I picked up an old box wood stove today for 75 bucks. Been looking at moving to wood heat during the day and then just burning oil at night like my parents house. The area of the house I am going to place it is 18 feet to the ceiling. I was thinking that lenght of stove pipe will add to the warming of my house as I have an open loft setup for the second story.
I saw on youtube that this one guy hooked up brass pipe to the outside of his stove pipe to heat water as well.
Has anyone else used such a long stove pipe?
Plus, has anyone rigged up any mehtod to pull outside air into the stove so it does not pull cold air into your home? Is it safe to pull air from your crawl space?
My wife thinks I am going to burn down the house. Even when she knows my parents house has been using one for 30 years now.
![[Linked Image]](http://images.craigslist.org/11b1f4147ZZZZZZZZZ8aif30f0c4da4541d8c.jpg)