WW3 predictions
12/04/2006 11:14 PM
12/04/2006 11:14 PM
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If you dont mined I would like people to place ther predictions on how and who of what will happen in WW3. Ill start off with mine....
China, near futur launch's 3 new satlites capable of shielding EMP blasts. Mounths after ther new satlites are deployed china decides to take ther first step into the premptive strike. They start by launching a large amount of EMP missles into the earths outer space to take out as many satlites as possible, at the same time they land a marine force to capture the panama canal and lays out a string of ambush submarines all along the southern tips of africa and south america. Not long after this Iran invades invades afganistan and pakistan. the united states go's on full alert and deploy's naval battle groups to japan and hawaii, china anticipated this move and slices our achilis heel (our top dwelling navy) with submarine strikes destroying 50% of the pacific naval fleet. (keep in mined that china has the 3rd largest submarine force in the world and they are silent runners-kiloclass) China deploys 15 million troops suported by mixed devisions from Korea, vietnam, mongolia and cambodia to cut india in half and a marine force of 50,000 or so to take shrilanka and the southern tip of india in a pincer movment to regroupe with the spearhead. After achieving this objective china now has a wide open door to the gulf and the worlds oil. (America is not yet fully in the conflict due to being temporarely blinded and crippled in the pacific)China reach's the gulf and is welcomed by the muslim leaders and is given safe passage to the southern boarder of americas allie (turkey)wher America, Greece, Germany, France, italy and spain have been massing support devisions to defend Turkey in what they will call operation linbacker 4 or somthing. England will mass a few devisions to help isriel defend coastal ports. From this point you could pretty much guess but i belive it wouldnt be nuclear for along time. Also i think russia, and Ukrain would stay out of it, china would have enough on ther plate. Australia wouldnt have any impact on the war at all. This is a prediction, not a fact on what would happen but i think some of the things i listed would happen.
remember the batard bastards of bastogne
Re: WW3 predictions
12/05/2006 03:34 AM
12/05/2006 03:34 AM
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It may start over invasion of Taiwan. Then, again, we may not bat an eye over Taiwan.
II Cor 5:21
Re: WW3 predictions
12/05/2006 05:28 PM
12/05/2006 05:28 PM
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Tahawus, Yes they do make alot of trade goods for the US but china doesn't believe in 1 world superpower and they are eager to test american capabilities. Just recently ther was a kilo class red china submarine shadowing an american kitty class aircraft carrier for many days, it was spotted by a cargo helicpoter landing. These subs are so silent that we had to spot it by eye. Also if you read pentagon reports a chinese diplomat said "America's achilies heel is ther top dwelling navy" and its kind of right. China is focusing all of ther energy of the navy program into submarine technology, a large submerged navy that is very silent. If you think 911 was bad wait till we lose 1/3 or 1/2 of a carrier strike force. Domination of the entire worlds oceans will be open to nothing but submarines looking for eachother like 2 blined mutes. Maby they see it as a weakness to rely on american for food and alot more other things, My friend told me that china doesn't have the recorses for a large scale war........i said have you ever thought about the spoils of war? taking and obsorbing suplies as they take each country, the germans did in ww2 and they lived very good with lots of luxuries captured from other countries. China has a new tank out like the M1/M2 abrahms, its called the type 98 and even has a lazer defence system to avoid lazer guided munitions. China has lazer guided bombs, 1 of ther bombers kinda resembles the B-52 and can drop multiple lazer guided bombs and has multiple target lock systems. China is rising my friend and curently growing faster then any other country, in 2010 they will have the largest sub force in the world. the list go's on and on but they wouldnt achieve victory alone no matter how big ther population/army so i cant pin point it but they would have to have other countries involved.
remember the batard bastards of bastogne
Re: WW3 predictions
12/06/2006 12:48 PM
12/06/2006 12:48 PM
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The Greywolf
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No body needs to do anything, we are going to collapes just like the roman empire. It will happen because we are to busy having fun, looking pretty, buying crap we don't need. If you read about the rise and fall of the roman empire, it's a guide to the destruction of the USA. Now I don't mean the country won't exist, I mean a different country will exist, facist or communist like.
I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.
Jimmy Greywolf
Re: WW3 predictions
12/07/2006 01:13 PM
12/07/2006 01:13 PM
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I hope your right Doc, But when I see the people's reactions to the news, then the next thing they talk about is Brittney Sprears not wearing underware, I wonder??
I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.
Jimmy Greywolf
Re: WW3 predictions
02/22/2007 05:26 PM
02/22/2007 05:26 PM
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I know what you are saying. You think it is bad as an adult? I'm 14, I have to hang out with all these idiots who Brittany Spears IS the news. Half of them don't even know where China is...you see these people and wonder, is this our future? Sitting around wondering in suspense which "star" is going to shave some part of their body or forget some piece of clothing? It is sickening to look at this generation, I wish I was born 70 or so years ago....this generation is stupid.
-Colt. B.
Re: WW3 predictions
02/26/2007 06:04 PM
02/26/2007 06:04 PM
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PArt of this posts goes towards Colts statement,but its a rant that I KNEW was coming on soon.If it doesnt fit,mods please move it to where it DOES fit.thank you. The majority of the generation isnt STUPID Colt,they are just BLIND to what is going on because all their lives they were fed the whole cock and bull story of the government is there to HELP us,PROTECT us,WORK to make life easier and work WITH us never AGAINST us.Look at my fiancee,she called me nuts when I walked in the house the other day with a case of 7.62x39 FMJ and a new tac vest.I asked why she said that,her reply was that there is no reason for it,we dont have to worry about the war coming home the GOVERNMENT will fight the wars and protect us.I went into a greatly detailed rant about how the government is at war with our freedom and our rights and how all they want to do is basically make us their slaves in a matter of speaking.She believed nothing about the national ID and those RFID chips either.After going to the computer to print out over 100 pages involving those subjects and more.She came down asked what I was doing and started talking about how Brittany Spears shaved her head.....(yes,Im 19 she is 18 so it is THE news to her)I gave her the papers to read and she almost had a stroke after reading it all.Her eyes are slowly opening to the NWO and such but all it takes is WORK and lots of it to get people to understand.Hell,her parents hate me because I own an AK-47 and built an M-4 style rifle for my buddy.They said to me,and I quote (yes they are fans of the tremors series movies) "Who the hell do you think you are?Burt Gummer? You're a crazy para-military paranoid.SO is anyone who believes that $h!T"Most people are just blind to the whole concept because it is too complex for them to understand after years of hearing all the cock and bull stories fed to them.But yes,some people are just plain STUPID. Anyway,thats what NEWS is today Colt.Brittany Spears shaved her head so the world will end because of it.I was watching CNN and the "news" for almost an hour that I was watching it was what the hollywood stars were wearing to the oscars. The world sucks today,and will continue to get worse.We will always be looked upon as paranoid anti-government/anti-american para-military psychopaths bent on the destruction of the governemt and the country while weilding full auto machine guns and high explosives and kill or threaten everyone who isnt like us.(yea thats taking it a little far as to what we are thoguth to be,but with some people Ive talked to you would be suprised.)Until the SHTF and the people who called us crazy come running to us saying "HELP US,we were wrong about you all and we are SOOO sorry."The actions of few,create consequences and reprecussions for many.Now there are those who KNOW we are not like that and all we want is to have the freedom that our forefathers intended and to live in a country that is run by people who are not dead set on filling their wallet at the cost of burying the constitution and everything else.But most think we are nuts and should be put in a pink padded room for life. *end rant,sorry but I needed to rant about that.* HEY,did you hear about what carmen electra was wearing??  sorry,I had to do it... -copperhead OUT-
RED WHITE BLUE.3 colors that dont run.NEITHER DO I.
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Re: WW3 predictions
02/26/2007 07:35 PM
02/26/2007 07:35 PM
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Originally posted by Copperhead: [QB]The majority of the generation isnt STUPID Colt,they are just BLIND No, they're stupid. Seventeen year olds that are functionally illiterate, and LIKE it that way. And it's been done on purpose. Other than that, I agree with most of what you say. I do gotta ask though, what in the HELL are you thinking, getting married at 19? Or maybe I should ask, when is the due date?
Insert something witty here
Re: WW3 predictions
02/26/2007 11:25 PM
02/26/2007 11:25 PM
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Wyrm,In my area most are just blind,but like I said,Yes there are some that are just plain STUPID,and YES,it has been done on purpose.
As for the other half of your post: We are engaged at this time,its gonna be a while before we get married,not one of those lets run off to vegas and get it over with type deals. And no,you need not ask about a due date,because She isnt pregnant NOW or BEFORE we got engaged,nor will she be for a while. -copperhead out-
RED WHITE BLUE.3 colors that dont run.NEITHER DO I.
FEAR is NOT in my vocabulary.
Fight free or Die a slave.
Re: WW3 predictions
03/01/2007 02:21 AM
03/01/2007 02:21 AM
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Communists 10; conservatives 0
Game over
II Cor 5:21
Re: WW3 predictions
03/01/2007 10:24 AM
03/01/2007 10:24 AM
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They weren't born stupid. They government and media has made them that way. They have poisoned their minds so much that for all practical purposes they are stupid. They have been surrounded by so much propaganda and have been told it is right for so long that in most cases I see no hope of recovery. I live with these people I know how they are, they have been taught this from such a young age that they know no other way and are not able to see anything else.
They may have a fine IQ but as far as thinking logically about the real world, their intelligence in that area is none. In that area they have been taught to be stupid.
Another thing, I think the only reason your....fiancii?...I can't spell French words, sorry. The only reason I think she came around is because she trusts you. It is the same with my grandma, I do a lot for her and spend a lot of time with her. If she sees something on TV the evil Republicans are explaining why it is right she discredits it because of the R next to their name. If I sit down and explain things one step at a time, explaining why the other way is wrong and why this way is right she will begin to see. I say the same things the other people due, it is a matter of trust. She has been "taught" not to trust them, she trusts me and will agree...it is all a matter of relation.
-Colt. B.
Re: WW3 predictions
03/01/2007 11:05 AM
03/01/2007 11:05 AM
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Wait, are you talking about me GreyWolf? What do you think I am confused about.... I don't feel confused, I can normally tell if I am confused.
-Colt. B.
Re: WW3 predictions
03/01/2007 11:32 AM
03/01/2007 11:32 AM
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The Greywolf
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No Colt, I'm not talking about you, I am talking about your generation and a few before you. You must have had some guidance from someone, I mean your here aren't you. The standard young person from 12 up to 25 has no clue whats going on around them. Unless you count what's hot in L.A. or music wise. Ask ten people who you know that are just normal people in that age group, Who is the sec of defense or state. if you would, then come back to this thread and tell us the results. It will surpise you. But again I am not talking about anyone smart enough to be researching in this forum or any other forum. You have to research whats out there before you can choose what you believe.I am one of those people who believe that if they check around they see that the truth is here. you just gotta find it.
I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.
Jimmy Greywolf
Re: WW3 predictions
03/02/2007 08:12 PM
03/02/2007 08:12 PM
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Colt you remind me of myself,I started to get involde when I was 15,and I'm 36 now. I'm proud of you, that you decide to be a thinking individual.And not part of the me think of my selve only,sheeple,pure democrating thinking herd animal. Never give up and always search out the True and have the courage to act responcible, when needed. Long live the Republic,Death to the new world order. 419