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05/09/2007 03:26 PM
05/09/2007 03:26 PM
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I did the first time they mentioned it...only reason that "gunny" is in trouble is that he got caught at it...the guy with the camera phone is probably praying that they don't find out it was him...or hes had a "training accident" already

"I aim to misbehave" - Captain Malcom Reynolds
"If you can't do something smart, do something right." - Shepard Book
"Rightly and Boldly" - Elliott Clan Motto
05/10/2007 04:45 AM
05/10/2007 04:45 AM
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My German ancestors came to America to get away from imperialistic wars. If the BRD/EU brings it here I'll be mighty p.o.ed and they'll see how much. I have spoken alot about Katrina and how it was a test run for martial law and minority control. I saw, with my own eyes, a mounted platoon of Bundeswehr engineers riding around Jefferson Parish after the storm. Skull and Bones = SS. I guess the Nasis are looking for revenge. Now obviously, all Germans aren't Nazis, but they were here and now they are training to kill heavily pigmented Americans.

05/10/2007 05:09 AM
05/10/2007 05:09 AM
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I agree with you aboout Katrina. Watch the documentary "Refuge of Last resort" to get a real sense of what the bias media NEVER reported about that storm and ensuing chaos afterwards.

But, it was other "events" that were "practice runs" for the Gestapo/Nazi tactics. WACO.....was the most blatant and obvious! And MORE R COMING!!

I hate to say it but, yer just gonna have to be (as you put it) P O'd, bro!!!


"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain - 1904
05/10/2007 02:22 PM
05/10/2007 02:22 PM
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Better Pissed off than pissed on:-)

05/10/2007 02:49 PM
05/10/2007 02:49 PM
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Originally posted by Cajunpatriot:
Better Pissed off than pissed on:-)
Oh man, my dad always says that, lol
So true though

Though it seems that Uncle Sam is trying to "rain" over us
Get it? homophone, lol
im going to cry myself to sleep now. i think im funny i think im funny i think im funny.

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05/10/2007 03:45 PM
05/10/2007 03:45 PM
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I think the JBTs are going to be in for a big suprise the next time they try to pull a "Waco" especially here in Texas.

"I aim to misbehave" - Captain Malcom Reynolds
"If you can't do something smart, do something right." - Shepard Book
"Rightly and Boldly" - Elliott Clan Motto
06/11/2007 04:50 AM
06/11/2007 04:50 AM
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By: Devvy
June 11, 2007

� 2007 -

"The true barriers of our liberty in this country are our State governments; and the wisest conservative power ever contrived by man is that of which our Revolution and present government found us possessed." --Thomas Jefferson to A. L. C. Destutt de Tracy, 1811. ME 13:19

Americans who are following the rapid and calculated destruction of these sovereign united states of America are fully aware of what the North American Union means along with it's enforcement maze deceptively titled the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. For those who are unfamiliar with this major push to integrate America with Mexico and Canada, the links below will provide you with the details. I would also like to draw to your attention a press release dated February 23, 2007 which appears on the U.S. Department of Commerce web site:

For Immediate Release
February 23, 2007/Contact Office of Public Affairs
(202) 482-4883

"Statement by Ministers Responsibility for the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America

"Ottawa - The Leaders of Canada, Mexico and the United States launched the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) to increase security, prosperity, and improve the quality of life for the citizens of each sovereign nation. Last March in Cancun, Leaders reaffirmed their commitment to the SPP and identified five priorities: 1) Strengthening Competitiveness through creation of a private sector-led North American Competitiveness Council (NACC), and enhancing regulatory cooperation; 2) Emergency Management; 3) Avian and Pandemic Influenza; 4) Energy Security; and 5) Smart, Secure Borders.

"We, the Canadian and United States Ministers responsible for Foreign Affairs, Security and Prosperity, are pleased to welcome our counterparts from the new Government of Mexico. We met today to review progress since the Leaders' meeting in Cancun and are pleased to report that progress has been achieved in a number of areas.

"In order to ensure tangible results on the Cancun priorities:

"We requested that the trilateral regulatory cooperation framework meant to enhance competitiveness, while maintaining high standards of health and safety be finalized by the next Leaders' Summit.

We directed the members of the Coordinating Body to finalize the North American Plan on Avian and Pandemic Influenza by June 2007.

We established a senior level coordinating body to prioritize and oversee emergency management activities in the following areas: 1) emergency response, 2) critical infrastructure protection; 3) border resumption in the event of an emergency; and 4) border incident management.

We welcomed the progress achieved to date on the Smart, Secure Border agenda, and called upon officials to develop additional recommendations for Leaders in this area.

We took note of the progress achieved by Energy Ministers in implementing priorities identified by Leaders in the areas of innovation, energy efficiency and technology development, and energy market facilitation, and look forward to further progress in advance of the Leaders' meeting.

"For the next Report to Leaders, we have tasked SPP working groups and coordinators with revitalizing and streamlining their work plans to ensure that initiatives are more focused and results-oriented. We discussed the importance of transparency and communication with stakeholders and the public, and directed officials to expand their efforts in this regard. We also asked officials to pursue greater coordination amongst various working groups and initiatives in recognition that many issues cut across security and prosperity.

"We thank the representatives of Canada, Mexico and the United States of the NACC for their dedication and commitment, and for their report on enhancing competitiveness. We note their recommendations in the areas of border crossing facilitation, standards and regulatory cooperation, and energy integration. Our respective governments will review the report and consider carefully its recommendations in preparation for the next Leaders' meeting. We will continue to work with the NACC and other stakeholders as we strive to make North America the safest and best place to live, invest and prosper.

"Building on our strong partnership, we recognize the importance of focusing on initiatives that will further competitiveness and quality of life in North America, and will continue to work together to successfully meet the security and prosperity challenges of the 21st century. We will pursue this work to deliver tangible results and a focused agenda to the Leaders at their next meeting in August 2007, in Canada."

As informed Americans know, this NAU has been underway for decades. The Texas Trans Corridor and other infrastructures are all part and parcel of this treachery. These are the questions Americans - and that includes members of our state legislatures - should ask themselves:

What "Smart, Secure Border agenda"? What's that and how come the American people know nothing about it?

"North American plan?" Why is these united States of America constantly referred to as simply North America?

"Stakeholders"? And, who would that be? Those who have and are selling out this republic, i.e., Texas Gov. Rick Perry is at the top of the list along with Bush, his handlers and the major mega corporations which I listed in my last column and yes, to an e-mailer, this includes Monsanto.

"Energy integration"? Aren't we already paying through the nose for heating, A/C and gasoline? Just what is this integration supposed to involve and how much are we going to end up exporting to "more needed areas" while we get skinned for it.

If you missed this one, you'll want to sit down because if you think you're having a difficult time now paying high health care premiums, auto insurance to cover millions of illegal aliens loose on our roads, gas at the pump, massive and ever growing property taxes, sales taxes, payroll taxes, taxes, taxes and food on the table:

U.S. taxpayers to pay for Mexican repairs Federal documents reveal 'physical infrastructure' fix-up plan

"June 6, 2007: U.S. taxpayers soon could be paying for, among other things, improvements to Mexico's infrastructure, according to documents revealed by Judicial Watch....The deliverables include 'cross-border' cooperation in the areas of car insurance, Social Security totalization for Mexico, banking, and the Federal Reserve's 'Directo a Mexico' remittance program," Judicial Watch said.....As WND also has reported, the "totalization" program that earlier was revealed by the TREA Senior Citizens League shows the plan would allow any Mexican worker who has as little as 18 months of employment history in the United States to end up qualifying for Social Security retirement benefits, a cost that quickly could reach into the billions."

As I said in my last column: If this goes through along with the phony immigration reform bill (massive amnesty), the middle class will be living in poverty within five years. It doesn't matter that this proposed looting of the people's treasury is such a gross violation of law, the machine in Washington, DC., no longer cares. Now do you understand why Americans are enraged beyond measure?

What's the deal with focusing just on a "North American Plan on Avian and Pandemic Influenza"? Why do they want this plan in place this month? It would appear the timing is coincidentally perfect for the battle going on right now for this massive amnesty bill while Americans are choking to death as deadly chemical cocktails rain down on us from the skies. Could it be the importing of another 100 million poor, sick and illiterate from Mexico and South America who will sneak in with the rest bringing more diseases unchecked? We know illegal aliens from around the world have smuggled themselves into our country bringing in and resurrecting diseases that were long ago either entirely eliminated in this country or practically non existent.

Item 3: "border resumption in the event of an emergency" - what's that supposed to mean? The definition of resumption is: the act of taking again or recovering something given up or lost. Think about that one.

When former U.S Attorney General William French Smith found out Oliver North, under the direction of Ronald Reagan, had worked on setting up a shadow government and plans for martial law, he came unglued. We cannot expect anything from the corrupt U.S. AG Alberto Gonzales. He's of Mexican descent, admitted his grandparents were likely illegals and he's been honored by the seditious, militant, America hating La Raza.

At the federal level

Congressman Virgil Goode [R-VA], introduced H.C.R. 487 last October 2006. I know everyone has been manning the phones on this phony immigration reform bill. I've been making my calls, not only to Hutchinson and Cornyn here in Texas, but to a dozen others just in case someone in Arizona, California or New York isn't doing their part. Every call counts. An excellent column came out last week that you can use when you call because this gentleman hit the nail on the head: 'How to Send Illegals Home.' I encourage you to read it here. The counterfeit U.S. Senate has spent years and countless man hours on this abomination they're calling a reform bill when all they have to do is what Mr. Clampett so articulately laid out in his commentary. Find your counterfeit U.S. Senator here.

This is what we have to do: keep the heat on these scoundrels so hot, they'll get the message. We also have to burn up the phone lines by calling your federal Congressman and tell him/her we demand passage of H.C.R. 487. Tell these public servants to stop fooling around with nonsense all day long and long vacations every two months. Tell them to do their job and that means securing the sovereignty of this republic and stop the push to integrate our republic with other countries and their laws. Our Bill of Rights is sacred and we will not give up our God given rights, period. We will NOT become part of a European Union style piece of a world government.

State Houses

About 1/3rd of the states have already stepped up to the plate because their legislators realize the danger lurking and shall we call it by its real name - treason? Uh, oh, that's a pretty inflammatory word. Treason as defined in the U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 3: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court." These united States of America, to my knowledge, have never given their permission to be dissolved and absorbed into one gigantic region of a world government, flushing our laws and our unique and individuals natural rights. Is the NAU/SPP giving aid and comfort to our enemies? Is the NAU and SPP a form of war against our sovereignty? Technically this plan may not meet the exact standards for treason, but in the minds of millions of Americans, it constitutes a form of treason against all we hold dear and the continuation of these sovereign states and our Union.

Some of these state legislatures introduced resolutions that were killed by either mid-led members or scoundrels who will profit, i.e., Utah. "House Joint Resolution 7 - introduced by Representative Sandstrom and Senator Fife (Passed in the House by a vote of 47-24 and was killed in the Senate for the remainder of the Congressional year)." This is totally unacceptable. The people of Utah need to get on the phone to their legislators. Many list their home phone numbers, so even though their out of session, find your rep here and get on the phone. This is how it's done. Check the list below at 'Stop the NAU' and see the status of your state. Make those calls and if you can't get through to the DC office, call one of the district offices; the staffers are taking tallies there, too.

We need to bombard those state legislatures who are ignoring this monster with a demand they support Goode's bill and step up to the plate. As I said, many of the state legislatures are now out of session for the year. Here in Texas, our legislature went out of session May 31st and will not go back January 2009. We are an every other odd number year legislature. We will get no support from our corrupt, crook governor, Rick Perry, who has sold out America. Perry's participation and spear heading of the Texas Trans Corridor should get him impeached and I'm dead serious. California booted out former Governor Gray Davis on a recall. It was a humiliating experience for him. I grinned from ear to ear. The people recognized Davis had to go and through a lot of hard work, Davis made history in getting the boot.

Texas has impeached a governor before; see here and it can be done again; rules governing impeachment here. Presidential candidate, Texas Congressman Ron Paul and a whole lot of Texans believe Gov. Rick Perry should be criminally investigated for possible violation of the Logan Act for his participation in the secret meetings known as Bilderberger. The mainstream media, including cable, broadcast their conspiracy theories about these Bilderberger meetings: they're just a bunch of leaders getting together to discuss world events. The NAU is just a modern day rumor! Example: Conspiracy facilitator, Phillipe Dine, Post-Dispatch Washington Bureau said in his May 13, 2007, piece titled North American Union? Rumor sweeps the right:

"WASHINGTON � Forget the conspiracy theories about JFK's assassination, the black helicopters, 9/11 or any others. This is the big one � as big, in fact, as the entire continent. We're talking about the secret plan to build a superhighway, a giant 10- to 12-lane production, from the Yucatan to the Yukon, with an immigration and trade center in Missouri. This "SuperCorridor" is to allow the really big part of the plan to take place: the merging of the governments of Canada, the United States and Mexico. Say good-bye to the dollar, and maybe even the English language. The rumor is sweeping the Internet, radio and magazines, spread by bloggers, broadcasters and writers who cite the "proof" in the writings of a respected American University professor, in a task force put together by the ultra-establishment Council on Foreign Relations and in the workings of the U.S. Commerce Department. As do many modern rumors, the fears of a North American Union begin with a few grains of truth and leap to an unsubstantiated conclusion."

Read the entire column and then cancel your subscription. Such irresponsible journalism should not be rewarded.

Persistent and immediate activism is needed

Even if your state is out of session, you can still write a short letter to your state legislator. I won't ask you to waste your time with your governor. All 50 state governors as I have written before are members of the Council of State Governments and have bought into Agenda 21. All of them. Our state legislatures remain our best hope on the issue of the NAU/SPP. We must make them see the light.

They can come back into special session, but it will not happen unless their offices receive tens of thousands of letters and/or phone calls. Forget e-mail. I am enclosing this column (no printer friendly yet, so cut and paste to word processor and print) to my state rep and senator with the demand that they work with their other colleagues - even though they adjourned sine die over a week ago. My letter demands my state rep and senator get the process rolling to begin an investigation into Rick Perry's participation at the Bilderberger meeting and violation of the Logan act. Also stay on radio talk show hosts. We must keep this issue on the front burner, as well as stopping the amnesty bill in the Senate.

Summertime is for fun, right? My last vacation was in 1991; John and I actually took a whole week to go on vacation. Why? Because every day counts and I've known this since my eyes were opened in 1991. Millions are making huge sacrifices, but we must keep massive heat on these elected public servants who work for us. Stop the amnesty bill in the senate and stop the NAU/SPP. Together we can and we will defeat those who seek to put asunder all that was given to us with the blood of real patriots. It's going to get very ugly, make no mistake about that. Here in Texas, some very brave Texans have openly stood up in public meetings and said they will invoke the Second Amendment. Please watch a short video and listen to Americans as they tell the truth: the NAU/SPP will destroy agriculture in Texas, eminent domain will put thousands off their land. A big storm is brewing in Texas. Watch video here.

Become part of history instead of being a victim of it:

1. Development of a North American legal system
2, Internationalizing U.S. Roads
3, Go to Stop the NAU for list of states and how to get involved
4, Dr. Jerome Corsi: NAU
5, Gov. Perry Summoned to Bilderberg While Insider Trading Charges Mount in Related Texas Buyout
6, Rick Perry - Logan Act - short video
7, Prepare to be �transitioned� into your new �habitat�
8, Corridor Watch - latest updates
9, San Antonio Poll Party
10, San Antonio Poll Party/Rick Perry
11, US And EU Agree 'Single Market'
12, White House: U.S., EU Launch a Framework for Advancing Economic Integration
13, Bilderberg 2007 Final Report
14, Lou Dobbs: Amnesty Plan Part Of NAU

� 2007 - - All Rights Reserved

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Devvy Kidd authored the booklets, Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty; 2 million copies sold. Devvy appears on radio shows all over the country, ran for Congress and is a highly sought after public speaker. Devvy belongs to no organization.

She left the Republican Party in 1996 and has been an independent voter ever since. Devvy isn't left, right or in the middle; she is a constitutionalist who believes in the supreme law of the land, not some political party. Her web site ( contains a tremendous amount of information, solutions and a vast Reading Room.

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Before you send Devvy e-mail, please take the time to check the FAQ section on her web site. It is filled with answers to frequently asked questions and links to reliable research sources.

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"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
06/27/2007 03:40 AM
06/27/2007 03:40 AM
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The NAU is the demise of our country,and congress is is doing nothing to stop ,however many things to help it.The 'amnesty bill' has provisions in there that will speed up the process,disguised as trade agreements.There is infrastructure already built ,in my AO(SW-TN)PORTIONS OF THE nafta SUPER HIGHWAY are already built.My crongressman's office told me, when I called about the NAU and the NAFTA superhighway,that FED EX and several other global corparations "want the Nafta super highway,and there going to get it".You see my congressman has no concern for our sovereignty,nor do most of the rest.Althought there still are a few left,such as ron paul,who can not be corrupted.

06/27/2007 01:37 PM
06/27/2007 01:37 PM
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The Confederate States of Amer...
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The Confederate States of Amer...
Let me see if I can find a word for someone fitting your description:


traitor >noun a person who betrays their country, a cause, etc.
-DERIVATIVES traitorous >adjective.
-ORIGIN Old French traitour, from Latin tradere 'hand over'.


betray >verb 1 act treacherously towards (a person, country, etc.) by revealing information to or otherwise aiding an enemy. 2 be disloyal to. 3 unintentionally reveal; be evidence of.
-DERIVATIVES betrayal >noun betrayer >noun.
-ORIGIN from Old French trair, from Latin tradere 'hand over'.

Betrayer - (n) one who reveals confidential information in return for money, a person who says one thing and does another.


scoundrel >noun a dishonest or unscrupulous person.

I found three!

Patriot Creed- I WILL NOT be disarmed. I WILL NOT run. I WILL NOT be a POW in my own Country.
06/27/2007 02:39 PM
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ConSigCor, Your box is full, trying to send you a PM

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf
06/28/2007 03:50 AM
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20FF-Corp of the Confederacy
Thanks for the two other words besides traitor,I often wondered what other words I could use to describe my congressman(woman).

10/01/2007 01:38 AM
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By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
October 1, 2007

At an April 12, 1883 talk at the Twilight Club in New York City, former NEW YORK TIMES editorial page editor John Swinton revealed: "We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumpingjacks; they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities, and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."

Almost 40 years later, New York City Mayor John Hylan delivered a speech in Chicago on March 26, 1922. He was quoted by THE NEW YORK TIMES (March 27) as revealing: "The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, State and nation. . . . At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses. . . . One of my first acts as mayor was to pitch out, bag and baggage, from the educational system of our city the Rockefeller agents and the Gary plan of education to fit the children for the mill and factory."

More recently, Douglas Valentine, author of THE PHOENIX PROGRAM (CIA torture and assassination program in Vietnam), explained on Radio Liberty on October 18, 2006: "Democracy has been hijacked from us. It's been hijacked by these very powerful industrialists for whom the CIA really works. They don't work for you. They don't work for me. They don't work for the middle class. They don't work for the lower class. They work for a very elite group of Americans who control the wealth in this country. And their job is, through whatever means possible... to preserve the priviliges of this ruling one or two or three percent of the industrialists in this country. And, frankly, they do a very, very, very good job of it."

One of the members of the power elite who controls the world today is David Rockefeller, and at the September 14, 1994 Annual U.N. Ambassador's Dinner sponsored by the Business Council for the U.N., host Rudolph Giuliani introduced Rockefeller as a "citizen of the world" and "one of the formidable figures of the 20th century." Rockefeller then stated: "This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built will not be open too long. Already there are powerful forces at work that threaten to destroy all our hopes and methods to erect an enduring structure of global cooperation."

To what "structure" Rockefeller was referring was made clearer in his MEMOIRS (2002), where he admitted being part of a "secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States . . . conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure -- one world, if you will." Specifically regarding the Americas, Rockefeller was a founding member of the Council of the Americas in 1965. And at a May 6th, 1996 meeting of that organization, Thomas McLarty (counselor to President Clinton) referrred to Rockefeller as his "valued mentor." This was after Rockefeller referred to McLarty as "a reliable collaborator in the effort to advance the process of hemispheric economic integration."

According to the North American Forum on Integration (NAFINA), on November 17, 1979 when Ronald Reagan officially declared his presidential candidacy, he proposed a "North American Agreement" in which "the goods and people of the three countries will cross boundaries more freely." Then as his presidency began in January 1981, he proposed a North American common market. By the last year of his presidency, Reagan was clearly "thinking globally" as on January 11, 1988, at the City Club of Cleveland, he remarked: "Even more than in the past, this new world economy is a one-world economy. . . . In this new world economy, national boundaries are increasingly becoming obsolete. . . . These new economic realities dictate a world economy."

Reagan was succeeded as president by George H.W. Bush, who on April 30, 1992 issued Executive Order 12803 privatizing America's infrastructure, which would allow foreign companies to lease American toll roads, bridges, etc. However, Bush would have had difficulty getting enough Democrats to vote for NAFTA (and GATT). Therefore, the power elite chose Democrat Bill Clinton as the next president in order to push through those trade agreements, and there are now NAFTA tribunals which can actually overturn U.S. laws.

Flowing from NAFTA has been the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) emphasizing the "economic integration" of the three North American nations. And promoting this integration has been NAFINA, including Robert Pastor as one of its directors. Pastor has been the chief architect of the North American Union movement, and NAFINA's objectives include "raising awareness among future North American leaders regarding regional integration issues" and "developing their sense of a North American identity."

At NAFINA's May 20-25, 2007 Triumvirate ("the only North American model parliament") meeting, among the themes debated was the creation of a Customs Union for the 3 nations. And if you go to a NAFINA website, you can see the planned North American trade corridors (pacific, central western, central eastern and atlantic).

September 19-21, 2007 in Denver, there was a Great Plains International Conference on international trade corridors, at which Mexican mayor Evaristo Lenin Perez advocated moving quickly toward a European-style merger of the U.S., Canada and Mexico. If you look at the SPP website, in the background you will see a map of North America, and the state in which I reside (North Carolina) now has embedded a hologram of this same map on its drivers' licenses. The hologram was developed by the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, whose spokesman, Jason King, told columnist Jim Kouri that its "goal is to create a continental security device" that can be used by motor vehicle agencies throughout North America. Not long ago, the U.S. Office of Management and Budget also required American businesses to update their "North American Industry Classification Code" to replace the Standard Industry Classification code. This new industry-coding requirement was developed jointly by the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

Jobs flow back and forth among the countries, as companies such as Maytag, Nokia, and Black & Decker set up factories in small towns such as Reynosa just across the Mexican border. For example, 675 Black & Decker jobs in Fayetteville, N.C., south of where I live, just went to Reynosa. In the opposite direction, Mexican laborers are flooding the U.S. By 2015, one in five people born in Mexico will be living in the U.S. as Mexican citizens. Many of these are illegal aliens, and the pressure to crack down on U.S. employers hiring them will probably result in a national I.D. issued to all foreign workers. Some organization then probably will bring a lawsuit about such inequality because an I.D. isn't required of other workers. That, in turn, will result in pressure for a national I.D. for everyone. This is how the power elite manipulates events in order to accomplish its objectives (e.g., everyone gets an I.D. number that can be tracked).

Once the U.S., Canada and Mexico have been "economically integrated," this will form the basis for a North American Union (with its own currency, the Amero). This "region" will be linked with other regions (e.g., the European Union and its Euro) around the world to form the power elite's World Socialist Government.
Relevant to this process, in July 2007 the African Union summit in Accra proposed a process for federating all African nations. And currently, negotiations are underway for Economic Partnership Agreements between Eastern and Southern African nations and the European Union.

This process has euphemistically come to be known as "globalization," and is designed to undermine the middle class with the objective of creating a modern feudal society (see "Our Feudal Future"). Janet Yellen (president of San Francisco's Federal Reserve Bank) in a November 6, 2006 speech titled "Economic Inequality in the United States" even acknowledged that "globalization and skill-based technological change may have been working in combination to particularly depress the wage gains of those in the middle of the U.S. wage distribution."

Relevant to this, over 3 million Americans have lost manufacturing jobs since George W. Bush became President. In addition, corporations are using H1B visas to train foreigners here, then send them home to train others so more American jobs can be outsourced. According to Phyllis Schlafly's "New Awakening About Free Trade" report (April 18, 2007): "CISCO Systems, the leading maker of communications equipment, will have 20% of its talent in India within 5 years, and global consulting giant Accenture will have more employees in India than in the U.S. by the end of this year. IBM reduced its American workforce by 31,000 while increasing its Indian staff by 52,000. CitiGroup, which already has 22,000 employees in India, plans to eliminate 26,000 jobs in the U.S. and increase its Asian workforce by another 10,000 where the pay is lower." In a WALL STREET JOURNAL article, "Job Prospects: Pain from Free Trade Spurs Second Thoughts" (March 28, 2007) by David Wessel and Bob Davis, even free trade proponent Professor Alan Blinder now acknowledges that 30-40 million American jobs could be at risk from free trade, mostly from outsourcing.

A lot of lower-skilled American jobs have already gone to Communist China, which has used its great increase in wealth to expand tremendously its military capabilities to use eventually as a blackmail weapon against the U.S. Even before this threat occurs, though, China is currently positioned to blackmail economically the U.S. It has $1.33 trillion of foreign reserves, and if it decided to liquidate those and switch to the Euro as its reserve currency, the dollar could crash, sending the U.S. into economic recession. Perhaps this possibility is why, according to a September 17, 2007 Associated Press article "Greenspan: Euro Gains As Reserve Choice," former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan said that "It is possible that the Euro could replace the dollar as the reserve currency of choice. . . . The European Central Bank has become a serious factor in the global economy."

This is all part of the power elite's plan for a feudal World Socialist Government in which we become their serfs. However, as a December 31, 1999, WALL STREET JOURNAL editorial stated: "The God who looked out upon the earth and pronounced it good designed us to glorify Him as free men and not as serfs."

� 2007 Dennis Cuddy - All Rights Reserved

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Dennis Laurence Cuddy, historian and political analyst, received a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (major in American History, minor in political science). Dr. Cuddy has taught at the university level, has been a political and economic risk analyst for an international consulting firm, and has been a Senior Associate with the U.S. Department of Education.

Cuddy has also testified before members of Congress on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice. Dr. Cuddy has authored or edited twenty books and booklets, and has written hundreds of articles appearing in newspapers around the nation, including The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and USA Today. He has been a guest on numerous radio talk shows in various parts of the country, such as ABC Radio in New York City, and he has also been a guest on the national television programs USA Today and CBS's Nightwatch.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
11/14/2007 03:30 AM
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"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
12/18/2007 04:31 PM
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By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
December 17, 2007

In order to bring about a North American Union (NAU), the public first has to be conditioned to think of themselves as North Americans. In that regard, Thomas Donohue (president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce) on June 16, 2006 remarked that "for CEOs, North America is already a single market, and business decisions are no longer made with a Mexico strategy---or a Canada strategy---but, rather, with a North American strategy....I think it's pretty clear now that it no longer makes sense to talk about U.S. competitiveness and Mexican competitiveness---or, for that matter, about the competitiveness of Canada. We are all in this together---we, as North Americans."

Also relevant to this process is the publication of NORTH AMERICAN INTEGRATION MONITOR since 2002 by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Very soon, CSIS also will publish (and has agreed to send me) their final document on their "North American Future 2025 Project." The Project has "an emphasis on regional integration," and the year 2025 A.D. was selected "on the basis of the data presently available on overall global projections." Seven closed-door roundtable sessions have been looking at the methodology of global and North American projections, as well as labor mobility, energy, the environment, security, competitiveness, and border infrastructure and logistics.

Zbigniew Brzezinski has been a CSIS counselor, and at Mikhail Gorbachev's first State of the World Forum in 1995, Brzezinski revealed: "We cannot leap into world government through one quick step....The precondition for eventual and genuine globalization is progressive regionalization because by that we move toward larger, more stable, more cooperative units." This is why the CSIS Project has "an emphasis on regional integration." (Brzezinski also described the regions that would be formed, that Israel and the Palestinians would be part of a Middle Eastern region, how Communist China would be brought into an Asian region, and that Iran would be part of a Central Asian region which would have important oil and gas pipelines constructed.)

At this point, it is worth remembering that in Stalin's January 1913 address in Vienna, he advocated national loyalties becoming subservient to regions. And 3 years later, Lenin in 1916 proclaimed: "The aim of socialism is not only to abolish the present division of mankind into smaller states and all-national isolation, not only to bring the nations closer to each other, but also to merge them."

You may recall that in Brzezinski's BETWEEN TWO AGES (1970), he praised Marxism, and he claimed that "the nation-state is gradually yielding its sovereignty." One aspect of American sovereignty that is being yielded is ownership of American companies by Americans. In the first 9 months of 2007, 69 companies in New England alone have been sold to foreign buyers. Nationally, the French company Alcatel bought Lucent Technologies in the U.S. last year, and in September 2007 announced it will be cutting thousands of jobs.

Relevant to this, Alan Tonelson (research fellow at the U.S. Business and Industry Council) said foreign companies are "acquiring control over the most dynamic pieces of the American economy, and they're acquiring control over America's future." Also relevant to this was the assessment by Donald Klepper-Smith (chief economist at DataCore Partners) regarding decisions made overseas and how they would effect American workers. He opined: "It raises some red flags and some real questions about our independence."

Part of the conditioning process to cause Americans to accept a NAU is the role of past and present government officials explaining the alleged economic benefits of such a union. For example, Harry Roegner in a letter titled "An economic union would be beneficial" in THE GREENVILLE (South Carolina) SUN (October 15, 2007) pointed out the large oil reserves of both Canada and Mexico that would be useful to the U.S., as well as Mexico's excess manpower who, as immigrants, would help support U.S. and Canadian economic growth. Roegner was an adviser on foreign trade issues to the U.S. Department of Commerce from 1984 to 1994, and in his letter said: "A North American economic union would provide the free flow of capital and labor across national borders needed to address many of the (aforementioned) imbalances."

Often regional economic integration into some type of union is argued on the basis of free trade. However, John Fonte (who had an office next to mine at the U.S. Department of Education) of the Hudson Institute has explained that the concept of regional economic arrangements or trading blocs actually is contrary to free trade to an extent. For example, in a NAU, there would be trading arrangements among the 3 nations which would limit the ability of the U.S. to trade freely with nations outside the NAU trading bloc.

But hasn't President Bush recently said all this talk about a NAU is nonsense? On August 21, 2007 at the concluding press conference for the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) in Montebello, Quebec, Fox News reporter Bret Baier asked if the SPP is a prelude to a NAU similar to the European Union (EU), and if there are plans to build some kind of superhighway connecting all 3 countries. President Bush replied: "If you've been in politics as long as I have, you get used to that kind of technique where you lay out a conspiracy and then force people to try to prove it doesn't exist."

The truth, of course, is that the U.S., Canada and Mexico are being connected by 4 Trade Corridors. On November 20, 2007, Lt. Governor John Harvard of Manitoba delivered a "Speech From The Throne," in which he revealed: "Manitoba has been working with the Canadian government and state governments in the U.S. to protect and enhance our access to key trade markets. In response to U.S. border and security measures, Manitoba will begin offering an enhanced driver's license as an affordable and secure form of identification for travelers. The new license will be available in the Fall of 2008. Manitoba is also taking a major role in the development of a Mid-Continent Trade Corridor, connecting our northern Port of Churchill with trade markets throughout the central United States and Mexico. To advance the concept, an alliance has been built with business leaders and state and city governments spanning the entire length of the Corridor. When fully developed, the trade route will incorporate an 'in-land port' in Winnipeg with pre-clearance for international shipping."

The SPP is also an important part of the power elite's plan for a techno-feudal fascist world government because it is a "partnership." For years, the American people and their leaders have been conditioned to accept educational and other partnerships as solutions to their problems. For example, city governments strapped for funds are approached by corporations or their related private foundations with plans and funds to improve education, which the city leaders are only too glad to accept. This conditions the people eventually to accept government/corporate rule. This is a form of Socialism known as fascism, and it will be the type of world government the power elite plans ultimately to bring about and control. In this government, the power elite will control politicians who will become government leaders who will promulgate laws, rules and regulations favorable to certain transnational corporations (controlled by the power elite) and unfavorable to any possible competition to those select corporations.

So why did President Bush ridicule Bret Baier's question, especially since there are already 47 Mexican Consulates across the U.S.? Lou Dobbs in his CNN commentary "Beware the Lame Duck" (October 17, 2007) wrote: "Although many conservatives refuse to accept the reality, George W. Bush is a one-world neo-liberal who drove budget and trade deficits to record heights....President Bush has pressed hard for the Security and Prosperity Partnership, the first step toward a North American Union that will threaten our sovereignty. The administration has permitted American businesses to hire illegal aliens, encouraged the invasion of 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens and has given Mexico and corporate America dominion over our borders and our immigration policy....The assault on our national sovereignty continues....The president is urging the Senate to act favorably on our accession to the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea....The treaty will submit the United States to international tribunals largely adverse to our interests, and dispute resolution mechanisms are stacked against the United States....The treaty would undermine our national sovereignty and act as a back door for global environmental activists to direct U.S. policy." Fortunately, in Congress, House Concurrent Resolution 40 states: "Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should not engage in the construction of a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Superhighway System or enter into a North American Union with Mexico and Canada."

If I could have followed up Bret Baier's question with one of my own, here's what I would have asked: "So, President Bush, will the massive 10-lane toll road TransTexas Corridor funded by Cintra of Spain and to be built by Zachry Construction of Texas come to a screeching halt at Oklahoma's border?" What are all the vehicles supposed to do---merge all of a sudden into a small road? I don't think so ! And by the way, Cintra is legally represented in Texas by leading Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani's law firm Bracewell & Giuliani, which also just happens to have an office in Dubai (remember Dubai Ports was about to take over operation of a number of America's largest ports) ! Perhaps before President Bush was too critical of people warning about a NAU, he should have read what Mexico's President Vicente Fox said May 16, 2002 at Club 21 in Madrid: "Eventually, our long-range objective is to establish with the United States, but also with Canada, our other regional partner, an ensemble of connections and institutions similar to those created by the European Union" (or as Gorbachev refers to the EU, the "European Soviet").

I would also have asked President Bush at the press conference why on September 6, 2007 at 9pm did he open all U.S. highways to Mexican trucks? Earlier in the day, U.S. Rep. Peter DeFazio said President Bush was "_ _ _ _ bent" on getting Mexican trucks in the U.S. by stealth. Currently, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration website lists 10 Mexican carriers that are approved to transport goods throughout the U.S., and nearly 40 more Mexican carriers will soon join them on the list.

Will all Mexican truck drivers be stopped at the border to see if they can read road signs in English, if they have criminal backgrounds, and how long they already have been driving that day (U.S. law prohibits more than 10 consecutive hours)? I doubt it, since no more than 2% of Mexican trucks entering the U.S. today are inspected ! Many of these trucks will be a danger to Americans' safety, and could be used for smuggling drugs, illegal aliens, and terrorists into the U.S.

Many countries deliberately release their criminal elements into the U.S., often coming across the Mexican border. And if the criminals are caught, our federal government releases them into American society if their own countries refuse to take them back. Our government knows how to solve this problem (e.g., stop issuing visas to people from those countries), but has refused to take such action most of the time. Ask yourself why our government would release murderers, rapists, arsonists, and other criminals into our society to commit violent crimes against us. Think about it !

Returning to Bret Baier's question to President Bush about the SPP being a prelude to a NAU similar to the EU, what would we get if we became like the EU, which has certain characteristics of fascism? Mrs. Kitty Werthmann (a survivor of Hitler's reign and Soviet rule afterward) recently returned to Europe and interviewed many senior citizens. They informed her they were told conversion to the Euro would bring prosperity via free trade, lower prices for goods, etc. In reality, though, their money was devalued greatly, and they're now living on welfare and food stamps. Unemployment in Europe is high while guest workers are brought in, and the people are angry.

In terms of what is planned for Americans relevant to the EU and the Euro, Vicente Fox on CNN's "Larry King Live" show October 8, 2007 explained that what he and President Bush agreed to "is a trade union for all the Americas," and he suggested that eventually there would be a regional currency. He made similar comments on the "Daily Show" the same day. Earlier in 2007, Bolivian President Evo Morales proposed a single currency for all South American nations.

Concerning North American nations, in June 1991, Dallas Federal Reserve publication no. 9115, "Free Trade and the Peso" by Darryl McLeod and John Welch, analyzed the potential for a single North American currency. In 1999, former Canadian parliament member Herbert Grubel published "The Case for the Amero: The Economics and Politics of a North American Union," giving 2010 as the possible date for introducing the "amero" as the new North American currency. And in the Atlanta Federal Reserve's ECONOMIC REVIEW (4th quarter, 2000), Michael Chriszt (director of the Reserve's Latin America Research Group) wrote "Perspectives on a Potential North American Monetary Union" in which one reads that "the idea of a single currency for NAFTA is on the table." In July 2000, Vicente Fox had already proposed a North American common market with a continental monetary policy.

More recently, David Dodge, Governor of the Bank of Canada, in May 2007 said that a common currency with the U.S. is definitely possible. What will happen is the power elite will cause the dollar to be devalued to the point where Americans reluctantly will accept the amero. As Bob Chapman in his December 2006 newsletter, INTERNATIONAL FORECASTER, said: "(The amero) will be presented to the American public as the administration's solution for dollar recovery."

On June 14, 2007 told their clients that in the next 10-20 years, as the global economy moves toward regional trading blocs, the amero or "North American Monetary Unit" (NAMU) will be introduced. The power elite's plan is to form regional unions with their own currencies and then link them into a world government with one global currency. Relevant to this, Reuters reporter Emmanuel Jarry on October 23, 2007 wrote "Sarkozy (French President) Calls for Mediterranean Union Launch in 2008." And the African Union's African Central Bank plans to mint the "Gold Mandela" as a single African currency by 2010 (the date the NAU is supposed to form).

If you look at the top of the website for the Single Global Currency Association (SGCA), there is a quote by former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker, saying: "A global economy requires a global currency." The SGCA "is dedicated to the goal of implementing a single global currency by 2025...managed by a single international central bank." I have already indicated that on the cover of THE ECONOMIST (June 9, 1988) is a picture of "The Phoenix," a global currency suggested for implementation in 2018.

Whatever the date of the global currency's introduction, it will be advertised as facilitating world trade, which the power elite will control. This will be like in the days of Solomon when he fortified Gezer, Hazor and Megiddo (the Har, or Mount, of Megiddo would be called Armageddon). Through this fortification, he controlled the Via Maris and world trade, thereby controlling the world of his day. The power elite today plans to do likewise, but in a Biblical sense their plan will lead to the Battle of Armageddon.

� 2007 Dennis Cuddy - All Rights Reserved

Dennis Laurence Cuddy, historian and political analyst, received a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (major in American History, minor in political science). Dr. Cuddy has taught at the university level, has been a political and economic risk analyst for an international consulting firm, and has been a Senior Associate with the U.S. Department of Education.

Cuddy has also testified before members of Congress on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice. Dr. Cuddy has authored or edited twenty books and booklets, and has written hundreds of articles appearing in newspapers around the nation, including The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and USA Today. He has been a guest on numerous radio talk shows in various parts of the country, such as ABC Radio in New York City, and he has also been a guest on the national television programs USA Today and CBS's Nightwatch.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
03/13/2008 03:09 AM
03/13/2008 03:09 AM


Here's an update, it really sucks! mad

Under the guise of improving trade, the Bush Administration has been selling out this country towards a New World Order where there will be no independent nations, no borders, and a necessary police state to keep the people in line for the benefit of huge, international corporations. This is no joke and folks better start waking up. If you have ever wondered why congress is dragging it's feet on building the fence on the southern border......well here is the reason!!!

03/13/2008 02:42 PM
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There is only a "J" curve when currency depreciates if the country with the worthless money actually makes things other folks want to buy! We don't; so it won't! Breton Woods is dead.

03/13/2008 02:43 PM
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Stopping this needs to become the Patriot movement's Primary goal.

03/20/2008 07:53 AM
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I don't know what the context of this is, but its definatley worth looking at.

On equipment: You get what you inspect, not what you expect.
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On tactics: Cheating just means you're serious about winning.
03/20/2008 06:38 PM
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On equipment: You get what you inspect, not what you expect.
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