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So everyone has their Potassium Iodide Tabs, right? #100977
03/12/2011 11:52 AM
03/12/2011 11:52 AM
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So everyone has their Potassium Iodide Tabs, right?


It is now certain Japan is experiencing a Chernobyl event. “At this point, events in Japan bear many similarities to the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. Reports indicate that up to 1.5 meters (4.9 feet) of the reactor fuel was exposed. The reactor fuel appears to have at least partially melted, and the subsequent explosion has shattered the walls and roof of the containment vessel – and likely the remaining useful parts of the control and coolant systems,” Stratfor explains.

“Given the large quantity of irradiated nuclear fuel in the pool, the radioactivity release could be worse than the Chernobyl nuclear reactor catastrophe of 25 years ago,” said Kevin Camps, a nuclear waste specialist.

Prior to the explosion of the containment structure, exposure rates outside the plant were at about 620 millirems per hour. Radiation exposure for the average individual is 620 millirems per year. Virtually any increase in ambient radiation can raise long-term cancer rates, and authorities distributed iodine, which helps protect against thyroid cancer, The Oregonian reports.

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Re: So everyone has their Potassium Iodide Tabs, right? #100978
03/13/2011 05:54 AM
03/13/2011 05:54 AM
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I think people better prepare, it seems that the new media is down playing the situation or at least are too dumb to see they are being misled.

Here is my reasoning;

As I watch all the main stream media outlets coverage of the promlem at the plants. They are saying that there is still a possiblity of a melt down.
At reactor number one the containment building exploded when the build up of hydrogen reach a certain level. They claim that the other reactors are still contained but having cooling problems.
They say at reactor 1 they have gave up on reusing the reactor so they are flooding it with sea water. They media has yet to ask where is the contaminated sea water going.

I am not an expert,

but, I think I remember the water is put into the reactor till it starts to heat, then is exchanged to keep the heat down. Like the radiator in an auto does the engine. The used water must be stored somewhere. But the nothing is said about it.

Point 2 the media is claiming that this is not like chernobyl or three mile island. The leak are not as bad. But we are talking multiple reactors here. One news outlet said, "hey these reactors are encased in conrete containment building, chernobyl wasn't that's why so many died and so much leakage existed."

The reports from Japan say one containment building is gone, lost due to the build up of hydrogen during release of gases to prevent a meltdown.

Yet no questions about what if the number 1 reactor is not kept cool?

The inner containment building is metal and will fail during a meltdown.

What if the other concrete containments fail due to hydrogen build up?

Chernobyl had no concrete containment building you see what happened.

A leak in Japan would affect Hawaii, Guam and the western US.

They is a cover up here.

The beginnings of a cover your ass situation.

The Japan government started off saying everythings ok, then we got it handled, now oops they might be a problem.

If number 1 melts down there is a big problem. If any of the other containment buildings fail more of a problem.

We are being misled is all I am saying.

Lets hope oneday the truth comes out.

Yea, we are not doomed, but we should have the knowledge of what are the risks...

The media has become the mouth pieces of the elite. Acting as if the public are too dumb for the truth?

or are they too dumb to actually investigate the issues anymore?

There is a big problem here!!!

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf
Re: So everyone has their Potassium Iodide Tabs, right? #100979
03/13/2011 08:06 AM
03/13/2011 08:06 AM


I concur,the sit in Japan is far worst then is being reported.All patriots should be prepared for a pos Radiological attack/event.

Re: So everyone has their Potassium Iodide Tabs, right? #100980
03/15/2011 07:33 PM
03/15/2011 07:33 PM
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It will be a good thing to have but keep in mind it only protects you from thyroid cancer. It isn't an antiradiation pill and you will still be effecting in other places if you dont get away from it

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Re: So everyone has their Potassium Iodide Tabs, right? #100981
03/16/2011 08:23 AM
03/16/2011 08:23 AM
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Opinion: What happened at the Fukushima reactor?
Events in Japan confirm the robustness of modern nuclear technology — not a failure

By Kevin Yost
STAFF COLUMNIST – The Tech – MIT’s Online Newpaper
March 15, 2011

As a nuclear engineer, it is depressing to read the recent reports on the Fukushima nuclear incident — not because of the incident itself (at this point I strongly believe that we will remember Fukushima as evidence of how safe nuclear power is when done right) — but because the media coverage of the event has been rife with errors so glaring that I have to wonder if anyone in the world of journalism has ever taken a physics class. My favorite: in one article, boric acid was described as a “nutrient absorber” instead of a “neutron absorber.” How many editors signed off on that line without asking, “Why would a nuclear reactor need to absorb nutrients?”
Whether it is confusion of radiation with radioactive material, flailing comparisons to past accidents, or hopeless misuse of terminology, reporting on Fukushima has been a mix of hype and speculation entirely devoid of useful information. Let’s set the record straight: the situation is under control, it is unlikely that the nuclear fuel has melted, the risk to the public is effectively zero, and, depending on whether facts on the ground have been reported correctly, it is possible that the reactors will remain capable of producing power in the future.

The Nuclear Basics
A nuclear reactor is effectively a big device for boiling water. Instead of using the combustion of fossil fuel as its heat source, a nuclear power plant uses atomic fission, mostly of uranium. This method presents two major risks. The first — which occurred at Chernobyl but is virtually impossible in a responsible reactor — is a criticality accident, in which the nuclear chain reaction becomes uncontrolled. The second, which we are dealing with today, is an overheating of the reactor core. Unlike coal, which quits generating heat as soon as combustion ceases, nuclear fuel does not stop generating heat when you stop splitting atoms.

There are several layers of protection that keep nuclear fuel contained within a nuclear plant. The first barrier is what is called the cladding — a zirconium alloy sheath that surrounds the fuel, keeps it in a geometry that is conducive to reactor management and cooling, and contains any gaseous fission products.
The second layer of protection is the reactor vessel, a steel container that houses the reactor and its coolant and makes up part of the coolant loop. Damage to the reactor vessel would mean a loss of coolant and make it difficult to keep the nuclear fuel cool.

A third layer of protection is the containment building. This is a thick, steel-reinforced concrete structure built to withstand very high heat and pressure. If the reactor vessel is breached, the job of the containment building is to withstand incredible force and contain the nuclear fuel.

Finally, in the case of Fukushima, there is a fourth layer of protection, which is essentially a dry-wall building surrounding the containment building. This building is not designed to withstand force or heat, and is basically just meant to protect workers from the weather as they work around the containment building.

Unlike most of the world’s nuclear power plants, which are pressurized water reactors (PWRs), Fukushima uses boiling water reactors (BWRs). In a BWR, the game plan is simple: just keep pouring water on, and if pressure gets too high, vent steam into the containment building. Fukushima’s engineers likely had a very clear strategy for accident mitigation in the aftermath of the earthquake. Moreover, BWRs often have large chimneys (empty volume above the fuel rods within the reactor vessel). During regular operation, this chimney would be filled with a liquid/steam bubble mixture from the boiling water — in an emergency, this volume can be packed with surplus coolant, effectively raising the thermal capacitance of the reactor vessel. Given the reactor type and the engineering rigor of the Japanese, I think we have good reason to be optimistic.

What happened?

The earthquake struck at Friday, 14:46 local time, at which point the reactor automatically inserted its control rods (neutron absorbers) into the core and ceased the fission of the nuclear fuel. At this point, reactor power was at 6.5 percent, and full cooling was in effect — a combination that should reduce the temperature of the reactor from its normal operating temperature. At 15:41, the tsunami hit and destroyed the on-site generators that were powering the coolant pumps. Once the generators were destroyed, the pumps switched to battery power. Here, the timeline gets murky — either coolant flow continued until roughly 19:46, at which point a pump failure caused flow to stop or be reduced, or it continued until roughly 23:41, at which point the battery life ran out. In either case, problems with mobile generators that had been brought in to replace the batteries prevented cooling from being immediately re-established. During this time the reactor’s power output continued to fall — at 5–9 hours after shutdown, power should have been 0.8 percent of normal. Coolant flow was re-established on Saturday, around 01:30.

It is also likely that there were small coolant leaks due to the earthquake breaking seals in the coolant system, which might have further reduced water levels in the core, but not by much — I would think only 1 percent of core volume could have been lost through small seal breaks, and no larger leaks were reported.
This is the window of time in which core damage, if it occurred, had to occur. My back-of-the-envelope calculation looks like this: The Fukushima 1 Nuclear Power Plant produces about 1350 MW of thermal power during normal operation and has a core volume of roughly 300 cubic meters, made up of about three-quarters water and one-quarter uranium dioxide. Coolant flow was interrupted for a period of 2–6 hours, during which time the core’s power output was roughly 1 percent of normal, or 13.5 MW. This means that 100–300 GJ were dumped into the core without active cooling to remove the heat.

Assuming the core began at 250°C, two hours without forced cooling would be insufficient to cause any damage, while six hours brushes against an uncertain region in which cladding melt might be possible, depending on the heat distribution within the core and the assumed heat removal rate from the primary loop without forced coolant flow.

Without exact knowledge of how long the core went without pumped coolant flow, it is difficult to determine the degree of damage the reactor might have sustained. We have two pieces of information to use, neither of which is conclusive.

The first piece of information is an explosion on Saturday at 15:30, which destroyed the outer containment building (the drywall “fourth” layer). The explosion itself was not a serious risk — the building was never meant to be a serious form of containment, but it suggests that the vapor vented out of the reactor vessel and inner, “real” containment building included some amount of hydrogen. Hydrogen can be formed from a number of pathways, including the oxidation of Zircaloy, which would suggest that somewhere in the core, the temperature had risen past 2200°C.

The second piece of information is the detection of cesium and iodine in the vented steam. The presence of these isotopes suggest, at minimum, a degradation of the fuel clad. Whether this degradation was merely an existing point defect in the cladding (not an uncommon occurrence during normal operation) or from a melting of the clad is difficult to determine without knowing how much fission product was detected. It also raises the possibility of a partial fuel meltdown.

It has been widely reported that engineers are pumping seawater into the reactor vessel to keep the fuel cool. If this is true, the reactors are effectively scrap — pumping seawater into the core would introduce too many contaminants for the reactor to remain viable. However, I think that the reporters have misunderstood. Yes, Japanese officials say that they are pumping seawater into the reactor containment. But this is likely a confusion of terms: the officials have been referring to the outer building — the one that exploded — as the “containment building” and calling the containment building the “reactor containment.” If they have been consistent in their terms, then actually, the volume between the containment building (the third layer) and the reactor vessel (the second layer) is being filled with seawater to aid in cooling.

What is the take-away?

From the information we have, we can draw a conclusion anywhere between “the reactor is undamaged and being cooled” to “the reactor cladding and/or fuel has been partially damaged, but the damage is contained and the reactor is being cooled.” The question that should be asked now is whether the reactor has any future value as an electricity-producing asset. The widely-hyped possibility of some Chernobyl-like event is inconceivable without a new, catastrophic disaster. Coolant flow has been re-established and the public is in no danger. Given the magnitude of the precipitating event — a 9.0 earthquake — and the vast property damage it caused, the events at Fukushima are not a serious reason to re-evaluate our own nuclear policy in the United States.
I don't know enough about Nuclear reactors to say this guy is right. I do know enough from Nuclear Engineers I know that say all this fear mongering is ridiculous.

Also the Containment building was not destroyed. The third layer of the building housing the containment building was destroyed. The containment building is designed to withstand a missile strike. A hydrogen explosion is hardly going to destroy a 20 foot thick reinforced dome. The reactors created in Japan and America are nothing like Chernobyl and never have been. Even in Chernobyl the radiation was orders of magnitude less than the Bikini Island 15 Megaton bomb test or the Russian 52 Megaton bomb test. So fears of being radiated on the other side of the world seems a bit far fetched when you actually research the worst case scenario from experts and previous events.

It's possible that all 4 reactors could melt down. It's also possible that they could wipe out all of Japan. It's not likely at this point according to science but it's always possible. It's likely not possible that radiation is going to travel all the way from Japan and hit the western us with any high levels of radiation even if it does completely wipe out Japan. Most of that region would be gone if that were the case. In fact most of that region and the Western US states would be gone from the Bikini Island testing or the nuclear testing in Nevada.

I will admit I tend to take the path of most logical explanation and generally don't believe the sky is falling unless there is evidence that it will do so. But it never hurts to be prepared for anything because I live between Nuclear Submarine Bases and 2 nuclear reactors within a few hundred miles in any direction. I am more worried about them than reactors in Japan since there is no historical data from the many times we have nuked things or had nuclear meltdowns in the world that supports these fears on any level. The news generally hypes things and does not play them down because hype makes money.

Re: So everyone has their Potassium Iodide Tabs, right? #100982
03/16/2011 09:56 AM
03/16/2011 09:56 AM
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Here's some info on iodine supplementation from Keith Brown, MD - AKA RESQDOC:

Crossposted with permission.

Short answers:
1. No Japan isn't putting out enough rads to be a serious concern for us at this time.
2. Yes you should supplement Iodine, although not for the reasons you may think.
3. No you don't need to stockpile the expensive Iodine tablets.
4. Yes there are cheap alternatives and you may wish to consider having some around.

OK here is the draft I knocked out this afternoon between patients. DRAFT, so play nice.

Emergency Iodine Supplementation In Radiation Dispersal Emergencies: A Brief Guide

Dr. Keith Brown, FAAFP (US), FRSTMH (UK)
NOTE: If you will gift me $5 (or whatever) via PayPal (MKBROWN13@YAHOO.COM) I will send the total onto Japan for use by RELIABLE relief teams (rather than media whores *coughGuptaetalcough*).

DISCLAIMER: This is for information only! Iodine is a dangerous material and should not be handled or experimented with. By reading this document in part or in whole you and every person you have ever had contact with or your heirs have ever had contact with or your estate has ever had contact with explicitly absolve the author, poster, website, and every human being alive on the planet now or in the future of any responsibility for the use, misuse, or abuse of this information!


Iodine is a chemical element that is essential to your health and welfare. It is needed for your thyroid gland to make required hormones, plays a role in fertility, resistance to several types of cancer as well as diabetes heart disease and stroke.

Your body is unable to make iodine and MUST recover it from your diet. Iodine deficiency is a serious problem in much of the world and if a pregnant woman is iodine deficient her children may be born with a form of mental retardation call cretinism, which is where the insult ‘you cretin!’ comes from.

Fortunately, most commercially processed salt is now ‘iodized’ and supplies all you need if you have normal thyroid gland function AND are not currently being exposed to significant radiation. Iodized table salt does NOT have enough Iodine to protect you from radioactive Iodine.

Iodized salt is not a .gov conspiracy to control your mind through contaminated food and if you think it is please piss off and die, or at least sterilize yourself and go live in a cave so you don’t contaminate the world with your idiocy.

Potassium, being a free element, normally is found combined with something, most commonly Potassium, to produce Potassium Iodide or similar stable compounds, often abbreviated ‘KI.’ The standard dose of ‘emergency’ Potassium Iodide for an adult is 130 mg of Potassium Iodide, about 100 mg of free Iodine. Dosing discussed in detail below. The Iodine is the thing, the Potassium is irrelevant, you won’t take in enough to produce ‘hyperkalemia.’ An older form is/was Potassium Iodate (KIO3) and was a lot harder on the stomach. I doubt you will ever see any unless it is in an old stash. Dose just like KI.

The problem with radiation is your thyroid gland is a bit of a slut, and will take a load of iodine the easiest and fastest way possible. In a radiation emergency you may be both inhaling and eating radioactive Iodine… and when your thyroid absorbs the radioactive Iodine the radioactivity goes with it, increasing the risk for damage to the thyroid gland (possibly leading to either too little or too much thyroid hormone production) as well as thyroid cancer. By giving you extra Iodine, we fill up your thyroid gland so it doesn’t take up the radioactive Iodine. It’s not 100% protection, but will help a great deal.

The younger you are the higher the risk, the unborn, infants and small children being the biggest losers. The closer to the ground you are, the higher the risk, as radioactive particles settle to the ground. The more you breathe, eat, and drink in contaminated areas the greater the risk. If you have pre-existing thyroid disease, the higher the risk.
Potassium Iodide or Iodine will NOT protect you from other effects of the radiation on your body. It only protects your thyroid gland.

Thus, .gov has stockpiled iodine, in the form of Potassium Iodide, to hand out if we have a major radiation dispersal event. And you can buy expensive over the counter pills, IoSat the same as .gov has stored, over the counter. But you don’t need to buy that. Knowledge here:

1. The current Chernobyl-sized event (and possible first ever China-syndrome event if the floor of the containment vessel breaches) in Japan is not putting enough radioactive material into the atmosphere to worry about in North America. You get far more radiation exposure daily if you live downwind from a coal fired power plant.

2. You have plenty of iodine on board for daily use if you use iodized salt and have a normal thyroid gland.

3. If you want to have a supply of iodine available in case of a radiation dispersal event in your area, or if you do not store iodized salt in your food storage program (why wouldn’t you?), you can buy the expensive tablets or use one of several perfectly fine alternatives:

a. Pure iodine crystals in bulk (a few ounces of dry crystals per bottle): you can’t buy this any more in any significant quantity due to its ability to make dangerous things, at least not without a license. This is what I store due to its multitude of uses, but c’set la vie for most of you.

b. Polar Pure Iodine Crystals for water disinfection: a very small bottle of dry crystals that makes a super saturated elemental Iodide solution (SSI). Temperature affects the saturation – the warmer the more Iodine in SSI – so we will say that at 70F there is ‘about’ 25 mg of Iodine in 1 drop (defined as 1/3 ml) of SSI. Dosing discussed below. One bottle of Polar Pure will make about 3 ounces or 90 ml of SSI, so you will get about 70 standard adult dose days. Ideal for storage if kept from heat and light, and cheap - $15 for a 3 ounce bottle that provides 70 doses or the ability to treat 500 gallons of water! My choice for prepping. Pack away and forget till needed, will not deteriorate in your (or anyone else’s) lifetime if stored properly. Buy a quality dropper that delivers 1/3 ml per drop don’t guess.

c. Lugol’s Solution: over the counter, get the 5% not the 2 %. This is 85% water, 10% Potassium Iodide, 5 % iodine that when mixed actually ends up as 15% Potassium Tri-iodide Solution, just fine for thyroid blocking. There is ‘about’ 6.3 mg of Iodine in 1 drop of Lugol’s Solution. Dosing given below. Comes with a dropper usually. Good for storage if kept from heat and light. Should not deteriorate to any significant extent.

d. IoSat tablets: the standard Potassium Iodide KI 130 mg tablet for treatment. Handy. Expensive. Good for travel kits – a patient’s hubby was on the ground at Tokyo Narita airport when the earthquake hit and is stuck there now, good thing my exec. travel kit for him had these, huh? Individually sealed tabs, these are what you want for an Uh-Oh supply in the travel kit. Dosing below.

e. Povidone/Iodine (PI) 10% Solution: Available in pads, sticks, and bottles. Don’t use the ‘scrub’ unless you like diarrhea, it has a soap product in it. Ignore the povidone it’s a surfactant that isn’t digested. PI solution contains ‘about’ a 10% Iodine solution, in other words it’s about 1/3 weaker than Lugols’s Solution. There is ‘about’ 4.2 mg of Iodine in 1 drop of Povidone/Iodine 10% solution. Dosing below.

f. Standard water purification tablets: The old military style has ‘about’ 8 mg of Potassium Iodide KI per tablet… swallowing 12.5 tablets daily is not recommended, you will get some awesome nausea. Better to crush the tabs in the bottle to make an SSKI as above. NOTE: many surplus bottles have air leaked or been heat damaged. If they are already crumbling or stuck together or have been open > 3 months they are shot. NOTE: many current water purification tabs are NOT iodine based but chlorine or silver based – won’t help you! Dosing below.

g. Tincture of Iodine 2% - 7%, depending on what you can find. Tinctures (2%) have ‘about’ 4.5 mg iodine per 100 ml – too dilute to be of much use. 2% Free Iodine Solution has 1 mg per drop… still looking at 130 drops for an adult dose. Not very convenient.

h. Various Iodine supplements: They come in a LOT of different strengths. Iodorol is Lugols mix in a tablet, 12.5 mg/tab and 50 mg/tab & SLIGHTLY cheaper than IoSat. Iogen is ridiculously overpriced and too dilute for radiation protection. Ditto Iosol. There are no doubt many others. Remember, many ‘natural’ products have crappy quality control and are very variable on actual quantity of active ingredient. Iodorol is the way to go if you want bulk tablets.

i. Kelp: salt water grown kelp has a strong iodine content. It can be boiled to produce an indeterminate concentration solution. You can soak a piece of paper in the boiled solution, dry, and then expose to sunlight. The faster it turns brown, the stronger the solution. If the solution tastes like metallic crap, you are on the right track. Kelp tablets are available, read the label, typical iodine content is 100-150 MICRO grams per tab so you will be eating a lot of them, not a realistic choice unless you have no other option.

j. ‘Detoxified’/Nacent/Magnanacent/’Cayce’ Iodine: Absolute horseshit. Ignore.

4. United States FDA/CDC Recommendations for Specific Groups:

a. Iodine in Pregnancy: Because all forms of iodine cross the placenta, pregnant women should take KI to protect the growing fetus. However, pregnant women should take only one dose total of KI following internal contamination with (or likely internal contamination with) radioactive iodine.

b. Women who are breastfeeding: should take only one dose total of KI if they have been internally contaminated with (or are likely to be internally contaminated with) radioactive iodine. Because radioactive iodine quickly gets into breast milk, CDC recommends that women internally contaminated with (or are likely to be internally contaminated with) radioactive iodine stop breastfeeding and feed their child baby formula or other food if it is available. If breast milk is the only food available for an infant, nursing should continue.

c. Infants: Infants need to be given only one dose total the recommended dosage of KI, see dosing below. The amount of KI that gets into breast milk is not enough to protect breastfed infants from exposure to radioactive iodine. The proper dose of KI given to a nursing infant will help protect it from radioactive iodine that it breathes in or drinks in breast milk.

d. Children: Children internally contaminated with (or likely to be internally contaminated with) radioactive iodine should take KI, unless they have known allergies to iodine. Children from newborn to 18 years of age are the most sensitive to the potentially harmful effects of radioactive iodine.

e. Teens & Adults To Age 40: Young adults (between the ages of 18 and 40 years) internally contaminated with (or likely to be internally contaminated with) radioactive iodine take the recommended dose of KI. Young adults are less sensitive to the effects of radioactive iodine than are children.

f. Adults older than 40 years: should not take KI unless public health or emergency management officials say that contamination with a very large dose of radioactive iodine is expected. Adults older than 40 years have the lowest chance of developing thyroid cancer or thyroid injury after contamination with radioactive iodine. They also have a greater chance of having allergic reactions to KI.

5. Iodine Supplementation Side Effects, Complications, Emergencies:

a. Normal side effects include;
i. Nausea, vomiting, stomach ache, diarrhea, metallic taste in the mouth, fever, headache, runny nose, sneezing, or acne may occur

b. Complications include:
i. Burning mouth/throat, sore teeth/gums, swelling inside the mouth, increased saliva, eye irritation/swollen eyelids, severe headache, swelling of the front of the neck/throat (goiter), signs of decreased thyroid gland function (e.g., weight gain, cold intolerance, slow/irregular heartbeat, constipation, unusual tiredness), confusion, tingling in hands/feet.

c. Emergencies include:
i. Chest pain, black stools, vomit that looks like coffee grounds, bloody diarrhea, swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness, trouble breathing, fever with joint pain, unconsciousness, death.

6. Standard Dosing Guidelines:
a. NOTE: These were recently reduced; make sure you are not using the old ones! These daily doses represent what is currently believed to be the minimum effective doses for Potassium Iodide for thyroid blocking in a radiation dispersal event.

b. Duration? Till .gov says you can stop, or you exit the contamination zone AND are decontaminated, or you experience serious side effects, or you run out.

c. REMEMBER: You MUST know if you are using Potassium Iodide (KI, SSKI, IoSat = 130 mg Potassium Iodide adult daily dose); or Free Iodine (I, SSI, Polar Pure, Povidone/Iodine, Iodine water tabs, Kelp, supplements = 100 mg Iodine adult daily dose) as these each have DIFFERENT mounts of Iodine in them!

d. Dose Potassium Iodide (KI)/Free Iodine (I):
i. Pregnant: 130 mg KI/100 mg I; One Dose Only unless directed otherwise
ii. Breastfeeding: 130 mg KI/100 mg I; One Dose Only unless directed otherwise
iii. Infants birth – 1 month: 16 mg KI/12 mg I; One Dose Only unless directed otherwise
iv. Children 1 month – 3 years: 32 mg KI/25 mg I daily
v. Kids 3 years – 18 years: 65 mg KI/50 mg I daily
vi. Adults/anyone above 150 lbs: 130 mg KI/100 mg daily

Do No Harm. Do Know Harm.

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Re: So everyone has their Potassium Iodide Tabs, right? #100983
03/16/2011 10:01 AM
03/16/2011 10:01 AM
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And here are my feeble contributions on the topic:

Sorry for the link but the software doesn't like something about it and won't let me post.

Emergency Medicine - saving the world from themselves, one at a time.

"Thou shalt not be a victim, thou shalt not be a perpetrator, but, above all, thou shalt not be a bystander."

I make the ADL soil themselves. And that makes me very happy smile
Re: So everyone has their Potassium Iodide Tabs, right? #100984
03/16/2011 10:58 AM
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By Byron J. Richards, CCN

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: So everyone has their Potassium Iodide Tabs, right? #100985
03/18/2011 12:08 PM
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I've had mine so long that they expired in '08.

Re: So everyone has their Potassium Iodide Tabs, right? #100986
03/19/2011 12:44 PM
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Here is more valuable nuclear survival information

When An ill Wind Blows From Afar! (Like from Japan, Iran or North Korea!)

Surviving Radioactive Fallout & Radiation Contamination from Japan, Iran or North Korea
Also, Mid-East, South Korea, Pakistan, India, China, Russia, Chernobyl, etc.
By Shane Connor
March 12th, 2011

This guide 'When An ill Wind Blows From Afar! (Like from Japan Fukushima reactor)' deals specifically with radioactive fallout that originated from afar, like a Chernobyl in the past, or Iran in the future that's had its nuclear facilities bombed, releasing radioactive contamination into the atmosphere, or a North Korea gone mad, etc.
This guide provides panic dispelling knowledge so people downwind can more promptly initiate appropriate protective actions, as required.

Read the rest here:

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Re: So everyone has their Potassium Iodide Tabs, right? #100987
03/31/2011 07:32 AM
03/31/2011 07:32 AM
Joined: Feb 2002
Posts: 3,469
Philistine Occupied CA
Imagrunt Offline
Imagrunt  Offline

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Posts: 3,469
Philistine Occupied CA
Sea salt, seaweed, and other vegetable sources of iodine assimilate quickly, and also provide health benefits beyond radiation protection.

I would gladly lay aside the use of arms and settle matters by negotiation, but unless the whole will, the matter ends, and I take up my battle rifle, and thank God that He has put it within my grasp.

Audit Fort Knox!
Re: So everyone has their Potassium Iodide Tabs, right? #100988
03/31/2011 07:37 AM
03/31/2011 07:37 AM
Joined: Jun 2003
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Tyler County, TX
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Texas Resistance  Offline
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Joined: Jun 2003
Posts: 3,347
Tyler County, TX
Yes, iodine is an essential nutrient but from those sources you could not get enough iodine to block radio active iodine from you thyroid.

www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper

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