Tea Party Counterattack
02/19/2010 01:25 PM
02/19/2010 01:25 PM
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Clinton Plotting Tea Party Counterattack by Capitol Confidential
Last week, former President Clinton was rushed to the hospital in New York for an emergency heart operation. Medical experts said the procedure was “relatively routine” and predicted Clinton would make a full recovery and be back to his regular schedule soon. To the public, at least, that schedule revolves chiefly around earthquake relief efforts in Haiti. In fact, some Clinton associates cited the work in Haiti as exacerbating his heart condition. Clinton money man, Terry MacAuliffe, even noted that Clinton’s Haiti work continued right up until the operation:
Democrat colleague Terry McAuliffe said Mr Clinton had participated in a conference call on earthquake relief efforts as he was wheeled into the operating theatre.
We’ll take Terry’s word on that. But, Big Government has learned of at least one other conference call/meeting around this time. A meeting of former Clintonistas and senior Democrat political operatives to coordinate a push-back to the burgeoning tea party movement. Consider it a Democrat party relief effort.
When tea party, 9/12 and townhall protests and rallies first erupted on the national scene, they were derided by national politicos as astroturf or a small fringe movement. Lefty journalists at MSNBC, CNN and elsewhere laughed away the movement with derogatory, pornographic references.
Then, Scott Brown won election to the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts. No one is laughing anymore. In fact, Democrats are facing political annihilation this November. Not only do Democrats face the possibility of losing their congressional majorities, massive losses in state house races could jeopardize redistricting next year and set back the progressive agenda for at least a decade.
So, the Clinton Empire is planning to strike back.
Big Government has learned that Clintonistas are plotting a “push/pull” strategy. They plan to identify 7-8 national figures active in the tea party movement and engage in deep opposition research on them. If possible, they will identify one or two they can perhaps ‘turn’, either with money or threats, to create a mole in the movement. The others will be subjected to a full-on smear campaign. (Has MSNBC already been notified?)
Big Government has also learned that James Carville will head up the effort.
Obviously, there is no love lost between Obama and the Clinton machine. It may at first seem odd that Clinton would rush to Obama’s defense, but the tea party movement poses a threat far beyond the immediate goals of the Obama Administration.
The tea party movement could evolve into a new political realignment, one founded on a belief in limited government and less government interference in the economy. The Progressive agenda, which has been painstakingly built up over the last three decades, could be left in tatters.
As the Clinton’s know, “politics ain’t beanbag.” Expect the counterattack soon. Don’t say you haven’t been warned.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Tea Party Counterattack
02/22/2010 03:09 PM
02/22/2010 03:09 PM
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It may have started already. Mike Huckabee has made it clear he doesn't care for the TEA party movement, or their libertarian leanings. And Mark Levin, just this evening on his radio show, took Glenn Beck to task for acting "like a clown." (Mark Levin is really one to talk, isn't he?) The fact is, the neocons are out of ideas. All of the fresh ideas are coming from the libertarian side of the GOP (courtesy of the Libertarian and Constitution parties, from which they borrow heavily). The big problem is, we really don't have a standard bearer other than Ron Paul, who is 74 years old, and few people have heard yet of Gary Johnson . It looks like the GOP has learned nothing from the John McCain debacle. Interesting times lay ahead. Onward and upward, airforce
Re: Tea Party Counterattack
02/22/2010 03:55 PM
02/22/2010 03:55 PM
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Ha, Those interesting times might be alittle too interesting. Let's watch April-December of this year. These political actions could set the stage for a economic, social, and political collapse. Hell, the Chinese could invade! And since when has a heart operation been routine?
It doesn't matter how you start something, or how you do in the middle. It matters how you finish it Paramilitary SKS
Re: Tea Party Counterattack
02/24/2010 03:27 AM
02/24/2010 03:27 AM
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Neither the republicans or the democrats are paying attention to the will of the American people. They don't understand that they serve at the "consent of the governed". They're actions remind me of "doublespeak" in George Orwell's 1984. We have to spend trillions of dollars to get out of debt, and it's freezing outside because of global warming.
The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.-Psalm 9:9