60% of Americans Believe Domestic Terrorists Will Stage Attack Within a Year
04/14/2010 04:31 AM
04/14/2010 04:31 AM
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Poll Claims 60% of Americans Believe Domestic Terrorists Will Stage Attack Within a Year
Kurt Nimmo Infowars.com April 13, 2010
It looks like the government and corporate media campaign to demonize patriot groups and characterize them as domestic terrorists is paying off.
On April 12, the UPI posted the results of a poll conducted by Angus Reid Public Opinion. The survey reports that a “strong majority” of Americans believe “American-on-American terrorism is likely in the next year.” 58 percent of 1,005 people surveyed believe a terrorist attack on U.S. soil, carried out by Americans, is “very likely” or “moderately likely” to happen.
More than half of those polled also consider the Hutaree and Guardians of the Free Republics to be “terrorists” while 8 percent think of them as “freedom fighters.”
National Public Radio reported yesterday that the FBI had an explosives expert infiltrate the Hutaree. Andrew Arena, the FBI’s special agent in charge in Detroit, told NPR “the officer offered to take over that part of the group’s operation. That meant the FBI would now have some modicum of control over what it saw as the Hutarees’ most dangerous asset: explosives.”
The FBI operation in Michigan is reminiscent of an earlier operation in New York.
Tape recordings of telephone conversations between FBI informant Emad Salem and his FBI contacts reveal government complicity in the February 26, 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City in which six people were killed and more than a thousand were injured.
“Did the FBI do the bombing, utilizing informant Salem as an ‘agent provocateur’ or did it fail to prevent an independent Salem and his associates from doing it?” Paul DeRienzo, Frank Morales and Chris Flash wrote for The Shadow newspaper in late 1994. “The taped conversations obtained by The Shadow seem to indicate the former.”
The fear generated in response to non-threatening letters sent to U.S. governors by the Guardians of the Free Republics was created by the establishment media in order to increase hysteria in response to patriot and constitutional groups the government incessantly conflates with militia groups that are minuscule in number.
The Guardians of the Free Republics is a non-violent group that follows the lead of Mandela, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King. In response to a demand state governors step down, the FBI warned police around the country that the “threat” could provoke violence by other groups.
According to The Detroit News, the government is currently preparing for a “surge” in domestic terrorism. “We understand the threat, what a serious threat it is, and the U.S. government is paying close attention to it,” Michigan Rep. Candice Miller told the News. “We’ve had a lot of discussion about it in committee meetings, and in classified (Homeland Security) meetings as well.”
A March 10 report by the Washington D.C.-based Center for Strategic and International Studies warned that the U.S. government needs to focus its efforts on “fighting terror at home.”
John Laughland notes that the Center for Strategic and International Studies serves as a propaganda outfit for the establishment.
“Facing comparatively few restrictions, U.S. legal residents and citizens can travel abroad, connect with terrorist groups to gain explosives or weapons training, and return here to plan and execute attacks,” the report claims.
The innuendo is obvious – militias and other “extremists” will team up with al-Qaeda abroad and engage in domestic terrorism at home.
In June, 2009, Fox News disinfo operative Glenn Beck made the outlandish and entirely fictional claim that militias will team up with Muslim terrorists and attack the United States. A video featuring Abdullah al-Nafisi, said to be an al-Qaeda recruiter, was “authenticated” by U.S. counter-terrorism officials. Moreover, Sean Smith, a spokesman for Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, said the U.S. had taken the Abdullah al-Nafisi “recruitment” video seriously.
Last week Newsweek attempted to fan the flames of manufactured hysteria when it reported that two members of the Hutaree served in the military. “The particular concern raised by military members among extremist groups is that former service members, including disgruntled veterans from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, may be helping to train extremists in firearms and military tactics,” Michael Isikoff wrote on April 9. Isikoff cites Mark Potok and the Southern Poverty Law Center.
The Department of Homeland Security’s exposed report on “rightwing extremism” makes the claim returning veterans will join white supremacist militias and engage in violence.
The SPLC and the Anti-Defamation League work hand-in-hand with the Department of Homeland Security to demonize patriot and constitutionalist organizations. SPLC’s Mark Potok appears on corporate media networks almost daily peddling his organization’s hysterical rantings and fairy tales about impending violence and mayhem that will be perpetuated by patriot groups and individuals.
Also on April 9, Newsweek characterized Stewart Rhodes’ Oath Keepers as a hate speech and extremist organization. The “feds and local authorities will be watching closely on April 19, when the Oath Keepers mark their first anniversary and join a Second Amendment March on Washington to celebrate the right to bear arms,” write Evan Thomas and Eve Conant. The article is entitled “A Surge of Hate.”
In short, the feds will put the Oath Keepers and others under surveillance.
The Oath Keepers is a non-violent organization that encourages active military, veterans, and law enforcement to reaffirm the oath they have taken to the Constitution.
In late March, instead of airing an interview with Alex Jones (who is a favored target of the SPLC and Soros-linked bloggers), CNN ran a segment allowing Potok to hitch the FBI infiltrated Hutaree to the patriot movement. John Avlon referred to patriots as “hateriots” and tried to link constitutional activists to the murder of police officers in Pittsburgh by a deranged white supremacist.
The government and the corporate media are working overtime to conflate the myth of violent and racist militias not only to the patriot movement but the independent Tea Party movement as well.The corporate media invariably characterizes the Tea Party movement as backward, nativist, and above all racist.
If we can believe the results of the Angus Reid Public Opinion poll – and corporate media polls should always be suspect — this concerted propaganda has paid off in spades.
The establishment has set the stage for a false flag terror attack that will be attributed to “extremists,” possibly in conjunction with al-Qaeda or another CIA-created terror group.
Obama’s shrill warning about terrorists using a nuclear weapon is a milestone in the effort to impose martial law and a police state in the United States. It dovetails perfectly with the orchestrated campaign to demonize a growing number of Americans who are alarmed and outraged by a voracious and predatory federal government determined to destroy the Constitution and merge the United States into an authoritarian world government run by the bankers and transnational corporations.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: 60% of Americans Believe Domestic Terrorists Will Stage Attack Within a Year
04/18/2010 09:41 AM
04/18/2010 09:41 AM
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Kalashnikov Josh
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The 'attack' will be 'staged' by the government,in order to further demonize Americans that believe in the Republic.
"The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases." -Thomas Jefferson
Re: 60% of Americans Believe Domestic Terrorists Will Stage Attack Within a Year
04/18/2010 12:26 PM
04/18/2010 12:26 PM
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Well with this being said do not procrastinate. Make sure from this point forward. Your skills are up to par. Caches cached then cach some more. Train more nubes. Inform more sheeple as to the time of the hour.
Re: 60% of Americans Believe Domestic Terrorists Will Stage Attack Within a Year
04/18/2010 01:52 PM
04/18/2010 01:52 PM
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Buried in that poll is something so significant that it's worth repeating: Originally posted by ConSigCor: More than half of those polled also consider the Hutaree and Guardians of the Free Republics to be “terrorists” while 8 percent think of them as “freedom fighters.” All we need in ten percent. That's how many were patriots on April 19, 1775. (Give or take a couple percent margin for error, which was probably considerably larger back then.) With ten percent, our eventual victory will be certain. That's our tipping point. Our numbers will only grow from there. And we're at eight percent now!I'd say that's cause for celebration! Onward and upward, airforce
Re: 60% of Americans Believe Domestic Terrorists Will Stage Attack Within a Year
04/19/2010 02:45 AM
04/19/2010 02:45 AM
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Originally posted by airforce: Buried in that poll is something so significant that it's worth repeating:
Originally posted by ConSigCor: More than half of those polled also consider the Hutaree and Guardians of the Free Republics to be “terrorists” while [b]8 percent think of them as “freedom fighters.” All we need in ten percent. That's how many were patriots on April 19, 1775. (Give or take a couple percent margin for error, which was probably considerably larger back then.)
With ten percent, our eventual victory will be certain. That's our tipping point. Our numbers will only grow from there. And we're at eight percent now!
I'd say that's cause for celebration!
Onward and upward, airforce [/b]I agree, although I'm surprised that the number isn't higher. It just goes to show you that those people that think we're terrorists are not very well versed in American History. That, and the fact that the MSM has done their .gov appointed job in portraying us that way.
Re: 60% of Americans Believe Domestic Terrorists Will Stage Attack Within a Year
04/19/2010 05:07 AM
04/19/2010 05:07 AM
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Domestic Terrorists already have attacked this year. They've attakced our god given rights. I can even tell you where they are sitting right now. E. Capitol St. and First St. NW, Washington, DC. Doesn't seem to be any law enforcement interested in arresting them though.
We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!
Re: 60% of Americans Believe Domestic Terrorists Will Stage Attack Within a Year
04/19/2010 05:27 AM
04/19/2010 05:27 AM
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Originally posted by Brewer: Domestic Terrorists already have attacked this year. They've attakced our god given rights. I can even tell you where they are sitting right now. E. Capitol St. and First St. NW, Washington, DC. Doesn't seem to be any law enforcement interested in arresting them though. They can't be arrested, only put out of business.
Re: 60% of Americans Believe Domestic Terrorists Will Stage Attack Within a Year
04/20/2010 06:25 AM
04/20/2010 06:25 AM
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Slipping the surly bonds of ea...
Well, so far all the violence has been by leftists. Some Democrat just got arrested for threatening (on the telephone, the dumb bastard) a US Congresswoman ... who happens to be a Republican. The dipshit making the call donated money to Hillary.... I don't want to fight.... It is in vain, sir, to extentuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace--but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!
Emergency Medicine - saving the world from themselves, one at a time. "Thou shalt not be a victim, thou shalt not be a perpetrator, but, above all, thou shalt not be a bystander." I make the ADL soil themselves. And that makes me very happy
Re: 60% of Americans Believe Domestic Terrorists Will Stage Attack Within a Year
04/21/2010 03:06 AM
04/21/2010 03:06 AM
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When False Flags Don’t Fly
James Corbett The Corbett Report April 20, 2010
Those who have studied history know that nothing invigorates and empowers an authoritarian regime more than a spectacular act of violence, some sudden and senseless loss of life that allows the autocrat to stand on the smoking rubble and identify himself as the hero. It is at moments like this that the public—still in shock from the horror of the tragedy that has just unfolded before them—can be led into the most ruthless despotism: despotism that now bears the mantle of “security.”
Acts of terror and violence never benefit the average man or woman. They only ever benefit those in positions of power.
This is why Nero fiddled while Rome burned: it gave him a chance to throw the Christians to the lions and rebuild the capital of the Roman Empire in his own image.
This is why Hearst and the warmongers of the emerging American Empire were delighted by the destruction of the U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor: it gave them the excuse they needed in order to rouse the public into supporting the Spanish-American War.
This is why Israel attacked the U.S.S. Liberty in 1967 during the Six Day War, strafing and torpedoing it relentlessly for hours in a vain attempt to send it to the bottom: the Israelis believed that the loss of the Liberty could be blamed on Egypt and draw the Americans into war.
This is why there are hundreds of documented examples of governments staging attacks in order to blame them on their political enemies. In every civilization, in every culture, in every historical period, authoritarians have known that spectacular acts of violence help to further consolidate their own power and control. And sadly, throughout history there have been all too many willing to allow attacks to occur, to pretend that attacks have occurred or even to attack their own population in order to further their political agenda.
To think that such staged provocations and false flag attacks no longer occur would be as unrealistic as believing that human nature itself has changed, that powerful people no longer seek to increase their power, that influence is never used for deceit or manipulation, that lies are no longer told to satisfy greed or slake the thirst for control. It is to believe that our society is immuned from those things that we have seen in every other society in every other era. In short, it is a dangerous delusion.
The people are once again learning the power of this delusion. They are learning the extent to which they have been lied to. They are once again studying their history.
The Russians are learning how the FSB was caught planting bombs in Moscow in the 1990s during a terror scare that swept Putin into power and stirred the public into supporting the Second Chechen War. They are learning how their autocratic ex-President came to power campaigning on the graves of those his old FSB cronies had killed.
The Israelis are learning how Mossad has been caught time and again posing as the very Muslim terrorists they claim to be opposing. They are learning how Israel uses the specter of terror to further extend their blank cheque drawn on American funds to expand their police state at home and maintain their hardline stance, the world’s sixth-largest nuclear superpower supposedly threatened by the possibility that one of their neighbours may one day obtain a single nuclear weapon.
The British are learning how their SAS officers were caught dressing up as Arabs in Iraq, driving around with trucks full of munitions, shooting at police to stir up ethnic tensions and insure that permanent bases could be built in the region. They are learning how Haroon Aswat, the supposed mastermind behind the 7/7 bombings, was working for British Intelligence.. They are learning how British military intelligence took part in IRA bombings.
The Indians are learning how the Mumbai attack was helped by an U.S. Agent who is cooperating with investigators so that he won’t face questioning by foreign authorities.
The Canadians are learning how their own provincial police dressed up as protestors in 2007 and threatened violence against other police in order to force a crackdown on peaceful protests.
And the Americans are learning that there were multiple bombs found, dismantled and taken out of the Alfred P. Murrah building on April 19, 1995. They are learning that Timothy McVeigh had written a letter to his sister in which he claimed to be in the Special Forces for the U.S. Army. They are learning the bombing was being directed by FBI informants, just as the 1993 World Trade Center bombing was. They are learning about 9/11 and the Gulf of Tonkin and Operation Northwoods and their own Army Counterinsurgency Manuals that teach officers how to commit false flag attacks to blame on their enemies.In short, the people are learning the truth.
And now we see the same build-up to a false flag event taking place that we saw in 1995. At that time the U.S. had a corporate media desperate to fling mud at anyone concerned by the actions of their government, and it had a government that was desperately unpopular in the face of growing dissatisfaction. Today we see the exact same factors at play.If anything, the situation today is worse than it was in the run-up to the Oklahoma City Bombing, with media consolidation meaning that groups of concerned citizens like the Oath Keepers are being attacked by the controlled minions on both the left and the right. And now it is not just the militia that is being demonized by the establishment: it is veterans and gun owners, third party supporters and libertarians, anti-war protestors and human rights campaigners, people who are upset with the government giving trillions to the banks that have engineered our current financial crisis in the first place. In short, everyone is now a potential terrorist, according to the governmental and media agencies that deign to limit our range of acceptable opinion and control dissent.
Even the word ‘terrorist’ means something more than it did back in 1995, after the false flag anthrax attack allowed the passage of the Patriot Act, after the boogey of Al-CIAda gave the NSA the opportunity to announce that they were collecting everyone’s emails and everyone’s telephone calls, after the former Homeland Security Secretary came out and admitted that the Bush administration had made up terror threats in order to scare the people into supporting the government, now we know what the real definition of terrorism is. It is governments scaring their own populations into line.
But there is something else that’s different now from what it was in 1995. The people are learning something else about terrorism: they are not terrorists for speaking out against their government. They are not terrorists for wanting the government to stop selling their children into servitude to pay bankers their bonuses. They are not terrorists for pointing out that the FBI and the CIA and Mossad and MI6 are behind every major terrorist event.
The people are not terrorists because they do not want to see more death. They do not want more destruction, the spilling of the blood of their fellow citizens is not in their interests. Death and destruction only ever serves the governmental and financial and industrial interests who always grow in power and wealth in the wake of every tragedy. Time and again, the people pay with their lives, and the governments and the banks and the war machine only grows and prospers.
The people do not want terrorism because it does not benefit them. It only benefits the existing power structure.
And this time, if there is another staged event to blame on the government’s enemy of the day, the people will know who to blame.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861