to the US militarily but then give examples of those headaches such as assasinations, etc. Thats not a military problem.
As far as "conventional hazards" you mention - (revolutionary guard, closing of straits of hormuz) As I stated, this will not be a ground war.(or should not, given the lessons learned in Iraq)
As far as secret treaties with China and Russia, I stated that is the one thing I am concerned with - the powers outside Iran(Russian, China)..
Comparing Iraq to Iran: Militarily, Iran currently has roughly 200 fixed wing combat aircraft. During the gulf war, Iraq had about 600.
US Military strength comparison(2009):
It should make you feel a wee bit more relaxed....
Military Defense Spending and Budgets USA - $515,400,000,000 China - $59,000,000,000 Russia - $43,200,000,000
Aerial-Based Weapons USA - 18,169 China - 1,900 Russia - 3,888
Navy Ships USA - 1559 China - 760 Russia - 526
Aircraft Carriers USA - 12 China - 1 Russia - 1
Destroyers USA - 50 China - 21 Russia - 15
Now what alternate universe am I from?
Re: Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran
02/22/2012 10:51 AM
02/22/2012 10:51 AM
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I for one know, that we could go through Iran. Like crap threw a goose. NO worries. They pose no real challenge to us militarily.
Their sleeper cells is the problem stateside and abroad. I think that pretty much sums it up.
Leo out
Fight the fight, Endure to win!
Re: Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran
02/22/2012 11:36 AM
02/22/2012 11:36 AM
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Iran, unlike America, has a government-supported militia system. Picture the insurgency of Iraq but much more intense and highly organized. Much of the Iraqi insurgency was focused internally; it was a civil war with American troops being attacked by both sides. Iran won't have the civil war distracting the insurgents; all their focus will be on the "infidel" invaders.
My opinion: It is Israel's war, let them fight it. We'll sell Israel the ammo, weapons, and intelligence they need.
On equipment: You get what you inspect, not what you expect. On training: Our drills are bloodless battles so that our battles are bloody drills. On tactics: Cheating just means you're serious about winning.
Re: Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran
02/23/2012 03:13 AM
02/23/2012 03:13 AM
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An Egyptian general announced yesterday that they will go to war with Israel within 3 months.
Factor in that Russia and Syria are also allies of Iran and you have the makings of the next world war.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran
02/23/2012 04:29 AM
02/23/2012 04:29 AM
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Originally posted by ConSigCor: An Egyptian general announced yesterday that they will go to war with Israel within 3 months.
Factor in that Russia and Syria are also allies of Iran and you have the makings of the next world war. Agreed. Although some will say that these nations dont have the superior armaments and navel fleet and aircraft capabilities we have they are STILL a major threat, and can very well bring about WW III. All it takes is ONE SNuke/dirty bomb (NO MATTER THE SIZE) successfully detonated on US soil (meaning the United States, NOT the territories we own) to give Uncle O and big brother a reason they can present to the general public as to WHY our entire country goes on complete lockdown and martial law is placed in full effect... Even though a country or multiple countries at once - do not have the capability to launch a full blown ground, sea and air assault simultaneously and be successful, they can still hit us where it hurts and cripple us via our OWN government. Think of this scenario (Yes it will seem far fetched, just going with something so bear with me and no Im not wearing a tinfoil hat, just making it up as I go) They go to war with Israel - you KNOW that our lovely government will help for their own reasons. Two weeks into the "conflict" a small, possibly Iranian, sleeper cell somewhere in the US is activated due to the escalating war in Syria/Iran/Israel and their standing orders were to detonate a dirty bomb in a highly populated metro area. They do so and it is a successful detonation killing, injuring and sickening hundreds if not thousands due to not only the initial blast, but the fallout as well. (Even if it wasnt a nuclear blast, a fairly large explosion would be enough for what comes next). After this happens, a threat is received stating that "more is coming" because of our efforts to help Israel. Now begins the process of lockdown and all hell breaks loose.
RED WHITE BLUE.3 colors that dont run.NEITHER DO I.
FEAR is NOT in my vocabulary.
Fight free or Die a slave.
Re: Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran
02/23/2012 06:05 AM
02/23/2012 06:05 AM
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It would not even have to be a sleeper cell it could be our own,gov creating another problem so they can save us.
Any government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have
Re: Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran
02/23/2012 07:46 AM
02/23/2012 07:46 AM
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Originally posted by ThePatriot: The Answer - You say Iran would be more of a headache to the US militarily but then give examples of those headaches such as assasinations, etc. Thats not a military problem.
As far as "conventional hazards" you mention - (revolutionary guard, closing of straits of hormuz) As I stated, this will not be a ground war.(or should not, given the lessons learned in Iraq)
As far as secret treaties with China and Russia, I stated that is the one thing I am concerned with - the powers outside Iran(Russian, China)..
Comparing Iraq to Iran: Militarily, Iran currently has roughly 200 fixed wing combat aircraft. During the gulf war, Iraq had about 600.
US Military strength comparison(2009):
It should make you feel a wee bit more relaxed....
Military Defense Spending and Budgets USA - $515,400,000,000 China - $59,000,000,000 Russia - $43,200,000,000
Aerial-Based Weapons USA - 18,169 China - 1,900 Russia - 3,888
Navy Ships USA - 1559 China - 760 Russia - 526
Aircraft Carriers USA - 12 China - 1 Russia - 1
Destroyers USA - 50 China - 21 Russia - 15
Now what alternate universe am I from? From the universe that needs additional training on military arts. The allies had a similar advantage over the axis powers throughout WWII. So why did it take 6 years to fight that war? Terrain, tactics, and leadership play key roles in determining the outcome. An M1A2 tank costs the US almost $6 mil each. The Russian T-90 costs about $300K and is almost as good as an M60A3, which cost the US over $1 mil per copy. As Benjamin Disraeli said, there are 3 kinds of lies, there are lies, damned lies, and statistics.
"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson
Re: Consequences To Expect If The U.S. Invades Iran
02/23/2012 09:36 AM
02/23/2012 09:36 AM
Joined: Feb 2007
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J. Croft
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somewhere-where am I?
ThePatriot: just what percentile of the US military's strength is available for an Iran advanture? Furthermore, nuclear weapons are the great equalizer as NATO deployed thousands of tactical nukes, some that could even be shot out of artillery pieces, to stop the tens of thousands of Soviet tanks.
The question we need to ask is, what possible gain would we as Americans get if those CFR crooks get their war with Iran. Not saying their regime's the good guys, I don't believe any government is but do you actually look forward to the shock effects of a tripling of the price of crude? Then there are infiltrators and what do they have? Biologicals? Soviet ere suitcase nukes? Imagine one of those going off-TSA rapists wet dream they could fondle everybody.
One Iranian agent with a WASR-10 and a bunch of magazines opening up on a shopping mall and the cops and feds would go ballistic going door to door going along with a script to take Americans guns.
Imagine if a fed agent or Mossad type did a false flag...
Be your own leader