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Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150929
03/14/2010 03:06 PM
03/14/2010 03:06 PM
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If you call yourself a Patriot, Constitutionalist, Militia man or just a plain American; It is time to stop complaining about the governments encroachments on your God given, constitutionally protected rights and liberty. The time for talk is over. It's now time to walk the walk and put the government in it's proper place.

First, read these news articles and watch the census video posted in this forum.

Second, fill out the census form per constitutional guidelines. Give them no further information.

Third, Post the appropriate No Trespassing signs at the entrance to your private property.

Fourth, be prepared to hand any census worker a Public Servant Questionnaire for him to fill out completely BEFORE you answer or discuss ANY of his questions.

Fifth, video tape the entire process. Require them to fully identify themselves on tape.

And, be prepared to take some flak.

In Preparation for the 2010 Census!

by Gary D. Barnett

I’m not going to lecture anyone here or attempt to describe, define, outline, analyze or rewrite the constitution. I am not going to go through the historical reasoning set forth for census taking and I will not even speak of the initiation of this tainted policy in this country. As an aside, I do realize that we are currently in an economic depression, and that worrying about a government census at this time seems minor, but is it really? I am simply trying to warn all those who still remember what liberty is, and all those who now have a new or reawakened curiosity about freedom, what to expect from the 2010 census and the census taking gendarmes who will soon be harassing all of us. And given the current high unemployment rate, government officials will have an over-abundance of choices to fill the part-time census taker jobs. I don’t consider this to be advantageous as government will be able to choose more obnoxious and more power-driven individuals to do its bidding than normal.

This is not a new subject matter for me as I have been threatened by the U.S. Census Bureau in the past. In a previous article, "Threatened by the Census Bureau," I talked about the intimidating and threatening approach that this organization uses to scare the citizenry into compliance. In my case, at least concerning the incident mentioned in the above article, I was threatened with fines and/or imprisonment if I did not comply. The only census that is to be taken according to our constitution, an obvious affront to liberty regardless of its so-called legality, is a simple head count every ten years. Therefore, the business census that I was sent was fully unconstitutional.

Already, the federal and state governments are preparing for this invasion of our privacy. The complicit mainstream media has been hired by government to announce and solicit compliance with this survey. Even my local radio station and newspaper are running ads for census taker positions daily. Testing centers have been opened and applicants are being interviewed. High wages are being offered to anyone willing to strong-arm the local populace. If this is going on here in my small community, it must be going on in every community. Just what is the cost of such a venture and how many new government agents will be hired to take on this task of counting heads?

The main problem, of course, is that over the years the U.S. census has taken on a new, lengthy and very intrusive nature. The census for 2010 though, as claimed by the Census Bureau, will be one of the shortest on record. Before you jump to the incorrect conclusion that the government is paring back its plan to know anything and everything about you, some explanation is in order. According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s site, the 2010 census will be a "short form census" only. This is deceiving. The long form that is normally sent to 1 in 6 families during the actual census, "The American Community Survey," (52 pages) will not be sent in the 2010 census count. The bureau claims that "Decoupling the short form and long form allows the Census Bureau to focus efforts on the constitutional requirements to produce a count of the resident population, employ technology to improve efficiencies, provide more timely data, improve coverage accuracy, and contain costs while keeping operational risk to a minimum." This statement is simply a smoke and mirrors statement (a lie in other words) intended to pacify the public at large. The American Community Survey or long form, that used to go to 1 in 6 households during the decennial count, is now being sent to many every year. In addition, other census surveys, such as the business survey I received, are also being sent on a regular basis. All these surveys are mandatory. This means that there could be very adverse consequences should one refuse to comply! Are you beginning to get the picture?

In other words, the Census Bureau is as nosy as ever, even more so, and they are using the threat of force against those willing to stand up for their rights. The government is now just rearranging the process so as to give a false impression. So what else is new? Lying, cheating and misleading the citizenry is the government’s modus operandi.

Now to the meat of the problem! In my opinion, the harassment and threats for non-compliance will be intensified and more obvious than ever this coming year. Since I wrote my first article concerning this subject, I have received letter after letter from many who have been harassed, threatened, intimidated and just plain bothered by census takers. These people (census takers) are trained to not take no for an answer and they can be and will be aggressive and abrasive. I have always tended to be polite and to tell them only how many people are in my household. If they persisted in their endeavor, I simply asked them to leave my property. If they continued to be impolite, I then demanded that they leave my property at once, or I would take other measures. That, at least considering personal contact situations, has been enough to solve the problem so far. This has not been the case, however, considering other types of census taking. I believe that the Community and Business surveys, if not adhered to, will be the cause of more government wrath visited upon those properly refusing to answer such intrusive questions.

One particular individual has written to me on several occasions and explained exactly what was going on due to not fully complying with one of these very unconstitutional surveys. This individual received threats, letters from census supervisors and several personal visits without prior notice. One census worker was actually hanging around trying to find an opportunity to confront this citizen. Fortunately, this person never complied, but most under these same circumstances would have. I find this troubling and wish more would stand up to these simpletons doing the bidding of leviathan.

Much of the problem stems from the fact that local, state and federal agencies depend on "good" census participation in order to allocate more federal dollars. There is also the little discussed advantage of capturing and recording extreme amounts of personal data from the now vassal-like society dependent on government. According to the 2010 Census Bureau site, there are many needs concerning the census, so many questions on the census are followed by a list of Community Benefits gained due to answers given. These so-called Community Benefits include education, government, planning, social services, employment, housing, banking, etc. I don’t know how one can separate this agenda from something akin to a socialist or communistic agenda, but I do know that attempts by government to plan society are antithetical to liberty, and therefore should be shunned.

The incentives for forced compliance are evident and at all levels of government, but the incentives for us to resist this invasion should be stronger than government’s will to control us. For those willing to stand up to these trimmers in government, confrontations are likely, and I should know, as I have now seen this dynamic from more than one angle. But I hope that during this upcoming census many will stand their ground and put these imbeciles in their place! Just how much more are we going to take?

April 11, 2009

Gary D. Barnett is president of Barnett Financial Services, Inc., in Lewistown, Montana.

Copyright © 2009 by Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given."


2010 Census: Legal Obligations and Potential Fines for Non-compliance

Are you required by law to answer all the questions on the 2010 Census forms? What are the potential fines if you decide not to?

Article 1, Section 2 of the Constitution of the United States requires that an "enumeration" shall be conducted every ten years "in a manner as [Congress] shall by law direct." The 14th Amendment to the Constitution states that the enumeration shall consist of "counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed."

There have been no subsequent amendments to the Constitution giving Congress the authority to require an enumeration of the number of bedrooms or toilets in your house.

The first question of the 2010 Census asks, “How many were living in this house, apartment, or mobile home on April 1, 2010?” For those who support and defend the Constitution of the United States this is where the census form should end.

But, what are the implications for the person who wishes to take a stand against the encroachments of his unalienable rights by the ever growing bureaucracy of our central government? What if you refuse to fully comply?

The census form American are about to receive in the mail, or the census workers who may appear at the doors of American homes with their GPS devices, should be able to reference only the following from Title 13 the US Code:


Sec. 221. Refusal or neglect to answer questions; false answers

(a) Whoever, being over eighteen years of age, refuses or willfully neglects, when requested by the Secretary, or by any other authorized officer or employee of the Department of Commerce or bureau or agency thereof acting under the instructions of the Secretary or authorized officer, to answer, to the best of his knowledge, any of the questions on any schedule submitted to him in connection with any census or survey provided for by subchapters I, II, IV, and V of chapter 5 of this title, applying to himself or to the family to which he belongs or is related, or to the farm or farms of which he or his family is the occupant, shall be fined not more than $100.
(b) Whoever, when answering questions described in subsection (a) of this section, and under the conditions or circumstances described in such subsection, willfully gives any answer that is false, shall be fined not more than $500.
(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, no person shall be compelled to disclose information relative to his religious beliefs or to membership in a religious body.

This is the current US Code written expressively for conducting the US Census.

However, we are dealing with a corrupt central government that claims the prerogative to interpret the law as it wishes. This is how we have come to live under a regime that believes it can declare anyone an enemy combatant and torture them up to and including the point of death.

Tsars and their apparatchiks in the US Census Bureau are not immune to this tendency operate with little to no regard for what the law actually says. The US Census Bureau has given the indication that they intend to disregard what Title 13 clearly says about limiting a person's failure to fully comply to not more than a $100 fine — a small amount to risk for many who may wish to take a stand in defense of the Constitution and the limited powers it grants to the central government.

Under the explanation of the American Community Survey (formerly the Census long form) the US Census Bureau claims the following:

"The American Community Survey is conducted under the authority of Title 13, United States Code, Sections 141 and 193, and response is mandatory. According to Section 221, persons who do not respond shall be fined not more than $100. Title 18 U.S.C. Section 3571 and Section 3559, in effect amends Title 13 U.S.C. Section 221 by changing the fine for anyone over 18 years old who refuses or willfully neglects to complete the questionnaire or answer questions posed by census takers from a fine of not more than $100 to not more than $5,000."

At the bottom of its explanation, the Census Bureau provides a link to what should be the last word on the matter; Title 13 — the specific US Code for conducting the census as referred to in Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution.

The Census Bureau does not provide a link to Title 18, the US Code for federal crimes and sentences, by which the Bureau claims the fine for incomplete census questionnaires is "in effect" amended and raised to "not more than $5,000".

(In his recent commentary on the census Congressman Ron Paul has repeated this claimed potential fine of up to $5,000.)

Could the Census Bureau just be flaunting a potential $5,000 fine threat to scare off those contemplating acts of non-compliance on their census forms? Here are the pertinent excerpts from Title 18, that the Census Bureau references to support its claim that Title 13 has been amended by Title 18 ? (emphasis added):


Sec. 3559. Sentencing classification of offenses

(a) Classification. - An offense that is not specifically classified by a letter grade in the section defining it, is classified if the maximum term of imprisonment authorized is - (1) life imprisonment, or if the maximum penalty is death, as a Class A felony;

...(9) five days or less, or if no imprisonment is authorized, as an infraction.

(2) Exception. - With respect to a person convicted of a Federal offense described in paragraph (1), the court may impose any lesser sentence that is authorized by law to take into account any substantial assistance provided by the defendant in the investigation or prosecution of another person who has committed an offense, in accordance with the Federal Sentencing Guidelines and the policy statements of the Federal Sentencing Commission pursuant to section 994(p) of title 28, or for other good cause.


Sec. 3571. Sentence of fine

(a) In General. - A defendant who has been found guilty of an offense may be sentenced to pay a fine.
(b) Fines for Individuals. - Except as provided in subsection (e) of this section, an individual who has been found guilty of a offense may be fined not more than the greatest of -

(1) the amount specified in the law setting forth the offense;

...(7) for an infraction, not more than $5,000.

(e) Special Rule for Lower Fine Specified in Substantive Provision. - If a law setting forth an offense specifies no fine or a fine that is lower than the fine otherwise applicable under this section and such law, by specific reference, exempts the offense from the applicability of the fine otherwise applicable under this section, the defendant may not be fined more than the amount specified in the law setting forth the offense.

No doubt there are more than a few federal legal counsels that will argue in favor of the Census Bureau's claim that their reading of Title 18 means that census officials can threaten Americans with up to a $5,000 fine if they refuse to answer all the bureau's prying questions. The argument of the Census Bureau comes down to this though: Though the rules the Census Bureau is authorized to operate under are clearly defined in Title 13 of the US Code, they believe that they can supersede the intent and will of the Congress on the grounds that a special rule applicable to sections in one Title of the US Code can be interpreted as an implied amendment to an unrelated Title of the US Code. ("It's good to be King" is the shorter argument here.)

If the intent of Congress (not the US Census Bureau) is that Title 18 "amends" Title 13, then Congress needs to legally amend the law set forth in Title 13. By injecting its intention to apply a section of Title 18 to override the clear statements made in sections of the unrelated Title 13, the US Census Bureau is "in effect" indicating that it intends to follow the lead of the IRS and other federal agencies to rule and intimidate the American public through their own arbitrary interpretation and enforcement of the law.

An American wishing to defend the intent of the Constitution, or simply their own privacy, against the census questionnaire should only have to be at risk of being assessed with up to a $100 fine. However, the Census Bureau, likely sensing growing opposition to its extra-constitutional efforts, is attempting to intimidate people with its contrived threat of up to a $5,000 fine.

Are they just bluffing? It probably depends on how many people call their bluff.

End Notes: There have been no pertinent changes to the above US Code cited since the 2000 census. Amendments were made to Title 13 in 1976 which struck out the provision authorizing imprisonment for not more than sixty days for refusing or willfully neglecting to answer questions and the provision for authorizing imprisonment for not more than one year for willfully giving a false answer to a question. The last time the will of the Congress was tested then, deference was afforded to the side of the people.

Disclaimer: This author will be answering the census the same way he did in 2000: Question #1 only. Though a note was attached to the partially completed census form indicating a willingness to be assessed the $100 fine, no fine was assessed.


"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150930
03/14/2010 03:54 PM
03/14/2010 03:54 PM
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Tyler County, TX
Texas Resistance Offline
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A census taker was at my front gate recently with a yellow light going round and round on top of his truck like he thought was very important. When I found out what he wanted I told him 2 people live at this residence and that is all you are autorized to ask by the US Constitution. So write that down if you are taking a census. Then he stuck an envelope in my face and said "just take this and do whatever you want to with it." So I said OK and I ripped it half in front of him.
He saved me a whole lot of writing because for the 2000 census I found the form in my mail box and I wrote in 2 for the number of people at my residence the to all the other questions I wrote over 100 time "It is none of your dam business."

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Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150931
03/15/2010 07:13 AM
03/15/2010 07:13 AM
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Originally posted by Texas Resistance:
A census taker was at my front gate recently with a yellow light going round and round on top of his truck like he thought was very important. When I found out what he wanted I told him 2 people live at this residence and that is all you are autorized to ask by the US Constitution. So write that down if you are taking a census. Then he stuck an envelope in my face and said "just take this and do whatever you want to with it." So I said OK and I ripped it half in front of him.
He saved me a whole lot of writing because for the 2000 census I found the form in my mail box and I wrote in 2 for the number of people at my residence the to all the other questions I wrote over 100 time "It is none of your dam business."
Nicly done, somebody buy him a beer.

Its not about guns. its about liberty. No guns,no liberty. Its as simple as that.
Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150932
03/15/2010 11:01 AM
03/15/2010 11:01 AM
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I received a short form from the census. It is rather innocuous. I did write in "other" as my race; though, and then wrote "Citizen of Louisiana" in the provided blank. That way I can screw up their racial gerrymandering regime. I suggest y'all do something similar with your short forms.

Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150933
03/15/2010 11:22 AM
03/15/2010 11:22 AM
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Under race I always say "Southron". laugh

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150934
03/15/2010 12:45 PM
03/15/2010 12:45 PM
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I wrote a letter to include with my census form. It reads as follows:

Dear Census Bureau,
As the Constitutional purpose for the census is strictly a head count to determine representation, I have provided only that information. I will give no other information, as I refuse to be an enabler of gerrymandering or government sanctioned racism. If you absolutely must have an answer, feel free to make something up, just leave me out of it. Thank you.

Occupant (followed by my address)

“If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace”
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Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150935
03/15/2010 01:35 PM
03/15/2010 01:35 PM
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coydog Offline
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Originally posted by ConSigCor:
Under race I always say "Southron". laugh
And we just put in damn Yankee's wink

Seriously we just put in NONYA for race on our short form.

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Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150936
03/15/2010 03:35 PM
03/15/2010 03:35 PM
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We answered "2" and crossed the rest out with a black marker.

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Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150937
03/15/2010 04:08 PM
03/15/2010 04:08 PM
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LOL! I rarely open my mail unless it is a package obviously full of goodies I ordered or a check. I pay most my bills online. I see I have a larger envelope that says census something on it... Am I required to open it? Last time I may have got one too but didn't open it. I think I answered their questions when they finally caught me at home at like 9:30 at night. I think all the time they spent might have even stimulated the economy in my area... It's not a bad paying job for a bit when jobs are scarce...


Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150938
03/15/2010 08:19 PM
03/15/2010 08:19 PM
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I have a close family member working for the census and I think there are a lot of legitimate reasons for it to be done. One thing he has been dealing with are displaced and homeless people who need to be counted in their various camps and gathering places so that social service funding in those areas can be evened out.

So then comes the problem, apparently some of the better connected real estate interests in those areas have been big into the "not in my backyard syndrome" and are afraid that if there is a large "poverty count" in the area, then there will be more social services which would potentially attract more poor people, and there would be a reduction in property values, especially the value of real estate trading hands because the median income for the given area would drop along with other indicators of the "class" of a given area.

So the cops and some private security people are making a point of rousting the homeless and "squatters" so they don't get counted. The relative of mine was briefed and told this is a problem in a lot of places.

Census data manipulation is such a big problem, that on the "special case" data collection, they were told not to use FAX or Internet to discuss or transmit the data, and to minimize discussions on the phone. They were even avoiding US mail due to security concerns and going with Fedex.

Next stage is counting people in more or less regular addresses, and there has been an issue that came up with a particular manager in Oregon saying very inappropriate things about the "backwoods types" and "survivalists" living in the southern coastal areas of the state. It is bad enough that her comments, plus some of the paranoia being pushed elsehwere could endanger other census workers.

So what is happening is the workers are coming up with various strategies for not getting fired upon when they head out into the rural areas, especially some of the more backwoods places, as none want to get shot, and they are generally unarmed.

The census is a legitimate government function. Now could the information be abused? Sure, but preventing an accurate census is potentially and probably even more damaging because it will lead to corrupt isolation of people who need representation in public interests.

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Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150939
03/15/2010 09:46 PM
03/15/2010 09:46 PM
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I recieved the long form last year,didn't fill it out for a while. The lady that was working my area kept coming by and pounding on the door. I never answed it(never do for people I don't recognise). One day the card she normaly left had a sob story how I was preventing the area from recieving much needed gov funding,and that I didnt need to write my name. So filled it out in ways that would get my area the most gov handouts,answerd nothing personal,dropped her little note into the envelope and sent it out. Never heard back after that.

Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150940
03/16/2010 10:12 AM
03/16/2010 10:12 AM
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The Census does have a legit constitutional mandate however much of what it is now used for does not. Example "social service funding in those areas can be evened out." ..Not the Feds job to be a nanny.
Also being used to jerry rig districts based on ethnic/racial populations is way outside of original intent..Hell maybe we should all put down a minority group for our race...screw them all up.

"State a moral case to a ploughman & a professor. The former will decide it as well, & often better than the latter,
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Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150941
03/16/2010 01:55 PM
03/16/2010 01:55 PM
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I just got mine today,the first question is funny,look at the date.

1. How many people were living or staying in this house,apartment,or mobile home on April 1, 2010?

2. Were there any additional people staying here April 1, 2010 that you did not include in Question 1?

3. Is this house,apartment, or mobile home -

4. What is your telephone number?

5. What is person 1's name?

6. What is person 1's sex?

7. What is person 1's age and what is person 1's date of birth?

8. Is person 1 of hispanic,latino, or spanish origin?

9. What is person 1's race?

10. Does person 1 somtimes live or stay somewhere else?

And the same questions for every other person in the household follow.

Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150942
03/16/2010 01:59 PM
03/16/2010 01:59 PM
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Oh and they ask how people are related to person number 1.

Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150943
03/17/2010 03:59 AM
03/17/2010 03:59 AM
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Just got our 2010 Census in the mail last night. I'm only answering Question 1, but I'll be including a letter to explain why I am willfully not complying with the remainder of the questions. Should any one else want to use it, feel free to.

US Census Bureau
4417 West buckeye Road
Phoenix, AZ 85097

17 March 2010

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to Article I, Section 2 of the US Constitution, we have complied with answering Question 1 of your 2010 Census, regarding the ‘Enumeration’ or numbering of the American people.

As the remainder of the questions are beyond the limits provided by the US Constitution, we have left them blank. As found in Marbury vs. Madison (1803) and Norton vs. Shelby County, pursuant to Article VI of the US Constitution, Title 13 of Federal Code is subject to the limitations and provisions set forth in the US Constitution. Therefore, “No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it.” (16 Am Jur 2d, Sec 177)

Should you wish to issue a fine not exceeding $100, per Title 13, Chapter 7, Subchapter II, Section 221, Statute A, we will gladly consider it a small price to pay for Liberty. Should you consider issuing forth a fine not exceeding $5000, per Title 18, Part II, Chapter 227, Subchapter C, Section 3571, I would like to remind you that pursuant to Section E of Section 3571, “the defendant may not be fined more than the amount specified in the law setting forth the offense.” As the offense of not answering Census questions has been set forth in Title 13 – not Title 18 – the maximum applicable fine is not to exceed $100.

Thank you for serving our great Nation by obeying our Constitution.



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Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150944
03/17/2010 09:48 AM
03/17/2010 09:48 AM
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Originally posted by WrenchNinja:
I just got mine today,the first question is funny,look at the date.

1. How many people were living or staying in this house,apartment,or mobile home on April 1, 2010?

2. Were there any additional people staying here April 1, 2010 that you did not include in Question 1?

3. Is this house,apartment, or mobile home -

4. What is your telephone number?

5. What is person 1's name?

6. What is person 1's sex?

7. What is person 1's age and what is person 1's date of birth?

8. Is person 1 of hispanic,latino, or spanish origin?

9. What is person 1's race?

10. Does person 1 somtimes live or stay somewhere else?

And the same questions for every other person in the household follow.
I think that is the short form, same one that showed up here. I just don't see the big deal and it does not even ask income. It's not like the feds don't know where I live or that level of really basic info. The cops who regularly "bookend" my street probably have that.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150945
03/17/2010 10:28 AM
03/17/2010 10:28 AM
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Ok you will notice that it is conducted by the department of comerce,they consider you to be a comodity,like cattle. They are counting the cattle,cattle they number and package into bonds and sell on the open market. When you hear that term backed by the hard work and good faith of the american people. They are using you as collateral on aquired debt. That is what the count is used for now,and why the extra questions are added. Under the US judicial code citizen = corporation, United States = corporation.

Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150946
03/17/2010 11:22 AM
03/17/2010 11:22 AM
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I too am going to cross out the rest and write a letter. Seems like alot of people are doing this according to other websites.

"Remember that your adversary's desire to live is usually more powerful than whatever ammunition your are carrying in your firearms. Plan accordingly." -tire iron
Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150947
03/17/2010 12:06 PM
03/17/2010 12:06 PM
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Just cross it out...they don't deserve a letter

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Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150948
03/17/2010 12:10 PM
03/17/2010 12:10 PM
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You will notice the first question is outlined in a smaller seperate blue shaded box on the form also,take a close look,the others are in a different shade,outlined in a much larger box.

Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150949
03/17/2010 12:23 PM
03/17/2010 12:23 PM
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I just don't see the big deal and it does not even ask income. It's not like the feds don't know where I live or that level of really basic info.
The short form in and of itself isn't such a big deal. The long form is another matter entirely.

It's a fact that the ferral government and it's criminal injustice system treats the American people with nothing but contempt. Why should they not receive the same treatment from us. It's time we stop voluntarily complying with any of their edicts and show them nothing but the utter contempt they so richly deserve.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150950
03/17/2010 12:33 PM
03/17/2010 12:33 PM
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Originally posted by WrenchNinja:
Ok you will notice that it is conducted by the department of comerce,they consider you to be a comodity,like cattle. They are counting the cattle,cattle they number and package into bonds and sell on the open market. When you hear that term backed by the hard work and good faith of the american people. They are using you as collateral on aquired debt. That is what the count is used for now,and why the extra questions are added. Under the US judicial code citizen = corporation, United States = corporation.
That is it. We and our future labor are the common pledge of the US Government's creditors. We are tax slaves, full stop!

Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150951
03/17/2010 12:36 PM
03/17/2010 12:36 PM
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Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150952
07/21/2010 06:15 AM
07/21/2010 06:15 AM
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Looks like the census is far from over. We filled out our number back in March and sent it in. Just found a notice last night that there was a census worker there yesterday to 'complete' our census. I called him this morning to tell him he need not come by again, that there are 2 people there - as we indicated on our census form - and we're declining to give further information.

He went into a pleading "please sir, help me out" stage, followed by a "it's the law, it's even in the Constitution" (at which point I reminded him the sole purpose listed in the Constitution was for representation, and asked him how my race or age has anything to do with it. He started explaining how they need a picture of the makeup of the country, for schools and blah blah blah...). Then he threatened me with a $500 fine (I didn't get a chance to tell him it's actually a $100 fine for not answering - the $500 is for falsely answering).

So he insisted that he was going to have to "waist taxpayer money on the gas to drive back out there again" and then promptly hung up.

Has anyone else gone through this annoying persistence? What did you do?

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Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150953
07/21/2010 08:23 AM
07/21/2010 08:23 AM
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I sent in my form with 4 marked and nothing else. A few weeks later I was out in my garage when a census worker came by wanting the "rest" of the information. I explained to him that 4 people lived in the house and that no further information would be given. He stated that my case would be referred to a supervisor.

That was at least three months ago. No sup yet. I did see several census badged workers working at a table in the local Starbucks the other day, so yeah, they're not through harassing folks.

Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150954
07/21/2010 12:20 PM
07/21/2010 12:20 PM
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Originally posted by Macjet:
I sent in my form with 4 marked and nothing else. A few weeks later I was out in my garage when a census worker came by wanting the "rest" of the information. I explained to him that 4 people lived in the house and that no further information would be given. He stated that my case would be referred to a supervisor.

That was at least three months ago. No sup yet. I did see several census badged workers working at a table in the local Starbucks the other day, so yeah, they're not through harassing folks.
I had something similar happen.

I put 3 on the form, sent it in. A while later, one of them knocks on my door. Says he's from the census, blah blah blah. I told him I sent the form in. He asks if I'd lived here since April, says this address was listed as vacant, yadda yadda. I've lived here since 2001, so yeah, I've been here since April. Whatever. He asks if he can get my info, has a bunch of the forms already on his clipboard. I say OK.

He writes the address on the form. I tell him 3.

"Three people live here?" he asks, as he writes 3 in the box.

"Correct." I wait for him to finish, then tell him "You have a nice night", and go back in the house.

Haven't heard anything since.

Insert something witty here
Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150955
07/26/2010 07:50 AM
07/26/2010 07:50 AM
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All they got from me was the number of people living here. When they sent their lackey to ask us questions, I met her in the drive way. She had to pass through my gate and past the no trespassing sign. I told her she was trespassing and she said they told her it was ok as long as they didn't pass a gate. I pointed at my gate and said "you passed my gate and my posted sign". Her response was that the gate had to be closed. LOL I told her she was trespassing and had to leave. She wanted to ask all the questions. I told her 3 people live here, that's all you need to know. It took about 4 times of telling her she was trespassing and had to leave before she finally left.

This one's excuse for the visit was that the machine was mis reading the forms. LOL, BS.

"Guard well the words you use, for they can be the keys to your freedom or the manacles of your slavery." - me
Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150956
07/26/2010 05:04 PM
07/26/2010 05:04 PM
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The census is going all year long.
I filled out the # of people living at my place and sent in the form. SInce then I've recieved several visits from a census worker, all of them when nobody was home. He always left a slip with his contact info and the time and date he stopped by. Finally the visits stopped, I guess when they realized we weren't playing ball.

I had someone explain the census situation to me in an interesting way: If you went to Burger King and ordered your Whopper value meal, and just before ringing you up the cashier asked, "And your occupation, ethnicity and social security number, sir...?" would you give it to them? Probably not. Yet millions of people are doing exactly that this year.

Think about it, who works at Burger King? Someone without a college degree or any kind of special qualifications or certifications, someone who is given the bare minimum amount of training in order to do their job, and someone who won't be employed there for a long amount of time. These are the exact same characteristics of the vast majority of census workers. So when you give the census worker your sensitive personal information, you might as well give it to the mouth-breathing slob behind the counter at Burger King, because that's the type of person who you're giving it to anyway.

On equipment: You get what you inspect, not what you expect.
On training: Our drills are bloodless battles so that our battles are bloody drills.
On tactics: Cheating just means you're serious about winning.
Re: Time To Take Action: 2010 Census #150957
07/27/2010 02:32 PM
07/27/2010 02:32 PM
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Ah Hah. I caught you. You know what I'm referring to. Sorry, but I cant stop laughing, and If Mike was here he'd be laughing too. Well done.

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