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If King George Will Not Listen... #151027
03/25/2010 12:40 PM
03/25/2010 12:40 PM
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A terrific essay from Erick Erickson:

This is one of those posts that has to be written and has to be said, though I know going in to it I’m going to get beaten up from all sides, though especially from a left particularly out to get me right now.

Nonetheless, this must be said.

The threats, potential acts of violence, and violence against those who voted for the health care legislation must be condemned. They are neither helpful to those seeking repeal nor the acts of a civilized society. I comfortably say I speak for all the front page posters here condemning the violence and threats. The people who think this country has descended into the darkness do in fact send us down a dark path themselves with these actions.

Clear? Good.

Here comes the controversial part that still must be said: I have heard the audio of some of the threats. I get worse stuff routinely. Rush Limbaugh gets worse stuff on a daily basis. Republican members of Congress have gotten similar and worse stuff. Thank God this wasn’t a free trade vote or a variety of left wing groups would have half the country in flames right now. I do believe the 24 hours of threats, many of which were pretty weak, has gotten more national coverage than the leftist anarchists in Texas who molotov cocktailed the Texas Governor’s Mansion — for which arrests have never been made.

I am forced to largely conclude that the Democrats are running to the nearest microphone in an effort to play the victim and generate sympathy as they try to steer poll numbers back in their direction. (See also Ann Althouse)

Some of it is very bad stuff. I don’t want to underplay the bad. Some of it, however, is not. And some of it is overplayed. Like the press reports about protestors yelling racial epithets at Congressman Lewis, which video shows and reporters I’ve talked to confirm, did not happen, a lot of this is going to be overblown, but the media loves a good story.

As one example of the over the top “violence on Democrats” stories went, people put a coffin near Russ Carnahan’s home as a threat. Turns out it was for a prayer vigil.

But there is something else here.

There are a great many Americans who truly believe the Democrats shredded the constitution on Sunday night. Made more galling, the Democrats were pretty upfront that they were pushing it through before congressmen could go home and face their angry constituents every poll showed were opposed to this legislation. And only after the vote did the media really start talking about the taxes, the flexible spending account cuts, the pre-existing conditions loophole for kids, etc. — i.e. the bad stuff in the bill.

I’ve said for weeks I was a bit fearful of what would happen as a result. I sincerely pray we are not on the cusp of some group of angry and now unhinged mob lashing out at congressmen for a vote in the Congress. But something seems to be brewing and I frankly don’t think the Democrats should at all be surprised. They were and they knew they were playing with fire to advance legislation many Americans see as the undoing of the American Experiment. Some of those Americans will now conclude that, like with the founders, if King George will not listen, King George must be fought.

Acts of violence against congressmen for behaving as congressmen are wholly inexcusable. We should be vigilant to police our own side because as we’re already seeing through a series of breathless and inaccurate reports, the press and Democrats are going to be quick to run most any story and the retraction will never be as significant as the initial report.

But let’s not act surprised. The only people surprised by the rage are the ones who refused to venture outside Washington to understand first hand what the voters were actually thinking before congressmen voted.

Frankly, after all the leadership threats and bullying against swing Democrats to vote for leadership, I think it is a bit ironic Democratic leaders are now decrying threats and bullying of swing state Democrats by their constituents who very clearly did not want them to vote as they did.
Onward and upward,

Re: If King George Will Not Listen... #151028
03/25/2010 01:11 PM
03/25/2010 01:11 PM
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Kalashnikov Josh Offline
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I am forced to largely conclude that the Democrats are running to the nearest microphone in an effort to play the victim and generate sympathy as they try to steer poll numbers back in their direction.
I've come to that conclusion too.

Especially after seeing footage of spitting incidents and racial harassment that just doesn't show any spitting and/or harassment......

There are a great many Americans who truly believe the Democrats shredded the constitution on Sunday night.
What constitution?

Do you mean the toilet paper in the gold gilded,marble tiled halls of the Federal Government?

That Constitution?

Thats worth less then bargain basement asspaper at this point.....

Some of those Americans will now conclude that, like with the founders, if King George will not listen, King George must be fought.
I'm waiting to see what the SCOTUS has to say.

If they affirm this law that gives the government the authority to demand we buy a product,then what CAN'T government do?

You see-congress can make all the laws it wants.Its up to us to vote out the scumbags who decide to make laws that arent in line with the oath they took to obey the Constitution.They are accountable to us.The fact that they now cower in terror behind taxpayer funded police forces-every man jack of whom are Benedict Arnolds 'taking the Kings shilling'-the fact that these COWARDS and TRAITORS are COWERING and COMMITTING TREASON isnt a surprise to me.

And its up to the SCOTUS to ensure the Constitution is obeyed.Their job is to ensure the law measures up to the Constitution.
They are the final Federal check on abuses of power in legislative and executive approved law.

If the SCOTUS fails to rightfully correct this gross misstep of government,then our system of checks and balances, designed intentionally to keep government abuses like this overt,Castro-approved tyranny has failed-it is then up to We The People to correct the problem.

There is a REASON the Founders wrote the Second Amendment.

When no checks or balances stand in the way of absolute government power-which is quite well represented by government having the authority to force us to buy a product and conduct warrantless IRS audits to determine if we must be 'fined' (punished) for 'not complying' (committing the crime of disobedience) with such mandates,then indeed-'King George' must be taught another lesson.

Or,we can all accept our new roles as servants and the 'ignorant masses' that must be led by the bit by our 'betters' in government that must have absolute authority over every aspect of our lives,
lest we fail to take care of our own affairs to the standards of busy body nanny stater's.

But for myself and many others-

Something is brewing all right.

Something like the tea that was brewed in Boston Harbor on December 16 of 1773.

"The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases." -Thomas Jefferson
Re: If King George Will Not Listen... #151029
03/25/2010 03:15 PM
03/25/2010 03:15 PM
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Tyler county,Texas
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Bring on the Horsemen of the Apocalypse,I shall eat their horses,and they will have to spread death slowly, in stolen go-carts.
Re: If King George Will Not Listen... #151030
03/25/2010 03:44 PM
03/25/2010 03:44 PM
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drjarhead Offline
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To Hell with Erickson.

More gutless tripe from a sniveling sell out.

The War for America
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Re: If King George Will Not Listen... #151031
03/25/2010 03:46 PM
03/25/2010 03:46 PM
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Originally posted by drjarhead:
To Hell with Erickson.

More gutless tripe from a sniveling sell out.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Onward and upward,

Re: If King George Will Not Listen... #151032
03/25/2010 03:56 PM
03/25/2010 03:56 PM
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drjarhead Offline
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Why are all of these people falling all over each other trying to be the first to suck up to the Leftwing scum?

Someone needs to say, "Yeah, it's bad. You brought all on yourselves and this is just the beginning. If you keep it up, you're going to bring on Armed Revolt or worse, Civil War. We will crush you without remorse and with utter ruthlessness. We will drive you from this continent.

I'd be more specific but this will do for now.

Beck, O'Reilly, Rush, Hannity...LMFAO. Corpulent sacks of pus in suits.

The War for America
Fight Everywhere
Re: If King George Will Not Listen... #151033
03/25/2010 05:26 PM
03/25/2010 05:26 PM
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Tahawus Offline
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There is a lot of sense in his words there.

Re: If King George Will Not Listen... #151034
03/26/2010 10:14 AM
03/26/2010 10:14 AM
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Kalashnikov Josh Offline
Kalashnikov Josh  Offline
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Some folks are ready to start shooting.
Some still want to talk.

Still reminds me of 1765.......

"The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases." -Thomas Jefferson
Re: If King George Will Not Listen... #151035
03/26/2010 10:20 AM
03/26/2010 10:20 AM
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Okanogan County Washington Sta...

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PISTIS en XPICT faith in Christ
Re: If King George Will Not Listen... #151036
03/27/2010 03:47 PM
03/27/2010 03:47 PM
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Kalashnikov Josh Offline
Kalashnikov Josh  Offline
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STRATIOTES-I hope you dont mind.
THAT picture just became part of my collection and may be used again LOL!!!!

"The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases." -Thomas Jefferson
Re: If King George Will Not Listen... #151037
03/27/2010 07:02 PM
03/27/2010 07:02 PM
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SnakeEyes Offline
SnakeEyes  Offline
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What do you expect if it were not for the Democrats Oxygen and Liftime would be out of business because there would be no one to make Victim Porn for.

"All men are timid on entering any fight. Whether it is the first or the last fight, all of us are timid. Cowards are those who let their timidity get the better of their manhood." - Gen Patton
Re: If King George Will Not Listen... #151038
03/29/2010 05:10 PM
03/29/2010 05:10 PM
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BTDT320 Offline
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Originally posted by drjarhead:
Why are all of these people falling all over each other trying to be the first to suck up to the Leftwing scum?

Someone needs to say, "Yeah, it's bad. You brought all on yourselves and this is just the beginning. If you keep it up, you're going to bring on Armed Revolt or worse, Civil War. We will crush you without remorse and with utter ruthlessness. We will drive you from this continent.

I'd be more specific but this will do for now.

Beck, O'Reilly, Rush, Hannity...LMFAO. Corpulent sacks of pus in suits.


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