Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
01/23/2010 06:28 AM
01/23/2010 06:28 AM
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First let me apologies. I know this is not where this should be posted but their is no general discussion thread and I could not locate a proper thread that would allow me to post. Where do we post General Discussion on the forum ? I DO THINK THIS IS IMPORTANT TO GET OUT ! ! ! Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations" « on: Today at 12:23:51 PM » Reply with quoteQuote Modify messageModify Remove messageRemove Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations" and 5000 Chinese troops "secreted" into the US Tuesday, January 19, 2010 - 13:45 Russian forces have been asked to help America. Russian forces according to a trusted source have been asked to assist the US in "peace keeping operations". The Lt. Gen Steven Blum the Deputy Commander of NORTHCOM requested 4 brigades of military security forces that will be deployed in the US and assist in local law enforcement. (we dont know when) They will be given authority to protect themselves in anyway possible to prevent future attacks. If our source is correct it would mean that foreign military troops would be deployed in the US. Why would the US want foreign troops in their country for peace keeping operations? The US might be in for something because it does not stop there. According to Russia's Foreign Military Intelligence Directorate in their end of the year report about other Global powers they state that almost 5000 Chinese People's Armed Police troops and two other "forces" have been "secreted" into the United States in 2009 for "unkown" purposes. We hope the information is accurate but can not be confirmed at the moment by other sources. (photo used in article is unrelated) Source: Russian troops in US
"Sometimes the shadows move"
n 1756, in Boston and other cities and towns, the coming of the American Revolution was speeded by mechanics, merchants, and artisans who organized against British tyranny. Calling themselves the Sons of Liberty.
Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
01/23/2010 06:32 AM
01/23/2010 06:32 AM
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Also found this.... Scuttlebutt or not? Northcom invites 3-4 brigades of Russian military security forces? Posted By: Watchman Date: Tuesday, 19-Jan-2010 19:14:42 This from By Robert Jones I usually post all of my blog entries on tree of liberty forum. Alot of the time I get some flak from the usual trolls and debunkers. I threw a line in my last post to quit debunking everything and wake up. I only received one reply and it was quite startling. I am unsure the accuracy of the reply and the info; but I swear you better all read this and pay attention: Well it seems NORTHCOM agrees with your view. Below is some of what a former US military Flag officer sent me . Russian forces have been asked to help in America " I have some very recent and specific information about Russian (yes I said Russian) forces which have been tapped to "assist" U.S. forces in the near future. My wife is Russian and one of her relatives is a high placed officer who I know very well (by-the-way I speak fairly good Russian). Several weeks ago (I am not sure of the exact date) Lt. Gen. Steven Blum the Deputy Commander of NORTHCOM requested from the Russian government pursuant to a secret agreement the use of 3 to 4 brigades of military security forces to be deployed in the U.S. presumably to assist local law enforcement in "peace keeping operations". When the request was made this very senior officer which my wife is related to expressed serious concerns about losses because of how well the "Americans" were armed. This officer and relative told me directly that he was assured by Gen. Blum that his forces would not be in the direct line of fire and that they would be free to use "whatever force was necessary to defend themselves and prevent future attacks". When I spoke to this officer he asked how stiff the resistance would be? I let him know that it would make the fight in Afghanistan and Chechnya look like a Sunday walk in the park (the Soviet losses in Afghanistan unofficially topped 30,000 and in Chechnya the losses were even greater), I told him that the resistance would be unbelievable. He should expect a lot of snipers, men who have hunted big game for years an know how to hide and shoot, he should also not expect any quarter, anyone in uniform will be a target and that he should expect his officers to be targeted first. Roadside bombs and direct attacks on roadblocks and checkpoints will be commonplace. I let him know his troops would not be welcome and that he should oppose this request, I even offered to come to Moscow to give a briefing as to what they could expect should his government agree to provide the troops. I am sorry I can not give any specifics, this information was given to me directly from the officer in Russia and confirmed by from a high level source at NORTHCOM. Neither could give a specific time frame but my general take was months but less than a year. Update This morning I received a call from Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov's office about giving a briefing/presentation in Moscow later this month on "the extent of resistance Russian security forces would face if they were to be stationed on American soil in a Peace Keeping Roll" i. I would of course be responsible for my own expenses (typical cheap ass Russians) but the defense ministry would provide ground transportation and appropriate security should I agree to come to Moscow. Needless to say I accepted and a preliminary date was set for January 28th at 0930. ". end of quotes. Remember that it has already been confirmed that the US and Canada have such an agreement for Canadian troops to be used in CONUS if the US requests them. So can anyone here cite where in the US Constitution where it authorizes foreign military to exercise authority over US Citizens in the US? While studing Consitutional Law in University I never ever discovered such a cite or even doctrine. __________________ Information like fertilizer does no good unless you spread it. Robert Jones
"Sometimes the shadows move"
n 1756, in Boston and other cities and towns, the coming of the American Revolution was speeded by mechanics, merchants, and artisans who organized against British tyranny. Calling themselves the Sons of Liberty.
Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
01/23/2010 10:01 AM
01/23/2010 10:01 AM
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I see nothing to backup this story. Everywhere I look is the same copy and pasted b.s. story. This leads me to believe this is hoax story.
on beautiful Truman Lake
Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
01/23/2010 10:27 AM
01/23/2010 10:27 AM
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The closest thing I know of at this point was the deployment of Mexican military forces in recovery efforts shortly after Hurricane Katrina hit.
They had been issued US type BDU uniforms and enough interpreters to be virtually indistinguishable from US troops at the time, and their presence was not widely known until afterwards, in part when their vehicles were recognized as not being US vehicles and were seen in a Mex military parade.
The best information we have is that they were involved in food and water distribution operations along with assisting in evacuating people from flooded areas, primarily using their amphibious vehicles which are smaller and more maneuverable than the LAV. There is no recorded incident of them being involved with gun confiscation.
As an added note, even National Guard involvement in the gun grabbing was apparently limited to reporting armed individuals to law enforcement, who then confronted and disarmed armed individuals. SWAT teams from other parts of the US did participate in gun confiscation.
We do have a fair amount of Russian and other east European immigrants with prior military service entering the US military, but realize that those with experience in the Soviet/Afghanistan war are at this point overage for most enlistment and officer programs.
The Russians can often learn English well enough that they are not readily distinguishable from Americans, although they are rarely going to be dark black (they have "black" mixed race people quite often with blue or gray eyes) but they do have several (Cossacks) who can readily pass for "Mexican" or maybe even "Indian".
I have seen Portland police talking in Russian on cell phones, and some of their recruitment literature which fast tracks immigrants, but that can't be readily done on a volume that would make true martial law possible.
If modern Russian military were to conduct exercises in the US, that would be limited to probably nothing larger than Battalion size units being put at the larger US bases.
As for any level of resistance to Russian forces on "peacekeeping missions" well, heh heh heh. I suspect that someone is telling the story to "make" some news.
If it were to happen (and I think it is in reality unlikely) they would be outfitted to appear as US forces. If they were to show up with their own gear and toys, well, you can imagine how we would be stocking the tables at the gun shows in the free zones after the feds finish shutting down Colt, Ruger and S&W....
For sale forum:
WTS, RPK-74, 6 mags, 127 rounds of ammo, two damaged mags and a slightly stained tac vest with holes repaired. Price reduced to $450 Email
WTS/WTT half case of F1 grenades $40 ea or $200 for all six. Three AT landmines, $60 each, all three for $150, will trade for prepaid cell phones. email
WTB Spare barrel and belts for PKM. Paying top dollar!
WTB Landing gear strut assemblies and canopy panels for KA-50 attack helicopter, will trade nice used 1975 Dodge motorhome extensively customized for the late Mack Bolan.
WTS/WTT three nice Bizon subguns with four mags, carry cases, also nice general officer's cap, gen1 night vision goggles. $2500 takes all, will consider part trade for armor chest plates, or decent restorable V8 musclecar.
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Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
01/23/2010 05:17 PM
01/23/2010 05:17 PM
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Boyus shto eta prosta obkatchtyerasteltva... ("I'm afraid that this is simply bulls*it.") Spent 30+ years following the activities of the sovyetscom soyuz military and the Russian/Ukrainian/Caucasian people and this the most ridiculous fabricated garbage I've seen. Shame on you!!
"I tried to find a female drill instructor's hat for the mom from hell, but couldn't. Anyway, thanks. Basic was a breeze." Son's graduation, Ft. Benning, 1998.
"A good weapon is the best form of health care." T. Donnelly
Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
01/29/2010 07:19 AM
01/29/2010 07:19 AM
I remember back in 1995 there were Russian troops training at Ft. Polk, LA. Klinton was prez at the time, go figure! There was a video floating around showing US and Russian troops training together in urban warfare tactics. If I remember correctly the program even had a name. It was called "Cooperative Nugget 95." Here's a link:
Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
01/30/2010 07:38 AM
01/30/2010 07:38 AM
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Well the Germans in New Mexico seem to have taken well to the local gun shops and shooting ranges and gold prospecting hobby. Same goes for some of the long term deployed aircraft maintenance people in Arizona. Not exactly an invasion force and I think more than a few have even expressed sympathies for the Oathkeepers.
Ran into a Turkish Specops guy at a gun shop a while back who was saying he was amazed that AKs were still being sold but figured it was one way to tell who the terrorists are. I inquired for clarification what he meant by that and he said (in fairly good English) that anyone who would own an AK must be a terrorist, especially a civillian. Realize this was in an American surplus store / gun shop. I turned out his host/handler was there (Marine NCO) looks at the guy like "oh shit". Well, since I was considering whether or not the shop owner would decide to remember what I looked like if the cops were to show up.
So I am there talking to this arrogant Turkish guy who pretty much bragged his own security clearance out the window.
"Yeah, we have some groups here who have those guns, lots of individuals too."
"I would fight them, so what do they hide in the hills somewhere? Do they think they could fight against the military?"
"Yeah well, most of uh..them..have been in the military, and some are still in".
"Well, maybe take out their leaders and see what happens, we have ways of dealing with people like that in my country."
"Oh really? Say, want to step into the parking lot and discuss this? I mean, don't you think maybe the Armenians would have something to say about gun control being a bad thing?
So then the Marine, who is standing there with that really confused "oh shit" look on his face looks at his "foreign exchange buddy"
"Wait, you think anyone who has one of those guns is a terrorist?"
"Well, yes, don't you think that is obvious? Why else would you want to own one of those?"
"My brother has a bunch of those and we were going to take you shooting this afternoon, are we terrorists now??"
"Oh, you mean YOU have some of those? That's so cool, you mean a military person here can have guns of his own?"
"Yeah, we have a phrase here called "no shit sherlock".
"so how can I have one of these legally?"
"You wait for residency to go over six months and then pass a background check".
"Oh wow, that's great, Yes I want to go shooting, do you have more military guns?"
"Yes, but my brother does not want to be called a terrorist".
"Well, maybe not terrorist but that probably should be illegal you know".
That's where I chimed in again -
"Well you see my foreign friend, that's where we sort of have that paradox, because that's when someone will start the terror - like when the guns are all declared illegal, and the government goes after people who don't turn them in.
Hey Ed, how many of those guns do you think you sell a month?"
"Oh, maybe five or six of the assault type rifles, then the rest is hunting guns and handguns. We did a lot more business on those before Y2K"
"Ok, how many cases of ammo do you think?"
"Oh people mostly get that mail order now, but I still go through one good shipment a month, say ten or twelve cases".
So I turn to my new Turkish friend, and tell him that I run a similar business but sell double the number of rifles, and I burn around 1000 rounds a month in training.
By that point, Turkish guy is looking like the wolf who just wandered into the bear cave.
Dude was practically going into shock, and his Marine buddy got him out of there while saying stuff "uh, hey man, it's not like that, we can be cool right? I'll try and straighten him out, damn I can't believe I invited this guy but we were buddies in Iraq on a joint operation, oh shit, damn, well maybe I can straighten him out...
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Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
01/30/2010 02:51 PM
01/30/2010 02:51 PM
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The real problem is that NORTHCOM exists.
We are not to be under any military command.
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Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
01/30/2010 04:54 PM
01/30/2010 04:54 PM
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If we are under military command. Wouldn't that be martal law,without anouncing it out loud?
Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
01/30/2010 09:31 PM
01/30/2010 09:31 PM
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Originally posted by Total Resistance: The real problem is that NORTHCOM exists.
We are not to be under any military command. By and large, we just don't see a lot of abuse of civilians coming from the military, so the idea of the military being in charge of something in disasters is not going to get me as rankled as when some mayor or governor out somewhere says he is ordering his police and military support people to start rounding up guns. I have never heard any senior military officer (actually nobody ever above the rank of maybe permanent E-6) state that he would support a gun roundup order of any sort. Now ask that same question of law enforcement, judges and any other State to federal level "Justice" professionals. Same goes for all of this stuff about people saying military tribunals are supposed to be so much worse than the current status quo. I mean really, who is dreaming what if they think the regular civilian authorities are not already torturing, extorting, and blackmailing their way into their 98% conviction rates based largely on defeating people's will and getting them to plea bargain? You can make at least some level of ethical argument to the military officer on that level of whether or not he is upholding anybody's constitutional rights, but the civilian federal agent will probably just laugh in your face and a civilian judge will not even think you are worth the time to listen to as a joke.
Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.
Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
01/31/2010 02:20 AM
01/31/2010 02:20 AM
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Sounds like we have the choice of Nero or Caligula, LOL.
The fact that there is no justice in any court system for a free person should wake everyone up.
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"Being innocent is simply not enough for the government," Denise Simon
Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
01/31/2010 08:55 AM
01/31/2010 08:55 AM
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Can you back up that European Times article with a link or just heresay? Im not pro government but I also dont believe in fairy tales without something for proof. For example I keep hearing that 1million number but have seen no articles orher than some place like prisonplanet. Another example is fema coffins of which there is lots of proof they exist. This thread seems to live in neverland.
on beautiful Truman Lake
Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
01/31/2010 09:54 AM
01/31/2010 09:54 AM
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Originally posted by danfromwindsor: Can you back up that European Times article with a link or just heresay? Im not pro government but I also dont believe in fairy tales without something for proof. For example I keep hearing that 1million number but have seen no articles orher than some place like prisonplanet. Another example is fema coffins of which there is lots of proof they exist. This thread seems to live in neverland.
"Embrace the Hate, and fear the Reaper..... let the pain begin."
Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
01/31/2010 11:19 AM
01/31/2010 11:19 AM
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Sometimes misinformation IS the real information,Don't be lulled back to sleep by what seems to be unreal or impossible. Keep preparing,stay alert and put nothing past these traitors in power. I just came back from that EU sight and something rings earely true about it, with the pending case of Obama's ligitamasy ,could cause a civil disturbance,seems he's intentionally crashing the dollar ,Use marshal law,suspend the vote and our Liberties then seize power! Sounds just like the commy playbook to me! SEMPER FI
PSALM 144:01 Blessed be the LORD my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle---
Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
02/02/2010 02:37 PM
02/02/2010 02:37 PM
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Originally posted by RD6: I remember back in 1995 there were Russian troops training at Ft. Polk, LA. Klinton was prez at the time, go figure! There was a video floating around showing US and Russian troops training together in urban warfare tactics. If I remember correctly the program even had a name. It was called "Cooperative Nugget 95." Here's a link: Hi all, I am a new member that has been lurking around for a while. I can give you a little more info about Operation "Cooperative Nugget" because I was involved in it. It was basically a joint training mission held in 1997 to train company and smaller size units for peacekeeping missions in Bosnia. There were 22 separate NATO member countries that sent 40 man units to Fort Polk LA. Most of the countries were former Soviet block countries. The counties involved were Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Former Yugoslavia Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan. It was done at Ft. Polk because we had a mock up that resembled a sector of Bosnia. Some of the foreign troops were for the lack of better words "pathetic" compered to U.S. troops. We worked with the Georgian troops a lot. Their AK-47s were very beet up and old. One of the Georgian solders had made a comment that he liked the America. His commander overheard him and started counselling him with the back of his hand. We had to tell the commander not to do that anymore because it was not kosher and was actually a crime. If I remember it correctly that soldier and two others went AWAL and may still be in the country for all I know. As for the thread subject of Russians being in the US I highly doubt it. Why would the Russian government want to help our government keep the peace? I believe PM Putin would delight in seeing our country fall into turmoil.
Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
02/03/2010 07:23 AM
02/03/2010 07:23 AM
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As for the thread subject of Russians being in the US I highly doubt it. Why would the Russian government want to help our government keep the peace? I believe PM Putin would delight in seeing our country fall into turmoil.
This makes the most sense of any part of this thread.
Never explain yourself. Your friends don't need it and your enemies won't believe you anyway.
Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
02/03/2010 01:43 PM
02/03/2010 01:43 PM
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Bottom line...
The empire is already in the early stages of collapse and the barbarians are at the gates. It will not be saved or restored. And, after we rip ourselves apart; the buzzards will pick the bones clean. So, it wont matter if they're Russian or Chinese buzzards. The end result will be the same.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
02/03/2010 11:05 PM
02/03/2010 11:05 PM
I,concur.Stand together or fall alone.
Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
02/06/2010 05:28 PM
02/06/2010 05:28 PM
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The rules say this forum is NOT for unconfirmed rumors or miscellaneous BS.
I think this article qualifies as an exemplary example of each. I heard steve quayle spouting it the other day. I know that if it comes out of his mouth, it surely isn't true - he has a track record of FAIL.
Parroting unconfirmed crap all over the net is entertaining, but only hurts the Cause.
Valhalla or Bust!!
Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
02/10/2010 02:03 PM
02/10/2010 02:03 PM
Yep......Steve Q = GIANT B.S.
Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
02/15/2010 06:14 AM
02/15/2010 06:14 AM
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Breacher:
I have never heard any senior military officer (actually nobody ever above the rank of maybe permanent E-6) state that he would support a gun roundup order of any sort.
So are you saying that the military might actually HELP us (that is supposed to be with italicized letters) If the BATFags decide that they don't want us having out "evil assault rifles"?
Shoot first, Ask Questions Later...
Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
02/15/2010 07:30 AM
02/15/2010 07:30 AM
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I live near Columbus Ga which is home of Ft Benning. I havent seen any Russian personel but I have seen a bunch of Hispanic and Asian. It does make one wonder. Before anybody jumps I know the school of the americas is at Ft Benning. I also know we train a lot of foreign personel too. But I have seen more than usual.
Watch your six!!
Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
03/05/2010 05:08 PM
03/05/2010 05:08 PM
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OK, I just got back from dinner catching up with my family members at a local Mexican restaurant in the high desert. Now I thought this story had died out till tonight. While having a conversation about the crazy things our government was up to, The Patriot act, underground bases,Harp, microchipping and much more 2 ladies who were sitting next to us approached and started asking questions in regards to Marshal law and most of the things I had brought up.They asked me if I was A Christian,I said yes of course and they started embelishing on the subjects,Then asked when I thought Obama would declare Marshal law, And told me they were from Kernville and Lake Isabella And very concerned because there are Russian and Chinese troops bivouacked in the mountains above Kernville, that they had talked to some of them dressed in camo at a restaurant and asked what they were doing there, the answer scared them, they were told it was to prevent the people from fleeing into the sierras when Marshal law is invoked,I Kidd you not these ladies were serious and my family members jaws hit the ground. This was just 1.5 hrs. ago I'm not joking they both really sounded sincere. I'm only about an hour from kernville, I will try to go tomorrow to see if I can verify any of this. SEMPER FI
PSALM 144:01 Blessed be the LORD my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle---
Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
03/05/2010 05:50 PM
03/05/2010 05:50 PM
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What scares me the most about that is that it doesn't surprise me one bit. We had Japanese troops training at Camp Pendleton last month, which isn't so bad. But the ramifications of Russian and Chinese troops bivouacked in an offbase location are mind boggling. Keep us posted.
“If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace” -Thomas Paine
Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
03/16/2010 12:30 PM
03/16/2010 12:30 PM
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OK , Just got back from trip to Kernville and Lake Isabella,(Kernville)After making contact with several shop keepers and locals on the street I found no evidence to support this, did end up with one possible future contact there.(Lake Isabella)pretty much the same story except I did meet a person who expressed much interest but wouldn't talk at the location,this person had contacts in the movement and had strong interest in further communications on related subjects,even said they believed our meeting was providential so I exchanged numbers.Our AO's are back to back so hopefully this could be productive for this area. I'm not done with this yet. SEMPER FI P.S. There was reports in both towns that jet traffic overhead has tripled for what thats worth.
PSALM 144:01 Blessed be the LORD my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle---
Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
03/16/2010 12:46 PM
03/16/2010 12:46 PM
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Thanks for personally taking the time to check this out.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
03/16/2010 06:24 PM
03/16/2010 06:24 PM
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I fear the Chinese more than the Russians. Ivan fell apart in 1990 and never really rebuilt. Read The Bear and the Dragon by Tom Clancy to get my point. China is a much more potent and dangerous country. The PLA's QRZ rifles look like small, plasticy versions of the L85, however.
It doesn't matter how you start something, or how you do in the middle. It matters how you finish it Paramilitary SKS
Re: Russian troops in US for "peace keeping operations"
03/16/2010 06:29 PM
03/16/2010 06:29 PM
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D308Cat, Does this mean that the Russian story is a hoax? Jet traffic could easily double or triple because of weather patterns lightening or upgrades to a nearby airport, doesn't seem like air traffic has much importance to this anyway, and if no one really knew anything about it... Doesn't sound very solid. Just another one of my drawling rants, sorry.
It doesn't matter how you start something, or how you do in the middle. It matters how you finish it Paramilitary SKS