Re: National I.D. Watch
02/16/2015 04:06 PM
02/16/2015 04:06 PM
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Originally posted by The Greywolf: I think ConSigCor has it right. You can overwhelm papers check points, and cause them to spend resources. Making the thought of future check point a budget consideration.
Breacher, I have seen many youtube videos of Drivers License check points in Tennessee, Ohio and other states these are not Terrorist searches.. These are the types of vehicle block you do..
But of course you cannot assume every lock down like Boston's martial law one, is justified.. People have to learn to protect themselves.. I will not live in fear, or live under the boot of a police state. I did a couple videos on the subject recently and would say that if such checks are NOT in relation to a terrorist attack or something fairly serious, then go ahead and monkeywrench them. Go through the checkpoints, show lots of attitude, be a pain in the ass. Do whatever comes naturally in a resistance situation. I guess I am a little smug on the "have nothing to hide" situation at this time, but there are some things that are starting to irk me, like wants and warrants checks done when people check into hotels or go through the club ID check at some of the local strip clubs. It's low classville when strip club owners are trolling their customers for reward money on reporting people for outstanding warrants. Really low class. Americans at the core of the matter just plain don't like being fucked with. That's where I see this whole thing as a win/win situation. They want to start treating Americans like criminals and constant suspect, then there is going to be pushback, and support for a resistance movement. If they leave folks alone and don't screw with people then that's more liberty, nothing wrong with that. I would rather go over the nuts and bolts of monkeywrenching or faking the ID system. It seems the illegal aliens always figure out the hustles for that one and we get to be the last to learn. One easy one I stumbled into recently - lose your license. Just misplace it, take your passport down to DMV, file the lost license fee (here it is $25) and get another copy of your driver's license. They will give you a good legit second ID. You then "find" your old one, which will have the same ID number and everything. You keep that in a second wallet as a spare. When you get a change of address, turn in whichever one is most raggedy, now you have two entirely legit looking licenses, both with legit DL number and ID, one which will lead identity theieves and man-hunters astray to an old address. When you get credit cards, you usually can get them in the names of "additional authorized users". That's what celebrities use on a day to day basis. It is never fraud as long as the bills get paid. The thing is it builds depth and practice to an additional identity. Now hard core serious investigators will eventually learn those additional names, but at the very least, it helps throw the computers off a bit. Learn the ins and outs of business credit and business accounts. File as many bills as you can through a business, especially any accounts related to communications, like cell and internet service. It needs to be a layer apart from just your home name and address. Involvement in business with people should mean negotiating for these things as perks, such as having an employer provide your unlimited use cell phone and internet connection devices if you do any sort of on-call or home office work. The other thing is when it really comes down to it, we are up against an enemy that knows exactly how to play. They are the result of the power grab of the extreme left of the 1970s, and them, knowing their own methods and how they achieved power know what it takes to stop it, and what various advantages they had. I was recently reading over the history of groups like the Weathermen, and how easy so many of them got off after their ongoing series of terror attacks in the 1970s.
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Re: National I.D. Watch
02/16/2015 05:40 PM
02/16/2015 05:40 PM
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The more I think about it, the more I realize we can do nothing to prevent a lot of this, but we can work on tactics that would at least help our own people circumvent it.
Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.
Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: National I.D. Watch
02/17/2015 03:12 AM
02/17/2015 03:12 AM
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Breacher, Thank you for staying on topic, and I agree with your assessment. I think the other subject this topic devolved into is important and definitely merits discussion, so I'll start a new topic centered on it.
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Re: National I.D. Watch
02/17/2015 03:27 AM
02/17/2015 03:27 AM
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Originally posted by Breacher: The more I think about it, the more I realize we can do nothing to prevent a lot of this, but we can work on tactics that would at least help our own people circumvent it. The only reason we can't stop things such as these ID checkpoints is because the american people are too stupid and lazy to just say 'Hell NO'. If everyone refused to comply there aren't enough of these NAZI thugs to arrest them all. The militia/patriot movement has talked for years about restoring the Republic, fighting the enemies of freedom blah blah blah. Yet that's all we do. If you wont become self sufficient and independent of the beast system now, don't whine and complain because you live in a police state. If you're not willing to engage in active non compliance, you get exactly what you deserve. ...self-sufficiency, mutual aid and mutual defense are realistic efforts, given the likely short amount of time we have left. The universal vision is right in front of our faces and always has been: to break away from the corrupt mainstream system, to remove our dependency, to provide our own necessities and, thus, to remove our consent. Every liberty proponent in America should be able to pursue this goal without prompting from any centralized leadership, and it encompasses every aspect of the fight against tyranny. Make your family self-sufficient and secure without aid of government. Make your neighborhood self-sufficient and secure. Make your town or county self-sufficient and secure. If the elites try to stop you, fight back and from a position on the moral high ground. If enough communities defend themselves the prospect of martial law or totalitarian control becomes systemically impossible, politically and strategically. I rarely run into liberty advocates who disagree with this plan, yet they do nothing and refuse to even make the attempt because they are still waiting around for someone to give them a plan. Stop waiting around for the next Gandhi or George Washington and do what you already know needs to be done. It is truly as simple as that.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: National I.D. Watch
02/17/2015 03:32 AM
02/17/2015 03:32 AM
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Those who talk and clamor for an absolute war are either mentally ill. Or they have never seen war close up and personal. So Vader.. Do you even War bro?
Have you seen what happens when you Call for Close air support on the shadowfire?
Have you walked thru places like Fallujah and Taji and seen parts of bodies and children's feet sticking out of the rubble? Have you policed up pieces of your battle buddies out of blown up vehicles? It is not about winning hearts and mind dumbass. The militia already has those. It is about not losing those hearts and minds. Tim McVeigh remember him? In all honesty, it is like this Men will not willingly follow another man into battle, war, or even a fistfight. If the man leading has nothing to lose. In other words No Immediate family Wife, Kids, Mom, Dad, No extended family, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Nieces, Nephews Moreover, the reason is very clear. The man with no family is only in it for themselves.. The man with family is in it for his families' future his children's future and his wife's safety. Your post said it for you. You don't have a dog in this fight. 15 years you have been in R.I and kvetching about it. Waiting for the stars to align, and for providence to give you that singular shard of serendipity that will allow you off that rock. Dude fuck that.. Sell your shit and Move to Az. and just do it. You bring up history of people who had short term wins. Where are they and their governments now? Fidel was not a brutal dirty war. He actually gave a shit. Where is Stalin's system now? Where is Hitler's? And as far as Imperial Japan it took an extraordinary example of Annihilation to make them see that if the "all or none" is what they want then that is what they would get. Again no victory. No enduring system. Hell even Mao ZeDong's system has changed. Brutality and Domination only lasts so long.
And yes the War of Aggression did have brutality. But individual families had payback long after the War was over. And America learned to never wage absolute war against fellow Americans.
I do not know anyone who has warred for 20 plus years on a big war, small war, dirty war basis who even advocates it as a solution. EXCEPT when brutality and non discretionary damage is done.
NEVER PREACH WAR TO ME... I spent the last 15 years of .mil time actively and continuously fighting wars on three fronts, in multiple countries. And you forget that awrm has an audience of people who are a might bit squeamish about supporting any non conventional defense force (NCDF) and when you talk of indiscriminate wholesale slaughter you drive them away. You talk about denial ops without even thinking about the third order ramifications of your actions. Example Shutting down power for a short term duration. You do that in a city on a citywide basis and the roll over affects the local hospital. And you cannot restore the so called "Denial" A man who has done nothing wrong to you loses their child because the power was lost to the infancy ward. You have created an enemy who will hunt you down for the rest their breathing days. Is this what you want. To create an enemy will never show no quarter. Who will deny that you are human who will be so consumed with hate that genocide seems a walk in the park for them? Maybe you need to drink from the "Well of War" to get an idea of the taste. So option B for you is..
1. Sell your shit 2. Fly into Ankara, Turkey and I can connect you with someone who will hook you up with the Kurds. 3.Try your hand against ISIL.. But this you will not do. Excuses and no dog in the fight as you said.
Besides pounding keys on your PC what have you done for this movement? How many face to face meetings and training exercises have you done? How many units have you helped equip? How much personal investment into Equipment for units? No you do not pass my stink test either I smell you out as a poser and a REMF at best.
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Re: National I.D. Watch
02/17/2015 04:12 AM
02/17/2015 04:12 AM
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Time to move on Sapper and deal with the topic at hand. No need to let emotions cloud our judgement.
I cant spell!
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Re: National I.D. Watch
02/17/2015 05:56 AM
02/17/2015 05:56 AM
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You know, to address Sapper's comments and recent developments with the Egyptian Christians being beheaded, and major evangelists now weighing in on the issue, there is a strong possibility that a crusader movement may start taking hold here, and it could well be like it was a thousand years ago with constant warfare over there and sovereign knightly orders sending people in from time to time, sometimes establishing and maintaining small crusader kingdoms (autonomous zones) and relationships with the local governments.
For that, your citizenship is under threat until the CIA and State Department at least offer some letters of tolerance of that kind of action, and then there is the need for alternative ID, cover stories for when someone "disappears" for a deployment, managing sponsorship and finances for a deployment, dealing with the diplomatic issues.
It is not exactly full of shit or just emotionalism to discount this as a possibility. Small numbers were doing this during the Balkans conflict. The "officially approved" side was the Croats, but I know a few who were rolling with the Serbs when there was some relatively openly sponsored stuff with the KLA, and they were bitching loudly about the KLA having strong ties to an organization which up to that point had only been involved in some stuff in Afghanistan and a little in Africa - Al Queda. That was KLA heroin money and the pipeline into Europe.
Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.
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Re: National I.D. Watch
02/17/2015 06:14 AM
02/17/2015 06:14 AM
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Breacher, I agree tactics of non compliance with these types of check points, would be a great subject to discuss. Teaching folks willing to vehicle rush a nonessential check point, would be a good on line tactic for militia groups to teach.. Not every action by us has to be a military action.. Teaching noncompliance is a part of our duty. Of course I still stand by not all police state actions ( area shut downs) against citizens who are wanted, should be supported by any of us or the people.
I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.
Jimmy Greywolf
Re: National I.D. Watch
02/17/2015 06:40 AM
02/17/2015 06:40 AM
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The Greywolf
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Originally posted by ConSigCor: Originally posted by Breacher: [b] The more I think about it, the more I realize we can do nothing to prevent a lot of this, but we can work on tactics that would at least help our own people circumvent it. The only reason we can't stop things such as these ID checkpoints is because the american people are too stupid and lazy to just say 'Hell NO'. If everyone refused to comply there aren't enough of these NAZI thugs to arrest them all. The militia/patriot movement has talked for years about restoring the Republic, fighting the enemies of freedom blah blah blah. Yet that's all we do. If you wont become self sufficient and independent of the beast system now, don't whine and complain because you live in a police state. If you're not willing to engage in active non compliance, you get exactly what you deserve.
...self-sufficiency, mutual aid and mutual defense are realistic efforts, given the likely short amount of time we have left. The universal vision is right in front of our faces and always has been: to break away from the corrupt mainstream system, to remove our dependency, to provide our own necessities and, thus, to remove our consent. Every liberty proponent in America should be able to pursue this goal without prompting from any centralized leadership, and it encompasses every aspect of the fight against tyranny. Make your family self-sufficient and secure without aid of government. Make your neighborhood self-sufficient and secure. Make your town or county self-sufficient and secure. If the elites try to stop you, fight back and from a position on the moral high ground. If enough communities defend themselves the prospect of martial law or totalitarian control becomes systemically impossible, politically and strategically. I rarely run into liberty advocates who disagree with this plan, yet they do nothing and refuse to even make the attempt because they are still waiting around for someone to give them a plan. Stop waiting around for the next Gandhi or George Washington and do what you already know needs to be done. It is truly as simple as that. [/b]Of course no one can disagree with the above assessment. We are and will always be responsible for our own freedom.. Noncompliance is a very powerful weapon in our arsenal.. We must decide we will never comply.. I recently renewed my non real ID license for 8 years in order to figure out how I can get around this BS later. I dropped my CDL a few years ago not worth the BS.. I made sure my RV didn't require one.. Either way I will not comply... Now on the 2nd subject, We must understand that we are militia, not a government capable of atrocities without consequences.. Hearts and Minds is our only hope.. Unless the citizenry is willing to hide help and supply us with some of our needs...We will not survive.. Without their support we fail, period.. By using Sherman's tactic or any other criminal occupier.. We lose support.. Yes Sherman won this engagement, but the North lost support of the people to this day.. I build on that. Greywolf
I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.
Jimmy Greywolf
Re: National I.D. Watch
09/21/2015 05:57 AM
09/21/2015 05:57 AM
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If You Live In These States You'll Soon Need A Passport For Domestic Flights
by Tyler Durden 9/20/2015 Submitted by John Vibes via,
To comply with the 2005 Real ID Act, which the U.S. government has been slowly implementing for the past decade, citizens in a number of different U.S. states will now be forced to obtain a passport if they want to board an airplane - even for domestic flights.
The Department of Homeland Security and representatives with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection have declined to comment on why certain states have been singled out, but starting in 2016, residents of New York, Wisconsin, Louisiana, Minnesota, New Hampshire, and American Samoa will need a passport to fly domestically. All other states will still be able to use their state-issued driver’s licenses and IDs — for now, at least.
According to the Department of Homeland Security’s guidelines on enforcement of the Real ID Act,
“The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced on December 20, 2013 a phased enforcement plan for the REAL ID Act (the Act), as passed by Congress, that will implement the Act in a measured, fair, and responsible way.
Secure driver’s licenses and identification documents are a vital component of our national security framework. The REAL ID Act, passed by Congress in 2005, enacted the 9/11 Commission’s recommendation that the Federal Government ‘set standards for the issuance of sources of identification, such as driver’s licenses.’ The Act established minimum security standards for license issuance and production and prohibits Federal agencies from accepting for certain purposes driver’s licenses and identification cards from states not meeting the Act’s minimum standards. The purposes covered by the Act are: accessing Federal facilities, entering nuclear power plants, and, no sooner than 2016, boarding federally regulated commercial aircraft.
States and other jurisdictions have made significant progress in enhancing the security of their licenses over the last number of years. As a result, approximately 70-80% of all U.S. drivers hold licenses from jurisdictions: (1) determined to meet the Act’s standards; or (2) that have received extensions. Individuals holding driver’s licenses or identification cards from these jurisdiction may continue to use them as before.
Individuals holding licenses from noncompliant jurisdictions will need to follow alternative access control procedures for purposes covered by the Act. As described below, enforcement for boarding aircraft will occur no sooner than 2016.”
According to the fine print, not all 50 states have driver’s licences that meet the Real ID requirements, which could possibly explain why the aforementioned regions will not qualify in 2016. However, there is no specific mention of what the requirements actually are.
The Real ID act has been controversial since its initial proposal over ten years ago and is seen by many as a massive violation of privacy. One of the primary reasons it has taken the government so long to roll this program out is that the program is wildly unpopular and creates heavy backlash every time it appears in the news.
The tightening of the Real ID restrictions are seemingly intended to push people towards attaining the newly issued “enhanced ID,” which adds more unnecessary paperwork and bureaucracy to the already tedious process involved in identification applications.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: National I.D. Watch
09/21/2015 07:46 AM
09/21/2015 07:46 AM
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Lord Vader
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So when are we going to Hoist the Black Flag and start Slitting some Throats???
VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)