First of all, I have never let myself get to a point of being out of shape,(I guess I'm one of those that someone like stallone would call a "trainer", I instruct H2H, karate, self defence, etc).
But for those that have gotten to a point that they noticably need work, understand that your "Resolve" and "Determination" to correct the situation must be "Double Timed". This is 'battle #1'. Because if you cannot find this within yourself, you will evenually give up and go back to planting your 'potato on the couch'!(This giving up may tend to anger me... don't make me waste my time... ! )
The second thing that one needs to do is accurately ascess their own condition.
Go for a one mile walk, dressed correctly for the weather, and keep track of the time that it takes you to calmly walk with a steady pace, this one mile. Then check your pulse twice during this walk, halfway and at the end. If at any time your pulse is above 30 in 15 seconds or 120 per min... go down to the shoe store and pick up some good "Hiking Boots" because you are going to be doing some serious mileage for the next few months! If your pulse is much higher than that or you can't finish this first mile, instead of the shoe store, hit-up the bicycle shop,(you're still going to do some serious mileage!). It's your own damned fault
"tato-boy", now get off your butt!
If you can finish this first mile with a somewhere near normal pulse, pat yourself on the back,(or have someone do it for you, if you can't reach it), don't get cocky, you haven't started yet!
You need to start getting 8 hrs of sleep every night, not 6 or less, not 10 or more... eight hours! Just shut up and do it!
Then you need to start eating "right", and that damned sure don't mean everything in sight just because you can chew and drink it well!
Start eating plenty of vegatables,(especially greens), some meat, some grains, etc. Don't bother with "Diets" because all you have to do is drop the "T&S" in Diets and you can see where they will lead you! Just eat a well portioned, balanced regiment of food and never forget that "Hunger is
60% THIRST", drink plenty of "Water", fruit juices, vegatable juices, soups, ect. "ALCOHOL" Ain't a "JUICE"! (Don't start screwing around now or you are done before you even start! That means no sugar coated crap of any kind... you should have been thinking about this a long time ago!
If you can "walk" without having a stroke, start doing 5 miles per day... every day.(Don't you dare give me any back-talk, you ain't running or carring a 50 pound pack on this 5 mile 'walk'... yet!)
Start stretching out for 15 mins when you wake up in the morning and 15 mins before you go to bed,(and don't forget to "BREATH" correctly... blue most likely
ain't your color!).
Keep close attention to your breathing, it needs to be in and out through your nose and steady with any pace that you do in any workout that you take on. Concentrate!
(BTW, please don't get your back up over the wise-cracks and the delivery of this post, I was just trying to be a bit 'playful' in an "R. Lee Ermey" sort of way...

Never Use Any Kind of Chemical or Drugs to get in shape, it's too much like trying to comb your hair with a .45 pistol! Vitamin and Vitamin Supplements are ok, but mostly only C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc, Etc. With a thyroid situation, you most likely need these any way. Using "drugs" can be too much like building a bigger chemical imballance than you already may have, you ain't no Dr... so do it right or don't do it at all.
Since I can't "see you from my house", tell me what I'm working with from here.