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Doomsday Preppers #101197
03/17/2012 12:40 PM
03/17/2012 12:40 PM
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Of course the show is a bunch of BS LOL

Rule #1 - You do not publically bad mouth a fellow patriot.

"Being innocent is simply not enough for the government," Denise Simon
Re: Doomsday Preppers #101198
03/17/2012 02:02 PM
03/17/2012 02:02 PM
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This show has objective and that is too push preppers back to the fringes of society. That is why they pick some real characters.

Tampons are for bleeding vaginas, not Sucking Chest Wounds.
Re: Doomsday Preppers #101199
03/17/2012 03:03 PM
03/17/2012 03:03 PM
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he show is first and foremost entertainment. So they're not going to waste their time with what they would consider "boring" people, such as us. No, instead they'll feature the guy with turrets syndrome, is 500lbs, and drives a pink Volkswagen Beetle.

On equipment: You get what you inspect, not what you expect.
On training: Our drills are bloodless battles so that our battles are bloody drills.
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Re: Doomsday Preppers #101200
03/17/2012 04:41 PM
03/17/2012 04:41 PM
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I say , what ever it takes to get the sheeple to start thinking can't be all bad, they start prossesing and will eventualy get around to hearing and seeing the truth , one way or the other.As they seek info on the net they will learn more about whats really happening,even if its not on purpose.

PSALM 144:01 Blessed be the LORD my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle---
Re: Doomsday Preppers #101201
03/18/2012 12:49 AM
03/18/2012 12:49 AM
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Entertainment? Yes. Even though it is entertaining does not mean that it has no value. Yep, there are some kooks, but wait. Who among us doesn't have a kook in our family or friends or at the least acquaintances?

There are some way out there ideas, but there ideas, and thinking outside the box right now is a creative way to attempt to get something productive done right now in our country.

This dumb show may jar something loose in some of the public, and while knocking something loose in those drooling zombie eyed craniums. They may get to wondering how we got to this point as a nation and a society. Hey, I'm probably reaching here, but work with me on this.

The people on the show are now useless as tits on a boar, but they have people talking. Everywhere I go, people are talking about this topic and like, it ( meaning something ) is going to happen. Like the post above. The sheeple are starting to think and that aint bad.

Oh, and lets be honest here. Do a internal audit on your preps and planning. Are yours up to par with some of these people? I know mine aren't. Anyone slamming these doomsdayers must be hot shit and majorly squared away. Kudos to you.

Leo out

Fight the fight, Endure to win!
Re: Doomsday Preppers #101202
03/19/2012 09:24 AM
03/19/2012 09:24 AM
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Some of the people on there are great people but are made to look like nuts. The first show had the woman receiving a truck load of supplies in the middle of the night to show her paranoia but it was their idea to do this not hers.

It is getting people talking. I think my friend said there are 4000 AR15 rifles being sold every month in the US. People are starting to doubt the gov will save them.

There is a fine balance tho. The gov doesn't want independent people preparing and will eventually seek to stop or limit this.

Rule #1 - You do not publically bad mouth a fellow patriot.

"Being innocent is simply not enough for the government," Denise Simon
Re: Doomsday Preppers #101203
03/19/2012 01:37 PM
03/19/2012 01:37 PM
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The media has always treated preppers with the same dis respect they show the militia. Don't expect any different from the media if you choose to expose yourself to them.

I still have a news vid from the 80's that portrayed hard core preppers as inbred, looney, social misfits "just a waitin fer armageddon".

As several of you have pointed out...A lot of folks are watching and some are thinking those folks on tv aren't so crazy.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Doomsday Preppers #101204
03/19/2012 02:58 PM
03/19/2012 02:58 PM


CAUTION: Do not submit your name, location or video of you, or your family to “DOOMSDAY PREPPERS”. At the end of each program an e-mail address is given to send in video of your bugout spot.This a ploy to find out where you are and how you are preparing. Remember after the NDAA, you can be detained if you are seen as a threat. Hording food, weapons, and ammo is illegal in the Obamination.

I understand this is not news to many of you here.Please,pass the word!...

Re: Doomsday Preppers #101205
03/20/2012 05:37 PM
03/20/2012 05:37 PM
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Passed this email around to the guys for laugh - you can enjoy it too:

Dear Team Dallas / Fort Worth – Texas Militia

I am a researcher at Morningstar Entertainment, an Emmy Award-winning production company based in Los Angeles, CA. We are currently producing a show celebrating gun enthusiast and gun culture for Discovery Networks.

We are looking for a local Texas gun hobbyist/prepper who has a huge arsenal and who feels comfortable with being a participant on a television show. We are looking for someone who is really into being prepared for anything pending should a natural disaster were to happen, an economic collapse, or solar flare. This person should have a lot of guns, ammo, survivalist gear and stories. He or she should also be able to discuss the details, history and functionality of each gun in the arsenal in an intelligent and colorful way. In addition we are also searching for an obstacle training corse and range where we can test out weapons and guns in miltary-esque way.

Can you please let me know if you think your Ranch or Range would work for our program or if you have any leads to locations? I would also appreciate any leads you can provide in regards to finding a local Texas gun enthusiast who would participate in our television show.

Thank you for your time regarding this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. You can reach me via email at or via cell phone at (310)266-2589.


Sridhar Dasari


Morningstar Entertainment

350 N. Glenoaks Drive

Suite 300

Burbank, CA 91502

Cell 310.266-2589

Phone 818.559.7255

Fax 818.559.7551

"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson
Re: Doomsday Preppers #101206
03/20/2012 10:38 PM
03/20/2012 10:38 PM
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I had a couple different patriot websites up in the 90s and pre-Y2K I received emails to each site email asking to follow me and "my group" around during Y2K to see how we prepared etc.

Each letter was from the same group and identical.

I told people for years when the media wants to talk to you that you should give them a two word statment. "$%^#" and "you".

Rule #1 - You do not publically bad mouth a fellow patriot.

"Being innocent is simply not enough for the government," Denise Simon
Re: Doomsday Preppers #101207
03/21/2012 09:57 AM
03/21/2012 09:57 AM
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Never talk to any news media. I'll bet this man wishes he never did.


..."Just days after appearing on the National Geographic TV Show Doomsday Prepper, a prepper from Tennessee has been declared Mentally Defective and his guns have been seized by the government. The Prepper, David Sarti is a character to say the least, but his story is somewhat disturbing and should be a wake up call for everyone.

Personally I think these shows are designed to make these people look crazy. Whether his appearance on the show played into Mr. Sarti’s diagnosis isn’t yet clear, but apparently the State believed he was a danger to himself after a local doctor insisted that Mr. Sarti was suicidal.

Mr. Sarti denies the charges and insists that he told the doctor he was a Christian and his belief made it impossible for him to commit suicide.
Here is his story:

No more Prepping for Me

Uploaded by dsarti1 on Feb 9, 2012

The State of Tennessee and a Cardiologist have ended the need for me to prep.

To a person of my political beliefs this might as well be a life in prison sentence. I can now no longer work with the schools or target practice with my guns (one of the few sports I could still do) Therefore
Prepping for me has come to a end, as everyone knows there is no since putting up food and other things without a means to defend them. I CAN NOT AFFORD an attorney and the only person who can expunge the record wont (the Governor of Tennessee) I do not know when or if I will be able to return at this time. For the record the doctor/ prick who raped me is Andre C. Olivier, M.D.

For those who wish to contribute to any legal defense fund:

For some reason the NRA attorney has refused my case I am looking for another.

David Sarti
Lebanon TN


David Sarti now officially placed on ILLEGAL UnConstitutional FBI's "No Gun Buy" List!

That said, while Dave was initially dissuaded by all the enormous overwhelming statist attacks, ALL of R3VOL and Prepper community love got him through this obstacle, and now he has decided that with some help, he WILL pursue legal action either via GOA, or NRA atty. whom initially said yes, then no, now maybe.

I Loves My Peeps!


Here are FULL 45min single file YouTube vids of National Geographic's DoomsDay Preppers episodes:

2011 show pilot: IMHO? The SC families are the most well prepared, as they're LIVING it as a daily lifestyle.

Ep1. The Texan Vietnam vet's crew seem excellently prepared

Ep2. Dave Sarti featured here, first seen at 2min mark:


David Sarti was interviewed on the Sunday Edition of the Alex Jones Show, today. Here's the PrisonPlanet.TV Feed:


Sarti will be back on AJ's show sometime this week, so stay tuned..."

www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper
Re: Doomsday Preppers #101208
03/21/2012 11:45 AM
03/21/2012 11:45 AM
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David is a big "ol country boy" with some health issues. He's certainly no threat to himself or others. His doctor is an ignorant prick with an agenda.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Doomsday Preppers #101209
03/21/2012 07:30 PM
03/21/2012 07:30 PM
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That's the give and take of having a high profile. You get known, and while enemies can come out of the woodwork, friends can too. Youtube definitely changes the game with this whole thing.

Some media people have contacted me through a few websites I ran or participated in. I would have to go through some old emails to see if it was the producers of that show that wanted some referrals or if it was a different show.

I posted about it on Frugals and the response was overwhelmingly negative (then I got banned). I think they eventually just contacted people already making Youtube videos figuring that those sorts of people would not mind getting in front of a camera, which is obviously true.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: Doomsday Preppers #101210
03/26/2012 12:20 PM
03/26/2012 12:20 PM
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National Geographic themselves should be supporting his defense. How many more "preppers" would actually get in front of a camera when news of this story gets out. Say goodbye to this very interesting and informative show.

Re: Doomsday Preppers #101211
12/13/2012 04:29 AM
12/13/2012 04:29 AM
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There Are Now Approximately 3 Million Preppers In The United States, Why Are They Hated So Much?

December 10th, 2012

By Michael

Have you noticed that it has become trendy to bash preppers? For a long time the prepper movement was ignored, but now it has become so large that it is getting very difficult for the mainstream media to pretend that it is not there. In fact, it has been estimated that there are now approximately 3 million preppers in the United States alone. So now the mainstream media has decided that mocking the movement is the best strategy, and lots of “critics” and “skeptics” out there have picked up on this trend. Instead of addressing the very real issues that have caused millions of Americans to prepare for the worst, those criticizing the prepper movement attempt to put the focus on individual personalities. They try to find the strangest nutjobs they possibly can and then hold them up as “typical preppers”. The goal is to portray preppers as tinfoil hat wearing freaks that need to be locked up in the loony bin for their own personal safety and for the good of society. The criticism of preppers has really ramped up in recent months, and it will likely get even worse in 2013. The establishment does not like any movement that is outside of their control, and the prepper movement is definitely not under their control.

Often, hit pieces on the prepper movement are disguised as articles or shows that are supposed to be “balanced” looks at the movement. This is especially true of shows such as “Doomsday Preppers“. That show is the highest rated show that the National Geographic channel has ever had, and it can be a lot of fun to watch. But if you notice carefully, they almost always try to feature people that they consider to be “freaks” or that are “on the fringe of society”. Many other “reality shows” follow the exact same recipe. The goal is to draw high ratings by running a “freak show” that people can’t help but watch.

Even if you go on such a show and try to do your best to explain your prepping in a rational and coherent manner, they will still edit the footage so that it makes you look like a freak. It really is a no-win proposition. These shows are trying to make it clear that preppers should be mocked. The underlying implication is that these people are crazy and that what they are doing is stupid.

And at the end of each segment, the producers of the show are careful to include reasons why the prepper that was just featured is being irrational and why the things they are preparing for are extremely unlikely to happen. Just in case you missed the message they have been trying to communicate the entire time, they come right out and tell you the conclusion that you are supposed to come to.

And of course we see the same attitudes reflected in reviews of the show. For example, the following is from a recent Los Angeles Times review of the new season of Doomsday Preppers…

Still, it’s hard not to feel for young Jason from tiny Plato, Mo. (pop. 109), who is awaiting worldwide financial collapse with his homemade, nail-studded “mace-ball bat,” and that his is a life on the verge of going completely wrong. “I’m not afraid to have to kill,” Jason says, in his camouflage pants and dog tag, and there seems to be no question in his mind that it will come to that. (“Jason has always been a worrywart,” says his mother.)

Or for Big Al, from Nashville, who is getting ready for old-school nuclear war by digging down into the earth and surrounding himself with steel. (“I prefer not to use the term ‘bunker’ — to me, it’s an underground house.”) He spends months at a time by himself down there, training for the inevitable — which he expects to weather alone — cooking different combinations of canned goods and, you know, spending too much time alone. One leg pumps constantly as he talks.

The preppers don’t want my pity, of course — quite the opposite, I’m sure. The joke will be on me, they would say, when I am expiring from fallout or smallpox, being carried away in a tornado or torn apart by the hungry ravaging hordes. (I am not even prepared for the Big Earthquake that might more probably get me.)

Would this Los Angeles Times reporter mock other groups of Americans in a similar manner?

Probably not.

But the establishment has made it clear that it is open season on preppers, so this particular writer mocks them with no fear.

Not that any prepper that is thinking clearly would go on a show such as “Doomsday Preppers” anyway. Sure, it is nice to be on television, but if you are a serious prepper then one of the last things you want to do is to go on television and advertise your preparations to millions of people.

Others have picked up on the contempt that the establishment has for preppers and have started to issue their own critiques of the movement. For example, an “emergency manager” named Valerie Lucus-McEwen recently published a blog post entitled “Doomsday Preppers are Socially Selfish” that got a lot of attention…

You might wonder why someone like me, who has been in the business of encouraging disaster preparedness for a very long time, is so critical of people who are doing just that. It’s because they are being socially selfish – preparing themselves and the hell with everyone else. Instead of spending time and energy making changes that would benefit the larger community, in their very narrow focus of loyalty they are more concerned about themselves.

Emergency Managers can’t afford that kind of attitude. It is diametrically opposed to everything we do. Our job is to prepare individuals and communities and jurisdictions and regions and – ultimately – the globe for disasters, knowing we won’t always succeed.

She followed up that venomous attack with another blog post in which she declared the following…

Selfish is defined as concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself, seeking or concentrating on one’s own advantage or well being without regard for others. By that definition, DoomsdayPreppers are socially selfish – Disaster Preppers are not.

Subsequently, she has issued a very brief apology, but what she wrote is very typical of the type of thinking that is out there these days. Anyone that does not “trust the government” and attempts to become “self-sufficient” is actually very “selfish” and is not “being a good citizen”.

And sadly, it appears that being a “prepper” is now enough to get special attention from the authorities. For example, a 46-year-old prepper in rural Maryland named Terry Porter recently had his home raided by 150 armed law enforcement officers. The details of this incident were described in a recent article by Paul Joseph Watson…

According to a charging document filed in Washington County District Court, Porter “openly admitted to being a prepper” (as if this was an illegal act in and of itself) and said that he was “very irritated” about the recent presidential election. Porter had also invested in an underground bomb shelter and had installed surveillance cameras on his property.

Once the investigation into Porter began, police discovered that he had a 1992 felony drug conviction and was therefore barred from owning firearms. On Thursday last week, no less than 150 armed and militarized police and FBI agents in the guise of tactical assault teams descended on Porter’s house as if they were confronting a terrorist cell. The raid also included helicopters, SWAT crews, armored vehicles and even excavation equipment.

Porter was absent at the time of the raid but turned himself in the next morning at Hagerstown Barrack.

After the raid, the claim that Porter was stockpiling “10-15 machine gun-style firearms” was demolished when police uncovered “four shotguns, a .30-30-caliber rifle and two .22-caliber rifles,” hardly a deadly mass arsenal.

Would 150 officers have shown up at his home if he had not been identified as a “prepper”?

Of course not.

But “preppers” have been labeled as “dangerous” and “crazy” and that is the way that law enforcement authorities now treat them.

So why are preppers hated so much?

It is because they are a direct challenge to the status quo. Just by prepping, preppers are proclaiming that they do not have faith in the system. But most people have complete and total faith in the system, and many of them do not like to have that faith questioned. As I have written about in other articles, polling has found that most Americans expect that the government will take care of them if disaster strikes. Most people have been trained to “trust the experts” and to “trust the government” all of their lives, and that conditioning can be very difficult to overcome.

This blind faith in the system is a big reason why so many Americans have not made any preparations at all. In fact, one recent poll discovered that most Americans do not even have three days worth of food in their homes…

A recent survey found that 55 percent of Americans have less than three days supply of food in their homes. Many people have no emergency supplies, or even a first aid kit.

That absolutely astounds me.

Another poll discovered that 64 percent of all Americans are “unprepared for a major natural disaster”.

So what is going to happen to them if something even worse than a major natural disaster hits?

For example, what if the electrical grid went down and we had no more power for an extended period of time?

Well, one survey found that 21 percent of all Americans believe that they would survive for less than a week, and an additional 28 percent of all Americans believe that they would survive for less than two weeks. Close to 75 percent of all Americans said that they would be dead before the two month mark.

So I guess we sure had better hope and pray that nothing goes seriously wrong, eh?

The truth is that it isn’t the preppers that are crazy.

Rather, it is the people that believe that everything will always be fine and that the government will always take care of them that are crazy.

Our world is becoming increasingly unstable, and now is the time to get prepared.

You may get mocked a bit for prepping now, but later on you sure will be glad that you prepared for the worst.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Doomsday Preppers #101212
12/13/2012 11:49 AM
12/13/2012 11:49 AM
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Lots of TROLLS on Prepper sights these days.

PSALM 144:01 Blessed be the LORD my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle---
Re: Doomsday Preppers #101213
12/13/2012 03:28 PM
12/13/2012 03:28 PM
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Christopher Nyerges is no bullshit. He is one of the really old school guys from back when we were all just writing letters to each other in the pre-BBS days of using the American Survival Guide remailing system.

If you think that show sucks, just go check out
"Doomsday Arsenals" which is going on Discovery tonight.

It is loosely based on the concepts of the survival arsenal and the former publisher of that site was consulted by the show producers this last year. He could not be on the show due to legal issues but recommended Steve from SafearmsReview to be on there.

That guy from, who knows what really happened to him. I heard he got out of prison all pissed off and resurfaces from time to time with those freaky anti-government militia types...

The show producers were in contact up to the point that show scripting started, then broke off contact until the announcement came out that the show will air in a few days.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

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Re: Doomsday Preppers #101214
12/14/2012 02:24 AM
12/14/2012 02:24 AM
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Remember the Fight Club's number one rule? Don't talk about Fight Club. Well, the same can be said about prepping and survivalism. Don't talk about what you're doing. you don't want a hundred hungry people suddenly appearing on your doorstep the day after the asteroid hits, and you sure don't want a lot of busybodies taking your stuff away the day before it hits, either.

Onward and upward,

Re: Doomsday Preppers #101215
12/14/2012 06:06 AM
12/14/2012 06:06 AM
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For a person that grew up as a Boy Scout and still believes in its ideals, it seems that the Boy Scout motto "Be Prepared" is an evil thing.

If we hit the financial cliff in January, it could be a bumpy ride.

"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always Bad Men." Lord Actin 1887

I fear we live in evil times...
Re: Doomsday Preppers #101216
12/14/2012 03:48 PM
12/14/2012 03:48 PM
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The other aspect is a public relations campaign not unlike what the bikers had been doing in the late 1980s onward. I experimented with it in the early 2000s by hiring off duty strippers to work my tables at the gun shows and it worked.

I respect people's privacy, but everyone introduced to be on those shows is already on Youtube and up and coming as survivalist celebrities.

The feds are already after us, but there is going to be an appeal to it, not unlike the bad boy appeal that the Hells Angels have. Now look at the bad boy appeal with groups like the Hutaree vs the Michigan militias.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.

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