Death Threats to representatives
03/24/2010 08:15 AM
03/24/2010 08:15 AM
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According to the Capital police, and from a press conference with Majority Leader Hoyer. At least 10 representatives that voted for the healthcare bill have received threats to their lives over the last 48hrs.
This has just came into light, I hope that the representatives start to feel that their unconstitutional use of power will have serious consequences.
In the press conference Hoyer looked like he was frightened too. I wonder if he has received the threats too, according to FOX the threats have been in person, email, phone and other ways.
I wonder how this one will pan out???
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/24/2010 08:48 AM
03/24/2010 08:48 AM
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Faux news: web page FBI Investigates Possible Threats Directed at House Democrats. Also they just reported a gas line was cut at a congressman brothers home. Dont remember which one I was only half watching.
"State a moral case to a ploughman & a professor. The former will decide it as well, & often better than the latter, because he has not been led astray by artificial rules."
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/24/2010 10:38 AM
03/24/2010 10:38 AM
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Originally posted by okietwister:
This has just came into light, I hope that the representatives start to feel that their unconstitutional use of power will have serious consequences.
I wonder how this one will pan out??? Further unconstitutional uses of power. That's how they will spin it. To justify draconian measures against the Right. Bet on it.
The War for America Fight Everywhere III
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/24/2010 10:43 AM
03/24/2010 10:43 AM
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No matter how outraged we are, saying and doing things rashly in our anger will only give them weapons to use against us. We need to take a lesson from the Arabs and Chinese: smile now, but never forget.
"Through endurance we conquer." - Shackleton
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/24/2010 10:49 AM
03/24/2010 10:49 AM
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It's not like they weren't warned. People tried to tell these elitists that they wouldn't stand to have our Constitution destroyed. Did they think it was a joke? Did they think they could get away with it without repercussions? If they did they are bigger fools than I ever thought. God Bless our Constitution! God Bless America!
Freedom is that instant between when someone tells you to do something and when you decide how to respond
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/24/2010 11:10 AM
03/24/2010 11:10 AM
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Originally posted by Fighting Pilot: No matter how outraged we are, saying and doing things rashly in our anger will only give them weapons to use against us. We need to take a lesson from the Arabs and Chinese: smile now, but never forget. Yes, in 200 years when there are cameras everywhere and a chip in the back of your head, then our great, great, great, great, great, etc grandchildren will get even with 'em. I'm not sure I even get the point of this site sometimes. Are we expecting to fight alongside military units when the Chicoms invade? Or maybe the aliens... This nation has been taken by the enemy. Now they are going to bring millions more in. No, I just don't get the point. Let's start a PR campaign so the Media will tell everyone we are all just great guys. Are you people for real? Okay, yeah, I get it now. When YOU are dragged out of YOUR home by LE after trying to protect YOUR family from being raped and murdered, then everyone is supposed to come to YOUR aid and defense. LOL. What a f'ing crock.
The War for America Fight Everywhere III
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/24/2010 11:45 AM
03/24/2010 11:45 AM
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This not the recognized Militia doing this but average joe citizen that is pissed off get ready the roller coaster has left the shoot gate
of course they will blme this on Militia and right extremists
Major B Hunt
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/24/2010 12:21 PM
03/24/2010 12:21 PM
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Ive already heard the TEA party being blamed, its just time until someone says its the Militia behind it.
I agree about the PR campaign, it wont work for the MS media. We can only help ourselves out by the grassroots way of doing things.
I really do hope the reps in DC start thinking about the people instead of themselves more after the threats, that maybe they can understand that they work for us.
Maybe I'm hoping for more than is possible??
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/24/2010 01:07 PM
03/24/2010 01:07 PM
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Anyone thinking that voting, getting friends to register to vote, calling representatives,etc will change anything, I want what they're smoking. Both parties are useless. Drjarhead is right on point, why bother with this site if excuses will be made every time the Constitution is trampled. Does anyone here really think that the political process works? It's time to get ready for whatever they're going to throw at us. God help this country.
"Am fear nach gheidh na h-airm 'nam na sith, Cha bhi iad aige 'n am a chogaidli." - Gaelic Proverb ("Who keeps not his arms in times of peace, Will have no arms in times of war.")
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/24/2010 01:33 PM
03/24/2010 01:33 PM
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Hey guys, calm down. Can you really expect everyone on here to be legitimate? Some are Feds, I would not doubt. I will fight if any of the "lines in the sand" are crossed.
It is not wise to be hasty. If something can change without violence, that is better. But I agree, we can not continually step back. That is why the line is in the sand.
If the polls fail, all hell is going to break loose.
John 1:1 Ev apxn nv O loyos, kai O loyos nv TTpos tov 0eov, kai 0eos nv O loyos.
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/24/2010 01:36 PM
03/24/2010 01:36 PM
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There is a line in the sand for a reason. If the American people react and win... it will boost the American revival. If conservatives loose at the polls, all hell will break loose. There is no sense if violence, unless it is absolutely necessary. Until it absolutely necessary, it will be foolish to be premature.
John 1:1 Ev apxn nv O loyos, kai O loyos nv TTpos tov 0eov, kai 0eos nv O loyos.
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/24/2010 02:28 PM
03/24/2010 02:28 PM
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Gentlemen we all must use common sense. The militia has no need to make threats.
A little civil disobedience to get the point across is one thing but making a direct threat against the life of someone, even a traitor, will bring serious heat in directly upon your head. So don't be stupid.
Remember, in war you never let the enemy know what is coming so don't waste any time making idle threats. Especially if you don't intend to keep them.
Remember too, if nothing is happening, the media will make something up to use against you.
Read this...;f=32;t=000600;p=1#000000
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/24/2010 03:35 PM
03/24/2010 03:35 PM
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Kalashnikov Josh
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A historical perspective-
The Stamp Act of 1765.
The parallels between that and this health care scam are stark and real.
In 1776,the British,against English Common Law and without the consent of the colonists, demanded that every piece of paper was to be affixed with a stamp,and to enforce this law,allowed British troopers to enter on their own authority to any home or business to ensure compliance.
Now,in 2010,the federal government,against Constitutional law and without the consent of the governed, has taken it upon itself to demand that every American buy a product.To enforce this law,the IRS will act without a warrant to seize your income before you even receive it and conduct warrantless searches into your private life to ensure your compliance with this law.
The Stamp Act of 1765 brought about resentment,protests,and general sentiment of rebellion towards the British-which eventually fomented into the American Revolution.
Fast forward to the year 2010- I see the protests. I see the growing resentment.
Will our system of democratic elections or the Supreme Court that is supposed to rectify this Republic and keep government in line with the Constitution be able to correct these errors?
Only time will tell.
And if these errors are not corrected by current establishment of government,how long will the American people who once stood against the greatest empire on earth put up with the same tyranny that drove us to Revolution?
How long will we put up with federal agents snooping in our business to ensure compliance with this law,taking our income from us against our will and spending it for us before it even crosses our palms,forcing us to shutter our businesses because of an inability to comply with their demands,arresting the most stalwart resistors and offering them gulags for their noncompliance with the socialist agenda?
Will we put up with the federal government making our personal decisions for us with our own money? Taxing,fining and arresting us for refusing to buy a product?
Will this health care scam be in the history books much like the Stamp Act,as but one of the precipitants of a War that will be fought to once again set men free of the yoke of tyrannical government in this great land?
Much like the colonists petitioned the British to follow their own law-we are in the process of petitioning the government by states laws and lawsuits to obey the law and cease and desist.
Will the government listen?
Or has the Tree of Liberty gone too long without its natural refreshment?
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.” — Thomas Jefferson
" Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"-Patric Henry
"The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases." -Thomas Jefferson
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/24/2010 09:22 PM
03/24/2010 09:22 PM
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There are alot of threats congressmen and women being threatened by snipers. I believe its pissed off civilians. I would hope that no Militia would ever do such a thing we are susposed to be above reproach our time for war will come and it wont be pretty I agree with stamp act as an analogy.
Major B Hunt
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/25/2010 02:01 AM
03/25/2010 02:01 AM
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Oh, boo-hoo. Steny Hoyer 'estimating' that there 'might be as many as 10' who have been threatened?
How about the outrage when Democratic party operatives slashed tires on GOP get out the vote vans? Shot up Bush/Cheney campaign offices? Vandalized GOP offices?
How about when SEIU/Democratic Operatives beat up Ken Gladney at a Teaparty event? When the 'new' Black Panther Party used physical intimidation (with weapons displayed) to prevent whitey from voting?
Hoyer better find out what intimidation is.
Emergency Medicine - saving the world from themselves, one at a time. "Thou shalt not be a victim, thou shalt not be a perpetrator, but, above all, thou shalt not be a bystander." I make the ADL soil themselves. And that makes me very happy
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/25/2010 02:23 AM
03/25/2010 02:23 AM
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Slipping the surly bonds of ea...
Originally posted by Flight-ER-Doc: Oh, boo-hoo. Steny Hoyer 'estimating' that there 'might be as many as 10' who have been threatened? Lets make up some more scary numbers. In the mean time, we have a democrat senator threatening the President of the United States with physical violence: Did she even get a visit from the Secret Service?
How about the outrage when Democratic party operatives slashed tires on GOP get out the vote vans? Shot up Bush/Cheney campaign offices? Vandalized GOP offices?
How about when SEIU/Democratic Operatives beat up Ken Gladney at a Teaparty event? When the 'new' Black Panther Party used physical intimidation (with weapons displayed) to prevent whitey from voting?
Hoyer better find out what intimidation is.
Emergency Medicine - saving the world from themselves, one at a time. "Thou shalt not be a victim, thou shalt not be a perpetrator, but, above all, thou shalt not be a bystander." I make the ADL soil themselves. And that makes me very happy
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/25/2010 04:11 AM
03/25/2010 04:11 AM
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Flight ER Doc,
Don't you get it? They think a little civil disobedience is OK when they do it. It's just those "evil" conservatives and the rest of the unwashed masses who must shut up and do what they're told.
They better think again.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/25/2010 04:45 AM
03/25/2010 04:45 AM
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April 19, 2010...Armed march/protest in Washington DC.
Patience just a little longer. The shooting war will start soon enough. Then all bets are off.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/25/2010 05:25 AM
03/25/2010 05:25 AM
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Originally posted by WrenchNinja: This forum is full of chicken%#* keyboard comandos that want to bend over to enemys just like the scumbags in our government. My f%*#in grandma has more balls...
These co*%suckers wanna inject your children with monkey fetus and mercury,and you are waiting for them to cross your ever retreating line in the sand. You gonna wait till they send a f*%kin swat team to your door?
Why the f*%#k isn't there a march being planned by every "patriot" in a state near DC to arrest and put these scumbags on trial. You gonna go wave signs shake your fist and stomp your feet again? How bout we cry about people that actually have balls to come within 20 feet of a gov building and throw a brick through the window. This is my last post here, what a waste of time... Pretty much what I'm thinking. About all of it other than an Armed March on DC. Tactically and strategically that is probably the worst move we could make. I can't imagine any of us would make it even close to DC without being vaporized by hellfires fired from Apaches or Predator drones. One of the problems as I see it is that they are going to be eventually coming down on all of us. It is apparent we are each on our own and that it will remain so. As such, taking us down piecemeal will be ridiculously simple. A sad people in a sad time.
The War for America Fight Everywhere III
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/25/2010 05:45 AM
03/25/2010 05:45 AM
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The march on DC was planned long before this past weekend. It is not even a reaction to that event.
The biggest problem right now is this...
Everyone wants to bitch about the problem
And, if anyone offers any kind of a possible solution...everyone wants to bitch about that too.
There are many different ways to fix things and almost EVERY one of them must come into play at once.
Several proposals have already been made. But most people are so busy throwing a hissy fit that they have no time to discuss the important things. More time needs to be spend working towards a solution and much less time complaining and bitching.
And even if there was some "master plan" to fix think were going to discuss it out in the open??? Get real.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/25/2010 06:01 AM
03/25/2010 06:01 AM
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Originally posted by ConSigCor: The march on DC was planned long before this past weekend. It is not even a reaction to that event.
The biggest problem right now is this...
Everyone wants to bitch about the problem
And, if anyone offers any kind of a possible solution...everyone wants to bitch about that too.
There are many different ways to fix things and almost EVERY one of them must come into play at once.
Several proposals have already been made. But most people are so busy throwing a hissy fit that they have no time to discuss the important things. More time needs to be spend working towards a solution and much less time complaining and bitching.
And even if there was some "master plan" to fix think were going to discuss it out in the open??? Get real. Perfect summary!! +1
Freedom is that instant between when someone tells you to do something and when you decide how to respond
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/25/2010 07:59 AM
03/25/2010 07:59 AM
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Originally posted by WrenchNinja: This forum is full of chicken%#* keyboard comandos that want to bend over to enemys just like the scumbags in our government. My f%*#in grandma has more balls...
These co*%suckers wanna inject your children with monkey fetus and mercury,and you are waiting for them to cross your ever retreating line in the sand. You gonna wait till they send a f*%kin swat team to your door?
Why the f*%#k isn't there a march being planned by every "patriot" in a state near DC to arrest and put these scumbags on trial. You gonna go wave signs shake your fist and stomp your feet again? How bout we cry about people that actually have balls to come within 20 feet of a gov building and throw a brick through the window. This is my last post here, what a waste of time... I would suggest you work on correcting the problems in your state before you set your sights on the republic! We had a problem and we dealt with it here, our state officials are heading up the law suites against health care, signed into law quickly the Virginia Healthcare Freedom act. You talk like this but yet are in the most commie state in the republic? I lived there 25 years and got the hell out. I understand that most of what is going on will not be changed in the judicial branch, but these are steps that must be taken, only when all peaceful courses have been taken...........
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/25/2010 08:30 AM
03/25/2010 08:30 AM
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Originally posted by WrenchNinja: This forum is full of chicken%#* keyboard comandos that want to bend over to enemys just like the scumbags in our government. My f%*#in grandma has more balls...
These co*%suckers wanna inject your children with monkey fetus and mercury,and you are waiting for them to cross your ever retreating line in the sand. You gonna wait till they send a f*%kin swat team to your door?
Why the f*%#k isn't there a march being planned by every "patriot" in a state near DC to arrest and put these scumbags on trial. You gonna go wave signs shake your fist and stomp your feet again? How bout we cry about people that actually have balls to come within 20 feet of a gov building and throw a brick through the window. This is my last post here, what a waste of time... OK go ahead and plan something, or are you chicken shit?
"State a moral case to a ploughman & a professor. The former will decide it as well, & often better than the latter, because he has not been led astray by artificial rules."
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/25/2010 09:09 AM
03/25/2010 09:09 AM
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Kalashnikov Josh
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Yes please w.Ninja.
Plan it out loud right here on the internet so every government agent looking for an excuse to snatch your ass up and start screaming about how they were right about those evil homegrown terrorists and how we need to crack down on all of them immediately right away,or the children will all suffer.
Give them an excuse dumbass.
Or,shut your mouth,chill out,and sit back and watch history repeat itself.
We are right.History shows it.
And now even Fidel Castro thinks the health care scam was a good idea.
Thats gonna sit wrong with MILLIONS of Americans.
Dont go off half cocked. Thats what they want-the scumbags NEED an excuse to say "oh that tears it were cracking down on these evil militias".
Give it at least until the SCOTUS decides that the government now has the power to order you to buy a product.At that point-government can do anything it wants.
No wonder Castro is impressed.
"The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases." -Thomas Jefferson
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/25/2010 09:13 AM
03/25/2010 09:13 AM
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Well it's not just those "evil mean right wing nuts" who are making threats.
Just heard a report that several repulitard congressman have received threats from angry democrats for their opposition to "free" healtcare. One republitard reports that he has had his windows shot out.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/25/2010 09:21 AM
03/25/2010 09:21 AM
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Kalashnikov Josh
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Yeah this is gonna get thick.
Either way you cut it,the divide is going to be too much between the socialists and the patriots of this nation very soon.
With Castro egging these socialist scumbags on-if the SCOTUS declares obamacare illegal we might have these progressives go from evolution of our government to oligarchy-to outright open revolution.
I cant imagine that the scumbags that pulled this crap up in DC didnt have something like this in mind.
i suggest to all reading this that we NOT play into their hands,no matter how tempting it is.
(and over the past few days,at least for me-its been REALLY tempting)
Let the situation develop.
Let history show us how valid it really is.
"The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases." -Thomas Jefferson
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/26/2010 04:06 AM
03/26/2010 04:06 AM
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Cantor Says Campaign Office Was Shot At, Accuses Dems of Exploiting Threats
Virginia Rep. Eric Cantor said Thursday that his Richmond campaign office has been shot at and that he's received "threatening e-mails" -- but at the same time the House minority whip accused top Democrats of trying to exploit the threats they've been receiving for "political gain."
Cantor said "a bullet was shot through the window" of his campaign office. The incident happened Monday, Fox News has learned, the latest in a rash of apparent threats and acts of intimidation against members of Congress. Most of the threats so far have been reported by Democrats, but Cantor -- the No. 2 Republican in the House -- is one of about 10 lawmakers who has asked for increased security protection, Fox News has learned.
In brief and pointed remarks, Cantor said he would not be releasing any information about the other threats he's received, as some lawmakers have done, out of concern that it would "encourage more to be sent."
And he admonished his colleagues -- specifically Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., and Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine -- for "dangerously fanning the flames by suggesting these incidents be used as a political weapon."
"Any suggestion that a leader in this body would incite threats or acts against other members is akin to saying that I would endanger myself, my wife or my children," Cantor said. "It is reckless to use these incidents as media vehicles for political gain."
Van Hollen told MSNBC on Wednesday that Republican leaders were "pouring more and more gasoline on the flames." Kaine, in an interview with the Huffington Post, said Republican leaders are "trying to stoke anger" with lies.
House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., in an interview with MSNBC Wednesday night, said people are getting "signals" from lawmakers on how to behave and that lawmakers need to "disown" the activity before it gets out of control. He suggested his colleagues were culpable.
"If we participate in it, either from the balcony or on the floor of the House, you are aiding and abetting this kind of terrorism, really," Clyburn said.
And Rep. Phil Hare, D-Ill., told Fox News on Thursday that he thought House Republican Leader John Boehner should step aside for not being more vocal in denouncing the threats.
"He has a responsibility to step up and put an end to this," Hare said. "I think this is despicable."
Cantor said Thursday that such threats should not be a "partisan issue."
Cantor, as minority whip, is the highest elected Jewish politician in the country, and he said some of the threats he's gotten in the past have been because of his religion. But all the recent threats against lawmakers appear to be connected to the health care debate.
The Department of Homeland Security is involved in the Cantor case because he is a member of the House leadership. U.S. Capitol Police already provide Cantor with a security detail around the clock because of his leadership position, but he has asked for more security.
Fox News has also obtained a threatening message left Friday on the voicemail of Rep. Jean Schmidt, R-Ohio, which comes on top of a slew of other threats.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer announced Wednesday that more than 10 lawmakers have been harassed in some way.
A senior Senate Democratic leadership aide told Fox News that threats also have been made against Senate Parliamentarian Alan Frumin.
Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, D-N.D., called that odd, given that Frumin just sided against the Democrats on a GOP challenge over the package of fixes being considered in the Senate, in effect sending it back to the House for an extra vote.
"The irony here is that he has people threatening him, but here's a guy who's held against us," Conrad said.
Rep. Betsy Markey, D-Colo., has also reportedly requested police patrols around her unoccupied home for fear it might be vandalized, after her office received a threatening message.
A coffin was found on the lawn of Rep. Russ Carnahan, D-Mo., though it apparently was intended to represent those who might die due to policies in the health care bill.
Senate Sergeant at Arms Terrance Gainer, in a memo to lawmakers and their staffs Wednesday, exhorted members to "remain vigilant."
The memo came after at least four Democratic offices were vandalized, including Rep. Louise Slaughter's local office in upstate New York, which was was hit by a brick that shattered a window.
The office of Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich. -- who initially opposed the Senate's health bill over concerns about abortion funding but switched to support the plan following assurance from the White House -- has received several threatening messages, recordings of which have been obtained by Fox News.
In one recording, a man swears at Stupak repeatedly while wishing for him to die.
"Congressman Stupak, you baby-killing motherf---er. ... I hope you bleed out your a--, got cancer and die, you motherf---er," he says.
Somebody also cut a propane line attached to a grill at the Virginia home of Rep. Tom Perriello's brother, whose address was mistakenly posted online as being that of the congressman.
Fox News' Chad Pergram and Trish Turner contributed to this report.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/26/2010 04:30 AM
03/26/2010 04:30 AM
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Dems Make Case Tea Party Movement is Terrorist
Kurt Nimmo March 25, 2010
The zombified Tea Party created by establishment Republicans and headed up by media darling Sarah Palin is taking heat for a spate of bad behavior around the country in response to the imposition of Obamacare. It is not clear who is responsible for the foul language and threats directed against Democrats but this has not stopped them from blaming their ideological twin, the Republican Party. Dems are demanding the Republicans denounce their creation — the hijacked and transmogrified Tea Party sworn to uphold the Republican platform of big government and endless war against phantom enemies.
It’s not just Democrats who get to play victim. Earlier today House Minority Whip Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia held a press conference and said somebody fired a bullet at his campaign office on Monday. Cantor admonished Rep. Chris Van Hollen and DNC chairman Tim Kaine for fanning the flames of hysteria and attempting to gain politically from the media circus swirling around the isolated incidents of outrage over the “socialization” (more accurately the corporate monopolization at gunpoint) of health care.
House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn went on MSNBC’s “Hardball” this afternoon and characterized the obscene phones calls and emails as domestic terrorism. Clyburn said people are getting “signals” from Republicans on how to behave and that lawmakers need to “disown” the activity before it gets out of control. He suggested his colleagues were culpable. “If we participate in it, either from the balcony or on the floor of the House, you are aiding and abetting this kind of terrorism, really,” Clyburn said.
“I think it’s part of a pattern,” said Rules Committee Chairwoman Louise Slaughter after an act of vandalism at her office in New York. Slaughter, at the command of Nancy Pelosi, was ready to force through the Obamacare monstrosity without a vote in the House. Such an unconstitutional maneuver turned out not to be necessary because the Democrats twisted arms and promised the moon to get the votes required for passage. Holdout Bart Stupak, a Michigan Democrat, was promised airport grants for his district if he abandoned his opposition. In other words, Stupak sold his opposition to abortion for a barrel of pork at the expense of the American people.
Libs over at the Huffington Post have taken up the domestic terrorism angle. It will not be members of the Borg hive Republican Tea Party that will engage in domestic terrorism, argues Jeff Schneider, but the radical fringe (in other words, the real Tea Party). “While the attack will not come from the Tea Party proper, more radical members and affiliated groups that have allied themselves with the movement are beginning to mobilize,” he writes today. “What began as the corporate funded, Dick Armey led, FreedomWorks organized, anti-health care rallying Tea Party movement has grown into something beyond what its founders intended.”
The Tea Party (if we can call it such) has entered into a series of loose alliances (of convenience or common purpose) with fringe groups like The Oath Keepers, the Committees of Safety, and the Three Percenter Movement (to name a few). While the rhetoric from Tea Party groups is vitriolic, its protests (to date) have been predominantly non-violent — but while many Tea Party protesters may be peaceful, their rhetoric, and the rhetoric of fellow traveler politicians like Rep. Bachmann and former Gov. Sarah Palin, is echoing through the Tea Party to its fringe elements — and the threat of domestic terror from these groups, or individuals who belong to them, has risen exponentially.
Closely following talking points issued by the Southern Poverty Law Center, Schneider connects the Oath Keepers to white supremacists, the Keystone State Skinheads forum and Stormfront. Schneider insists the “fringe” Tea Party movement is dangerous because it is linked to Gun Owners of America.
Gun Owners of America has over 300,000 members. It is the “only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington,” according to Ron Paul.
The Oath Keepers advocate that its members — who are current and former U.S. military and law enforcement — uphold their oaths of service and pledge to protect the U.S. Constitution. Even though the group is pledged to non-violence, Mother Jones has deemed it the “Tea Party’s military wing.”
The demonization of constitutionalists and patriots (minus absolutely any evidence they are involved in threats and obscene phone calls to the Congress critters who violated the Constitution this week) has moved from a concerted government and corporate media propaganda effort to a possibly more concrete and dangerous level.
“Law enforcement authorities are investigating the discovery of a cut propane gas line at the Virginia home of Rep. Thomas Perriello’s (D-Va.) brother, whose address was targeted by tea party activists angry at the congressman’s vote for the health care bill,” Politico reported yesterday. “While officials are not willing to characterize the exact nature of the incident because of the ongoing investigation, it did not involve an immediate threat to occupants of the residence. However officials are taking the incident very seriously and conducting a vigorous investigation,” Lee Catlin, community relations director for the Albemarle County Fire Marshal in Virginia said in a statement.
The FBI — America’s premier political police force with a long track record of cracking down on groups and individuals opposed to the government — is involved in the investigation.
“As of Wednesday afternoon, the FBI was investigating whether a severed gas line at the home of Congressman Perriello’s brother was related to a comment posted on a local ‘tea party’ website for activists to ‘drop by’ and ‘express their thanks’ for his healthcare vote and to ‘remember exactly what it is their constituents are saying and how they are telling them to vote,’” the Christian Science Monitor reports.
“Should something violent happen, Republicans know it could further discredit the Tea Party movement, and the conservative outrage that is fueling it, in the eyes of the wider American public. That explains, in part, the preponderance of condemnations now being issued by GOP congressmen, including Boehner, and by grass-roots activists,” reports Fox 31 in Denver, Colorado.
“These threats are likely coming from rogue, outside sources,” Lesley Hollywood, the director of the Northern Colorado Tea Party, told Fox. The Northern Colorado Tea Party is affiliated with Glenn Beck’s 912 Project.
The Republican Tea Party and Beck’s 912 Project have nothing to fear. If and when the Oath Keepers, Gun Owners of America, Alex Jones, the 9/11 truth movement, and patriots not affiliated with establishment “conservative” groups are accused of domestic terrorism and the state responds in typically blunt and brutal fashion, they will be safe.
Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, and Glenn Beck will not be arrested and detained indefinitely as their friend in the Senate, the neocon Lindsey Graham, has recently proposed.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Death Threats to representatives
03/27/2010 03:52 PM
03/27/2010 03:52 PM
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Posts: 147 U.S.A.
Kalashnikov Josh
Joined: Dec 2009
Posts: 147
The Sons Of Liberty were a 'fringe' group that held the original 'Tea Party'. And our founders were called 'terrorists','criminals', and 'traitors' to the crown by the British Empire. To be known as such,to be called as such,by the enemies of liberty-is an honor that I'm very proud to share with the likes of Jefferson,Washington,Franklin,and all the other First Americans who shed their blood and fought the greatest world power of their time to give me the Liberty I would rather die for than surrender to the likes of these socialist scum. Go ahead-call me 'teabagger'. Call me 'gun nut'. 'Tenther'. 'Hater'.
Call me whatever.
Just dont call me late for the day its time to Refresh The Tree.
"The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases." -Thomas Jefferson